Xiqing Development Zone Saidahuiya Industrial Park 6-B belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the Xiqing Development Area Saida Huiya Industrial Park No. 6-B is located in Tianjin, Tianjin Xiqing District (Xiqing Development Area Saida Huiya Industrial Park No. 6-B), as of now, there are 10 enterprises in the park ****, including the Tinghua Instrument (Tianjin) Limited, Tianjin Huayang Intelligent Equipment Co.

Xiqing Development Area Saida Huiya Industrial Park 6-B No. 20% of the enterprises in the distribution of professional and technical services, 20% of the distribution of the instrumentation manufacturing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million include Tinghua Instruments (Tianjin) Co., Ltd, Tianjin Huayang Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd, Tianjin Bangbang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, Fidelity (Tianjin) Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing Co.

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