What role do meteorological satellites and weather radar play in typhoon monitoring and forecasting?

Release of radio sounders, the use of balloons carrying instruments that can measure air pressure, air temperature, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed at all levels of altitude, and the automatic sending out of radio telegrams to detect all kinds of meteorological conditions at high altitudes.

Use an airplane to carry all the necessary instruments to detect whether a typhoon is occurring in an area where a typhoon is likely to occur. After a typhoon occurs, you can also traverse the typhoon in all directions and at all altitudes to detect various phenomena in the field.

Weather station forecasters analyze typhoon trends, landfall locations and times based on the various data obtained, and promptly issue typhoon forecasts, typhoon contingency reports or emergency warnings, which serve the public through television, radio and other media, and provide a basis for decision-making by governments at all levels. The release of typhoon forecasts or emergency reports is an important measure to mitigate typhoon disasters.

Satellites can predict atmospheric circulation, temperature, topography, typhoon location, intensity, sea water temperature, subtropical high pressure, etc.~

Without satellite prediction, we can only listen to God's will. Although the predictions are sometimes inaccurate, it gives us time to prepare for future typhoons and minimize damage

The experimental data and operational experience gained provide meaningful data for subsequent satellite development and management. Fengyun-1A is China's first sun-synchronous orbit, indicating that China has become one of the few countries in the world capable of developing, launching and operating meteorological satellites on its own.

FY-1C operates in a 901-kilometer sun-synchronous polar orbit. The satellite has a design life of three years. The satellite's main remote sensor is a very high-resolution visible-infrared scanner, with the number of channels increased from 5 in Fengyun 1A B to 10 with a resolution of 1100 meters. The remote sensing data acquired by the satellite are mainly used for weather forecasting and environmental monitoring, such as vegetation, ice and snow cover, floods and forest fires. The Fengyun-1 (FY-1C) satellite has been officially listed in the World Meteorological Organization's sequence of polar-orbiting meteorological satellites in world operation because of the stability of its on-orbit operation and the accuracy of the data it acquires, making it the first Chinese satellite to be included in the world's meteorological operation.

Fengyun-1 meteorological satellite is China's first transmission polar orbit remote sensing satellite. Its main task is to obtain atmospheric, cloud, land and ocean data at home and abroad, and collect relevant data for weather forecasting, climate prediction, natural disasters and global environmental monitoring.