What is the classification of the industry to which the enterprise belongs to divide
What is the classification of the industry to which the enterprise belongs to divide, there are many industries in the society, there are animal husbandry, the service industry, the financial industry and so on, then the following I share an article on the classification of the industry to which the enterprise belongs to divide the relevant information, take a look at it together!
What is the industrial classification of enterprises to divide 1
How to determine the enterprise (unit) belongs to the National Economic Industry Classification
First, the division of the industrial classification is based on - Homogeneity of economic activities
National Economic Industry Classification is based on the unit (or worker) engaged in economic activities. In general, a unit has at least two types of economic activities, one is the external provision of products or services, and one is to ensure the normal operation of the unit engaged in internal activities. A unit of activities provided externally is often not a single, there are primary and secondary activities.
(a) major activities
When a unit engaged in more than two kinds of external economic activities, accounting for the largest share of the unit's value-added activities for the major activities.
● No matter how many activities a unit engages in externally, there is only one main activity.
● In practice, it is more difficult to determine the share of value added of the unit's activities, then the main activity can be determined according to the share of annual operating income or employees.
(ii) Secondary activities
When a unit is engaged in more than two types of economic activities externally, all economic activities other than the primary activity are secondary activities.
● Secondary activities are those (external) activities that do not account for the largest share of the unit's value added.
● There are secondary activities only if the unit is engaged in two or more activities externally.
(iii) Ancillary activities
While primary and secondary activities vary greatly for different units, ancillary activities are similar and universal. Ancillary activities generally include:
● water, electricity and gas supply activities;
● procurement of materials and equipment activities;
● sales of enterprise products;
● delivery of goods and personnel activities;
● inventory management of materials and equipment activities;
● communications and network management activities.
●Computer management activities;
●Repair and maintenance activities of machines and equipment;
●Financial management activities;
●Personnel management activities;
●Safety supervision activities;
●Unit cleaning and maintenance activities, etc.
Second, the National Economic Industry Classification of 'unit types
In statistical surveys and management, the commonly used types of units are legal entities and industrial activity units.
Note: Legal entities and industrial activity units must simultaneously meet the conditions listed.
Two forms of legal entity:
(a) single-industry legal entity: only a place of business, engaged in one or mainly engaged in one economic activity, the legal entity is also an industrial activity unit.
(ii) multi-industry legal entity: engaged in more than one economic activity, or is located in more than one place of activity, and can provide information on their respective business situation and financial income and expenditure of the legal entity.
Third, the hierarchical division of national economic industry classification
National economic industry classification standards in accordance with the principle of homogeneity, the whole society's economic activities are divided into four levels of categories, categories, medium and small categories. Among them, the categories are coded in English letters, and the large, medium and small categories are coded in Arabic numerals. The specific code structure of each level, to general hospitals (Q8411), for example,
What is the industry classification of the enterprise belongs to the division 2How to determine the nature of the company and the industry to which it belongs?
The nature of the company is based on the capitalization of the situation to determine, you can set up a limited company, can also be a joint-stock company, depending on the composition of the contributors, belonging to the industry of the industry this industrial and commercial bureau will come to determine.
The specific needs of the law for different categories of enterprises, such as the conditions for the establishment of the establishment, the establishment of the program, the internal organization to form the enterprise. The main categories of enterprises are: joint venture, wholly owned, state-owned, private, national ownership, collective ownership, shareholding, limited liability and so on.
The property of the enterprise by two or more contributors *** with the capital, and in the form of shares and constitute the enterprise. China's joint-stock enterprises mainly refers to the joint-stock limited company and limited liability companies (including wholly state-owned companies) two forms of organization.
Certain state-owned, collective, private and other economic organizations, although operating in the form of shareholding, but not in accordance with the relevant established restructuring norms of the company law, not to share limited liability company or limited liability company registration, is still in accordance with the nature of the original ownership of the economy under the economic category.
1, limited liability company
The establishment of the shareholders by less than 50 capital, each shareholder with its contribution to the amount of capital contributed to the company with limited liability, the company's legal person with all its assets to the company's debts to assume full responsibility for the economic organization. This type is more suitable for entrepreneurial business type, most of the investment and financing programs, VIE structure, etc. are based on the design of the limited liability company.
2, limited liability company
By the promoters of more than 2 people less than 200 people, the company's entire capital for the equivalent of the shares, the shareholders of the shares held by the limit of the company's responsibility.
If I want to register a company, how to determine the nature of the company and the industry to which it belongs?
The nature of the company is based on the capital contribution to determine, you can set up a limited company, can also be a joint-stock company, depending on the composition of the contributors, belonging to the industry, this industry will be determined by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau;
"Belonging to the industry" - -Fill in the industry categorization, such as mining, manufacturing, services, construction, distribution, research and development .......
"Nature of the unit" - fill in the attributes of the unit, such as state-owned, private, joint-stock, joint-stock cooperative, social public ****, social welfare .......
"Competent Authority or General Organization" - fill in the higher competent authority, such as the government, URA, XX Gold Corporation, XX Group Company, Health Bureau, Education Bureau ... ....
