Warcraft Nostalgia Service Computer Configuration Is Very High Knowing

Nostalgia service computer configuration?

CPU intel core i59400f (9th generation)


Motherboard ASUS B365M-K

Memory ADATA 8G2666

Graphics card INFINITUM GTX10302G

Storage Western Digital 250GnvmeM.2 Blue Disk

Chassis Xingu Turing N5

Power supply Antec BP400

World of Warcraft Nostalgia PC configuration requirements?

World of Warcraft Nostalgia PC Minimum Configuration

Operating System windows7/windows1064bit

CPUintei Core 2 Duo E6600|AMD Epsilon X38750

Graphics NVIDIAGeForce8800GT512MB|AMDReadonHD4850

Graphics NVIDIAGeForce8800GT512MB|AMDReadonHD4850

We have a lot of work to do. AMDReadonHD4850512MB

2GB of RAM (4GB required for integrated graphics)

5GB of free space on the hard drive

Input Mouse KeyboardNo other input devices supported

Resolution 1024x768

How many computers are needed for Warcraft Nostalgia?

2 dual-boot, bricking and brushing gold is very tiring, the electricity bill is also quite a lot, the graphics card is also expensive