Medical device storage places should have the appropriate what measures

Air-conditioning, temperature and humidity meter. Warehouse should be equipped with facilities and equipment and devices that meet the requirements of the scale and scope of operation and function well. Mainly include: light, ventilation, dust, moisture, insects, rodents, birds, pollution prevention equipment and devices; fire safety facilities; temperature and humidity monitoring and regulating equipment; lighting equipment in line with the requirements of safe electricity. The medical devices in the warehouse should be classified and stacked centrally according to batches, with spacing between the stacks; there is spacing or isolation measures between the stacks and the floor, ceiling, walls, facilities, equipment and devices in the warehouse area. Uniform implementation of color-coded management: divided into areas to be inspected and returned (yellow), qualified products area and shipping area (green), non-conforming products area (red). Corresponding position card records are true and complete traceability.