How do you know you are hard of hearing?

Abnormal hearing can be determined by physical examination, subjective examination, objective examination, and cranial imaging.

1. Physical examination: Doctors can observe the patient's ear canal to determine whether there is earwax, ear inflammation, bone abnormality, and other diseases that may cause hearing impairment.

2. Subjective examination: This includes auditory examinations such as tuning fork examination, speech recognition, pure tone test, etc. The examination is simple and quick, and can determine most of the patient's auditory abnormalities, such as hearing loss, auditory allergy, and tinnitus.

3. Objective examination: that is, examination with the help of medical equipment, including cochlea electrogram, auditory brainstem evoked response threshold, etc., with more accurate and reliable results.

4. Cranial imaging: It can be used to determine the cause of hearing abnormality through skull base radiography and cranial CT to understand whether the patient has intracranial infection, ear canal abnormality, and so on.