Essay on preventive medicine after reading

I. Understanding the basic knowledge of AIDS: 1. AIDS is a serious infectious disease with a very high morbidity and mortality rate, for which there is no cure, but it can be prevented. The full name of the medical AIDS "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" (abbreviated AIDS), is caused by the AIDS virus (human immunodeficiency virus - HIV) caused by a vaccine is not yet available, there is no effective cure and a very high death rate of serious infectious diseases.  After invading the human body, HIV destroys the body's immune function and causes a variety of incurable infections and tumors, eventually leading to death by exhaustion.  HIV has a weak resistance to the external environment and can only survive for a few hours to a few days at room temperature after leaving the human body. High temperatures, dryness, and commonly used disinfectant drugs can kill the virus.  Antibodies to HIV can be detected in the blood only after 4-8 weeks of HIV infection, but are contagious before they can be detected. The blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, and wound exudate of HIV-infected people contain large amounts of HIV and are highly contagious.  It takes an average of 7-10 years (incubation period) for a person infected with HIV to develop AIDS. Until they develop AIDS they look normal on the outside and can live and work for many years without any symptoms, but are able to transmit the virus to others.  When the immune system of an HIV-infected person is so damaged by the virus that it is unable to maintain a minimum level of resistance to the disease, the infected person develops into an AIDS patient with unexplained chronic low-grade fever, weight loss, night sweats, chronic diarrhea, and coughing.  There is currently no drug that can cure AIDS, and some of the drugs that have been developed can only alleviate the symptoms of AIDS patients to some extent and prolong their lives.  Positive medical guidance and treatment can help alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life of AIDS patients. No vaccine has yet been developed to effectively prevent AIDS. 2. AIDS is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, blood and mother-to-child transmission. Worldwide, sexual contact is the most important way of transmission of AIDS. AIDS can be transmitted between men and between women and men through sexual intercourse. The more sexual contacts there are, the greater the risk of contracting AIDS. ***Drug use with syringes is an important risk behavior for HIV transmission through blood. You can get AIDS by entering or injecting blood or blood products contaminated with HIV.  Using HIV-contaminated and unsterilized syringes, acupuncture needles, or other instruments that invade the body can spread AIDS.  One-third of HIV-infected women transmit HIV to their babies and children through pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Most HIV-infected babies and children die before the age of 3.  Orphans who lose their parents to AIDS will suffer physically and mentally and will be an added burden to society.  Women who suspect they may be infected with HIV should go to a qualified medical institution for HIV antibody testing and counseling before pregnancy.  Pregnant women who suspect or find that they are infected with HIV should go to the relevant medical institutions for counseling and receive guidance and treatment from medical personnel. 3. Daily life and work contact with AIDS patients and HIV-infected people will not lead to AIDS infection.  General contact with AIDS patients and HIV-infected people in work and life (such as shaking hands, hugging, *** eating together, *** using tools, public utensils, etc.) will not infect AIDS.  AIDS is not transmitted through public **** facilities such as toilet seats, telephones, eating utensils, bedding, swimming pools or public **** baths. Coughing and sneezing do not spread AIDS. Mosquito bites do not spread AIDS.4. Being clean and observing sexual morality is the fundamental measure to prevent sexual transmission of AIDS.  Building spiritual civilization, advocating compliance with the law, and establishing healthy and positive concepts of love, marriage, family and sex are the fundamental ways to prevent and control the spread of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.  Sexually free lifestyles and premarital and extramarital sexual behavior are the breeding ground for the rapid spread of AIDS and STDs. Activities such as prostitution and patronizing prostitutes are important risk behaviors for the spread of AIDS and STDs.  People with multiple sexual contacts should stop high-risk behaviors to avoid contracting AIDS or STDs and burying their health and lives.  Young people should learn to restrain their sexual impulses. Premature sexual relationships not only jeopardize friendships, but also have an adverse effect on physical and mental health.  Loyalty between husband and wife can protect both of them from contracting AIDS and STDs. 5, the correct use of condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of contracting AIDS and STDs.  The correct use of quality condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, but also effectively reduce the risk of infection of AIDS and STDs. Condoms should be used every time you have sex.  Condoms are not 100% effective in preventing HIV and STDs, but they are far safer than not using them.  No other contraceptive method can prevent HIV and STDs except the correct use of condoms.  The risk of a male infected person passing AIDS to a woman is significantly higher than the risk of a woman passing it to a man. A woman has the right to ask her partner to use a condom during sexual intercourse. 6. Early treatment and cure of STDs reduces the risk of HIV infection.  People with STDs are more likely to get AIDS than people without STDs. People with genital abscesses, ulcers and inflammation are more likely to be infected with AIDS and to transmit the virus to others. Therefore, rapid cure of various genital infections can reduce the risk of contracting and spreading AIDS.  If you suspect that you have an STD or genital infection you should go to a regular hospital or STD clinic in time for examination, consultation and treatment, and you should also mobilize people with whom you have sexual contact to go for examination as well.  Some women infected with STDs have no obvious symptoms and are not easy to detect. If they have high-risk behaviors, they should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in a timely manner.  Regular hospitals can provide formal, confidential examination, diagnosis, treatment and counseling services. Do not seek treatment from peddlers or buy medicines for self-governance, so as to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment, prolonging the course of the disease and increasing the chances of being infected with HIV.  When you suspect that you are infected with HIV, you should go to a qualified medical and health unit as soon as possible for HIV antibody testing and counseling. 7, **** drug use with syringes is an important way to spread AIDS, so we should refuse drugs and cherish life.  