Industry to which the advertising company belongs
It is the service industry If your company is a limited company, there are eight types of taxes to be paid in one ****
Tax Type Levy Item
Individual Income Tax Wage and Salary Income
Enterprise Income Tax Enterprise Income Tax
Business Tax Other
What is the nature of the property company's provident fund unit and the industry to which it belongs?
The housing fund management center (hereinafter referred to as the management center) belongs to the business unit, is in accordance with the "State Council on the revision of the decision" (State Council Decree No. 350) decision, approved by the Municipal People's Government, in the municipal housing fund management center on the basis of the reorganization of the institutions and personnel after the formation of the establishment of the
The property company belongs to the industry program code
According to GB/T 4754 - 2002 industry division standard, property management belongs to the real estate industry of the tertiary industry (real estate industry: industry program code 72), property management corresponding industry program code 7220, property management industry description: refers to the property management enterprises in accordance with the contract agreement, the property professional repair, maintenance, management, and the environment within the relevant area, public ********. The property management company, in accordance with the contract, carries out specialized repair, maintenance and management of the property, as well as the management of the environment and public **** order in the relevant area, and provides related service activities.
What is the industry of a rolling mill?
Generally speaking, industries are divided into the following categories: Insurance Mining, Energy Catering, Hotels Telecommunications Real Estate Service Industries Clothing and Apparel Public Benefit Organizations Advertising Aerospace Chemistry, Chemicals Health, Wellness Construction Education, Training Computers Metals Smelting Police, Firefighters Military Accountants Beauty, Fitness Media, Publishing Timber, Paper Retail, Wholesale Agriculture Tourism Judicial, Lawyers Drivers Sports Academic Research Performing Arts and Entertainment Medical Services Art, Design Banking, Finance Internet Music and Dance Postal Delivery Transportation Government Machinery Manufacturing Consulting Services
Rolling steel, if it includes metallurgy, should be in the Metals Smelting category
If it is just rolling steel, it should be in the Machinery Manufacturing category
Specific measures are as follows:
1, the unified procurement and distribution of materials
Hangzhou indoor home improvement company to ensure the quality of the project, first of all, the first gate of materials, unified procurement, unified distribution, and resolutely put an end to the emergence of counterfeit and shoddy materials
2, the construction process of quality control tracking
Hangzhou professional interior decoration and design of the interior to take the whole process of tracking system, all hidden defects and problems in advance to solve the problem of the first stage of the project. All hidden dangers and problems solved in advance
3, hidden works acceptance
Hidden works due to its special nature, so the indoor home decoration phone to take two acceptance, first by the company's quality inspection department for acceptance, and then by the customer acceptance signature recognition
4, engineering acceptance
The first for the project midterm acceptance, in the carpentry work and other main works completed, the second in the project completion, and the second in the project completion, and then the customer acceptance signature recognition
4, engineering acceptance
First for the project acceptance, in the carpentry work and other main works completed, and the first time in the middle of the construction process. The second time in the completion of the project, the first by the Hangzhou interior decoration effect of the quality inspection department for the overall acceptance, found that the problem, corrected in a timely manner, to ensure that the customer's final acceptance of the qualified through
What is the industry classification of the enterprise is divided into 3The manufacturing industry classification of the industry to which the enterprise belongs to the following:
01, the agricultural and non-agricultural food processing industry <
02, food manufacturing industry
03, wine, beverages and refined tea manufacturing industry
04, tobacco products industry
05, textile industry
06, textile clothing and apparel industry
07, leather, fur, feathers and their products and shoemaking
08, wood processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm, grass products industry p>
09, furniture manufacturing p>
10, paper and paper products industry p>
11, printing and recording media reproduction industry p>
12, literature and education, industry and the arts, sports and recreational goods manufacturing p>
13, petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing industry p>
14, chemical raw materials and chemicals manufacturing p>
p p>
15, pharmaceutical manufacturing
16, chemical fiber manufacturing
17, rubber and plastic products industry
18, non-metallic mineral products industry
19, ferrous metal smelting and calendering industry
20, non-ferrous metal smelting and calendering industry
21, Metal Products Industry
22, General Equipment Manufacturing
23, Special Purpose Equipment Manufacturing
24, Automobile Manufacturing
25, Railway, Shipbuilding, Aerospace and Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
26, Electrical Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
27, Computer, Telecommunications and Other Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
28, instrumentation manufacturing
29, other manufacturing
30, the comprehensive utilization of waste resources
31, metal products, machinery and equipment repair industry
Manufacturing refers to the era of mechanical industry on the manufacture of resources (materials, energy, equipment, tools, capital, technology, information and manpower, etc.), in accordance with the market requirements, through the manufacturing process. Market requirements, through the manufacturing process, into a large tool for people to use and utilize, industrial products and consumer products industry. Manufacturing industry directly reflects the productivity level of a country and is an important factor distinguishing developing and developed countries, and manufacturing industry occupies an important share in the national economy of developed countries in the world. According to the material form used in production, manufacturing industry can be divided into discrete manufacturing industry and process manufacturing industry. Manufacturing includes: product manufacturing, design, procurement of raw materials, warehousing and transportation, order processing, wholesale operations, retail. In enterprises (units) mainly engaged in product manufacturing, the assembly and installation activities of machinery and equipment for product sales.