CE certification is what, what is the difference with the FCC certification

A, CE certification is what?

CE certification is the European Union's safety certification, that is, limited to the product does not jeopardize the safety of humans, animals and goods in terms of basic safety requirements. CE certification in the European Union is a mandatory certification, is the manufacturer to enter the EU market pass.

The biggest difference between the two certificates is that they apply to different regions

CE certification applies to the region: the EU member states, but also includes a number of countries in the Commonwealth colonies.

FCC certification applies to the U.S. region.

Simply put, products applying for CE certification can be sold in the EU market, not in the U.S. market; products applying for FCC certification, can be sold in the U.S., but the EU market is not recognized.

Additionally, there are some other differences between CE and FCC:

Control of different products

CE certification controls a wide range of low-voltage and high-pressure equipment, electronic and electrical equipment, toys, medical products, mechanical products, radio products, construction products, measuring instruments, pressure equipment and so on.

FCC certification controls electrically charged products.

In fact, CE and FCC have more in common, such as mandatory certification, do not need to inspect the factory, the qualification of recognized institutions can be issued directly, the cost of time are shorter.