Drug abuse is a kind of illegal behavior, not only seriously endangering the health and life of the drug users themselves, but also harming the family and society.  Staying away from drugs can minimize the risk of contracting AIDS through drug use.  People who use drugs with others*** using syringes are at particularly high risk of contracting AIDS.  Not ***using syringes and using clean or sterilized syringes can effectively reduce the risk of spreading AIDS through drug use. Sexual intercourse with people who inject drugs is easy to get infected with AIDS.8. Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions and injections, and use blood and blood products that have been tested for HIV antibodies.  Donating blood without compensation in accordance with the law, eliminating blood trafficking and selling, and strengthening blood testing are important measures to ensure blood safety.  Strict HIV antibody testing of blood and blood products to ensure the safety of blood use is a key measure to prevent the spread of AIDS through blood collection and supply.  Unnecessary blood transfusions and injections should be avoided as much as possible, and the use of plasma substitutes and one's own blood is one of the measures for safe blood use.  When blood transfusion is necessary, blood that has been tested for HIV antibodies and disposable or strictly sterilized infusion sets should be used.  Strictly enforcing all rules and regulations on sterilization is an important part of preventing HIV transmission through blood. Disposable syringes should be used for preventive injections for children, or if not available, one person, one needle, one tube, one tube, one sterilized.  The knives, needles and other instruments that are easy to pierce or scratch the skin used by medical personnel and service personnel in special industries (hotels, inns, bathhouses, barber stores, beauty salons, foot washing rooms, etc.) must be strictly sterilized. 9, care, help and non-discrimination of AIDS patients and HIV-infected people is an important aspect of the prevention and control of AIDS.  The participation and cooperation of AIDS patients and infected persons is an important part of AIDS prevention and control.  Discrimination against AIDS patients and infected persons is not only detrimental to the prevention and control of AIDS, but also a destabilizing factor in society.  People living with HIV are victims of the disease and deserve humanitarian sympathy and help.  Families and communities should create a friendly, understanding and healthy living and working environment for AIDS patients and infected persons, encourage them to adopt positive attitudes towards life, change high-risk behaviors and cooperate with treatment, which is conducive to improving the quality and prolonging the lives of the patients and infected persons, as well as to the prevention and control of AIDS and the maintenance of social stability.10. AIDS threatens everyone and every family, and prevention is the responsibility of the whole society. AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society.  AIDS is spreading rapidly all over the world, especially in developing countries. The AIDS epidemic in China has entered a period of rapid growth.  Failure to control the AIDS epidemic in a timely and effective manner will have a serious impact on the country's social and economic development.  The establishment of an AIDS prevention and control system led by the Government, with multisectoral cooperation and the participation of the whole society***, and the formation of a social environment conducive to the prevention and treatment of AIDS is an important and successful experience in controlling the AIDS epidemic. Since March 1, 2006, China's Regulations on the Prevention and Control of AIDS have been promulgated and implemented.  China's strategy for preventing and controlling AIDS is to focus on prevention, focus on publicity and education, mobilize the participation of the whole society, and implement comprehensive management.  The AIDS prevention measures of publicity and education and changing risky behaviors have proved to be effective.  Everyone has the right and must know the basics of AIDS prevention, avoid risky behaviors and strengthen self-protection.  Everyone should tell others what they know about AIDS prevention.  It is the responsibility of every family, school, community and society as a whole to publicize the prevention of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among young people and to carry out sex education in schools in order to protect young people from the harmful effects of AIDS and STDs. In short, the general knowledge about AIDS, summarized in the following points: 1, AIDS is a serious infectious disease with a very high morbidity and mortality rate, there is no cure for the drugs and methods, but can be prevented. 2, AIDS is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, blood and mother-to-child transmission of the three ways. 3, and HIV and HIV-infected people in daily life and work contact will not be infected with AIDS. 4, cleanliness and self-love, Compliance with sexual morality is the fundamental measure to prevent the transmission of AIDS through sexual means.5 The correct use of condoms can not only prevent pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of contracting AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.6 Early treatment and cure of sexually transmitted diseases can reduce the risk of contracting AIDS.7 ****Drug use with syringes is an important means of transmitting AIDS, so we should refuse drugs and cherish life.8 Avoid unnecessary blood transfusions and injections using blood and blood products tested for HIV and AIDS. HIV antibody test blood and blood products.9. Caring for, helping and not discriminating against AIDS patients and HIV-infected people is an important aspect of preventing and controlling AIDS.10. AIDS threatens every person and every family, and preventing AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Methods and measures to prevent AIDS: Although AIDS is an extremely dangerous infectious disease, it can be completely prevented for individuals, and the main measures are: 1) abide by the law and morality, cleanliness and love for oneself, oppose premarital sex, and oppose promiscuity. 2) Do not engage in prostitution, patronizing prostitutes, and other illegal activities. 3) Do not take drugs in any way, and stay away from drugs. 4) Do not use uninspected blood products, and reduce unnecessary blood transfusions. 5) Do not engage in illegal activities, such as prostitution, patronizing prostitutes, etc.. Unnecessary blood transfusion. 5. Do not go to medical institutions that are not strictly sterilized for injections, tooth extraction, acupuncture, cosmetic treatment or surgery. 6. Do not *** use toothbrushes, shaving (shaving) razors. 7. Avoid staining the injured person's blood in daily work and life. 8. According to foreign experience, the correct use of condoms can help to avoid infection of AIDS. 9. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the disease and get rid of it.