German Zeiss from love to give children a better vision

The eye is the window of the soul, but also the child's tool to explore the world, see the importance of vision to children's learning, Germany Zeiss believes that the child tailored to create a full range of visual management, is to accompany the opening of the window to the world, the key to explore the future.

>> What about children's myopia? The secret of keeping your child's healthy vision is wide open! GO Now

As the wave of technology enters life, 65% of jobs will be reinvented in the future. In the face of an unknown future, the magazine actively promotes STEAM education, hoping to cultivate children's ability to reserve a foothold in the future world through "cross-disciplinary, hands-on, life application, problem-solving, and five-sense learning". In the process of growing up and exploring, visualization is an important way for children to perceive and integrate their experiences.

ZEISS, which has specialized in optical technology for over a century, understands that the eyes are an important way for children to explore the world, and out of the desire to protect the future talents, we have applied the excellent optical technology to the development of children's myopia management in the hope that we can give the best assistance to parents, and accompany their children to meet the learning challenges in the future.

Multiple factors contribute to the high rate of myopia

Although vision is an important pathway to learning, myopia is also a threat to children's visual health due to this wave of technology.

Exploring the causes of myopia in today's children, in addition to the influence of innate genes, the environment and lifestyle habits are all related. Today's urban families have more indoor activities than outdoor ones, and the trend of learning has also brought children into contact with digital technology products from a young age, making the proportion of myopia increase year by year.

Mitigating the effects of myopia requires complete solutions and action support

With myopia on the rise, what can be done to help children overcome myopia? Chase, who has long been concerned about the development of children's vision, believes that ophthalmologists, optometrists, and parents are indispensable! Through professional medical diagnosis, optical testing, and good lifestyle habits, we can create the right myopia management for your child.

Parents should pay special attention to their children's light source, sitting position, and eye time when reading and watching 3C, and let their eyes rest moderately, as well as increase the proportion of outdoor activities, and pay attention to balanced nutrition and sufficient sleep.

The most important thing is to make sure you are wearing the right lenses for your child's glasses. Dr. Yi-Ru Lin, Chief Executive Officer of Chinatrust Medical System, said, "Since myopia is clear when you look up close, but blurry when you look away, the choice of lenses should be to meet the child's needs for both static reading and dynamic activities. Therefore, she would recommend parents to choose myopia management lenses specifically designed for children to help slow down the progression of myopia.

All-around myopia management solution for kids

With more than 100 years of history, ZEISS is known for its advanced optics and precision measurements, and its research and development of products spanning semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical devices, camera lenses, and astronomical technology. With the resources of optical research centers and the background of precision craftsmanship, ZEISS Lens has designed two types of myopia management lenses, "ZEISS Growing Pro" and "ZEISS Growing Joy", especially for the physiological conditions and eye needs of growing children, to help children with different lifestyles manage myopia well.

"ZEISS Grow Pro" lenses are customized for children's face contour and frame data, with the center image focusing on the retina to provide clear distance vision in the central area, and the periphery adopting an out-of-focus control system to allow the peripheral image to focus on the retina for effective management of myopia development.

Auto Sync with Cloud
No manual interaction required for cloud computing.

The ZEISS Growing Eyes lenses are designed with "retardation control technology", which helps to manage the retardation when looking at near objects, and provide clear vision at different distances. In addition to integrating the parameters of children's lenses into the lens design, and combining it with the "digital vision technology", the lenses can provide the children with comfortable digital vision quality, so that they can carry out close-up activities with a natural posture, and manage the development of myopia.

The technologies and products that ZEISS develops to meet the needs of children are based on the importance of children's visual health and the desire to provide the best help to children and families. Vision is a common health issue in the world, and ZEISS expects to do its part for children's vision health through the power of the enterprise, and help children to experience wonderful vision in the future.

●Find your nearest ZEISS dispenser>>zeiss/vision-care/zh_/home

●Preventing myopia in children! From EYE, accompany your child to explore a new and better world of vision>>?

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