Research Projects of Zhou Daming

1) "Social Anthropology and Field Research in South China", General Project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the China Social Science Foundation, 1996-1998.

2) "Tracking Study of Phoenix Village", 1996-1997, funded by the Foundation for Advanced Academic Research of Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong. 1996-1998 "Social Anthropology and Field Research in South China", General Project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the Chinese Social Science Foundation, 1996.

2) 1996-1997 "Tracing Research on Phoenix Village", sponsored by the Foundation for Advanced Academic Research, Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong.

3) Chairing "Research on the Communities in the Urban-Rural Interface of Guangzhou: A Traceability Study of Nanjing Village", General Project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of Guangzhou Social Science Foundation, 1997.

4) Chairing "The Cultural Relationship between Macao Ethnic Groups and the Province of Macao", General Project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of Guangzhou Social Science Foundation. Study on the Cultural Relationship between Macao Ethnic Groups and Macao Province", sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Department of Macao, 1996,

5) Rethinking "Han": A Study on the Interaction of Lingnan Ethnic Groups, sponsored by the CCK Foundation.


1998-2001 "Clans, Township Enterprises, and Changes in Rural Power Structures," with Dr. Greg Guldin, funded by the LUCE Foundation, U.S." The Clan Elder, The Entrepeneur and the Cadre: Emerging Power Sharing in the Countryside".


1) Chairing 2000-2002 "Research on Biogenetic Diversity and Regional Culture of Ethnic Groups in Southwest China", General Project of the Ninth Five-Year Plan of China Social Science Foundation, 2000.

2) Chairing World Bank's World Bank's World Bank's World Bank's Bio-genetic Diversity and Regional Culture Project, 2000.

2) Chairing the Social Evaluation of the World Bank Loan for Highway No.2 and Bundled Projects in Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province and the World Bank Project.

3) Chairing the "Entrepreneurial Oral History Research" sponsored by Guangdong Development Research Institute, Sun Yat-sen University, 2000.


1) Social Assessment of the World Bank Loan Sheep Integration Development, Ministry of Agriculture and World Bank Project.

2) Chaired the Social Assessment of Integrated Agricultural Modernization in Jiangxi Province for World Bank Loan, Jiangxi Province and World Bank Project.


1) Chairing Anthropological Methods and Participatory Assessment, Ministry of Education Project. Fieldwork in Tibet

2) Major Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University: Seeking Development of Endogenous Sources - Western Development and Ethnic Culture

3) Chaired the Social Assessment of the World Bank Loan Anhui Highway Project II, Anhui Province and the World Bank

4) Chaired the World Bank Loan Anhui Poverty Alleviation Assessment for the World Bank Loan Anhui Highway Project II

5) Chairing the World Bank Loan Pearl River Delta Environmental Development "Scattered Labor Survey"

6) Naji, Guangxi

7) World Bank Loan Pearl River Delta Environmental Development - Water Resources Assessment

8) World Bank Loan Pearl River Delta Environmental Development - Water Resources Assessment Water Resources Assessment

8) Monitoring and Evaluation of the World Bank Poverty Alleviation Loan in Gansu

9) Agricultural High-Tech Market Evaluation in Yangling, Shaanxi


1) hosted the Social Assessment of Basic Education in Western China in February, and did fieldwork in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, Guangxi Province, Sichuan Province, and Ningxia

2) hosted a summary assessment of poverty alleviation in southwest China in April, and conducted a survey in Guizhou's Qianxi Province. Chairing the Poverty Alleviation Summary Evaluation in Guizhou Qiannan Prefecture in April, doing fieldwork

3) Chairing the Sun Yat-sen University SARS and Social Opinion Research Project in April-May

4) Chairing the social assessment of the Dashadi Sewage Treatment Project in Guangzhou

5) Chairing the China Agricultural Science and Technology Promotion Program in July, doing social assessment in Shaanxi

6) October Hosted the social assessment of China's Integrated Community Development Program in poor villages, and conducted fieldwork in Yunnan, Guangxi, and Sichuan


1) National Social Science Foundation Project "Research on Casual Labor on the Southeast Coast of China"

2) Key Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education. Major Project "Ethnic Groups and Cultures in the Pearl River Basin"

3) External Monitoring of Migrants in Guangzhou Sewage Treatment Project

4) Qinghai Provincial Government's 11th Five-Year Plan Bidding Project: Human-Centered and Harmonious Development of Humanity and Nature.


1) Social Assessment of the World Bank Loan Jiangxi Province Phase III Highway Project;

2) Social Assessment of the World Bank Loan Guiyang City Urban and Rural Road Network Construction and Improvement Project;

3) Project of Creating Educational Readings on the Provincial Situation in Guangdong Province;