Ellipsoidal head is also called ellipsoidal head, ellipsoidal head is a head composed of two parts, namely, rotating ellipsoidal sphere and cylindrical straight section. Its role is 1. pipeline to the end, not ready to now extend, with the head welded to the pipe, as an end to use. 2. used in the pressure vessel, the upper and lower each have a head, the center is a straight pipe section, as a pressure vessel tank. The ellipsoidal head whose ratio of long and short axes of rotating ellipsoidal spherical bus is 2.0 is customarily called standard ellipsoidal head. The mechanical properties of ellipsoidal head are second only to hemispherical head, but superior to disk-shaped head. Since the depth of ellipsoidal head is between hemispherical head and disk-shaped head, the requirements for stamping equipment and mold, manufacturing difficulty are also between the two, i.e. easier than hemispherical head and more difficult than disk-shaped head. In recent years, due to the adoption of spinning manufacturing process, it is convenient to manufacture large diameter ellipsoidal head. Ellipsoidal head is widely used in medium and low pressure vessels because of better comprehensive performance.