What are the categories of trademark registration?

Trademark registration is usually classified according to the classification system of goods and services. Different countries or regions may adopt different classification systems, but the most commonly used classification system is the International Classification of Goods and Services (referred to as Nice Classification).

According to the Nice classification system, trademarks can be divided into the following categories:

Category 1: chemicals

This includes various chemicals, compounds, reagents, catalysts, fertilizers, etc.

Class 2: Paints and pigments

This includes all kinds of paints, pigments, dyes, coatings, paints and so on.

Category III: Daily necessities

This includes personal care and cleaning products such as soap, shampoo, perfume, cosmetics, toothpaste and detergent.

Class 4: fuels and lubricants

This includes all kinds of fuels, lubricants, natural gas, coal, petroleum products and so on.

Category 5: Pharmaceutical products

This includes pharmaceutical preparations, medicines, medical supplies, health care products, medical equipment, etc.

Class 6: metallic materials

This includes metal raw materials, metal alloys, metal plates, metal pipes, metal components and so on.

Class 7: Mechanical equipment

This includes all kinds of machines, industrial equipment, power tools, machine tools, engines, electronic equipment and so on.

Class 8: Handheld Instruments

This includes hand tools, knives, kitchen utensils, scissors, brushes, tableware and so on.

Category 9: scientific instruments

This includes laboratory instruments, measuring equipment, optical instruments, electronic instruments, computer hardware, etc.

Category 10: medical devices

This includes medical instruments, surgical instruments, artificial limbs, artificial limbs, medical instruments and so on.

The above are some main categories in the Nice classification system. There are more specific subcategories under each category to describe the goods or services involved in the trademark more accurately.

Please note that different countries or regions may make some adjustments or differences to the classification system. Therefore, in the process of trademark registration, it is recommended to refer to the specific classification guidelines of the country or region where you are located and consult professional trademark agencies or lawyers to obtain accurate classification suggestions.

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