How do you protect against nuclear radiation? Where can I buy protection?

Nuclear radiation is generally radiation, mainly including X-rays, γ-rays, α-surface contamination, β-surface contamination, there is great harm to the human body, so that the body's cells are inhibited, damage, or even death, induced genetic mutations, increase the chances of cancer, so in the encounter with nuclear radiation should be as short as possible to shorten the time of irradiation, away from the source of radiation, especially pay attention to the shielding; in and out of the nuclear contaminated areas, to wear ray When entering or leaving a nuclear-contaminated area, wear a ray-protective suit (lead jacket).

Beijing Aoxid Technology Co., Ltd. mainly produces and sells various types of radiation protective clothing (ray protective clothing, lead clothing), can effectively shield the ray of harm to the human body, but please note that the market radiation clothing (mainly maternity wear) can only play a role in shielding electromagnetic waves and can not play a role in shielding the function of nuclear radiation (ionizing radiation), you need to buy a special shielding of ionizing radiation clothing (lead clothing), my company has produced a special shielding of ionizing radiation (lead clothing), my company has produced a special shielding of ionizing radiation (lead clothing). lead suit), my company has been producing and selling for many years, if you need, welcome to call my username!