What are the stages and characteristics of the development of the world pharmaceutical industry

History of World Pharmaceutical Development


The pharmaceutical industry began in the mid-19th century, moving from the fringes of the healthcare business into the heart of it and becoming a global industrial sector. The pharmaceutical industry has gained its present-day prominence as governments have supported research and development of medicines to increase human longevity, improve the quality of human life, and prevent disease; at the same time, they have strengthened regulation, including their safety and efficacy. Governments have also taken steps to quell public complaints about the high returns pharmaceutical companies receive from new drug products and promotions. Reform of the health care system is taking place around the world.

The challenge for the pharmaceutical industry is the complex interplay and influence of scientists, industry, government authorities, physicians, and patients as new drugs move from the laboratory to actual use.

As the government approval department is also in a dilemma, if not approved, many people's efforts will be wasted, and if approved, it may bring a series of adverse reactions and even lawsuits after the market. The recent incidents of COX-2 inhibitors, suicidal tendency adverse reactions to antidepressants, etc. are good examples. And it's not easy for FDA staff to review nearly 50,000 pages of registration information.

The pharmaceutical industry is facing the same difficulties. Investors want an early return on investment, a high rate of return on investment, and want pharmaceutical companies to develop and market so-called "bombshell" drugs, but in reality, drug development is becoming more and more difficult, and new drugs are often not succeeded by new ones, and with the caution of the FDA and other drug regulators, and patient awareness of adverse reactions, it's not easy for the FDA to keep track of what's happening. Harris

A recent poll by Poll Consulting found that people's satisfaction with pharmaceutical companies dropped from 79 percent in 1997 to 44 percent in 2004, a drop of 35 percent. 35 percent. In fact, patient and consumer support for pharmaceutical companies and the health care industry, including the health sector, may be declining in China as well. There is just a lack of statistics. It may be a conflict between the public's ethical standards and the pharmaceutical companies' need to maximize profits as businesses.


During this period, early pharmacists began to produce then-commonly used medicines such as morphine, quinine, and strychnine in batch form in their laboratories; meanwhile, in 1880, then-dye firms and chemical factories began to set up laboratories to research and develop new drugs. For example, Merck Pharmaceutical began as a small pharmacy in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668, and it began wholesaling drugs in the 1840s. Similar firms that grew from pharmacies into wholesale drug manufacturers between the 1830s and 1890s included the German pharmaceutical company Schilling, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-La Roche, the British pharmaceutical company Burroughs

Wellcome, the French pharmaceutical company Etienne

Poulene, the American pharmaceutical company Abbott, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, the pharmaceutical company Schick, and the pharmaceutical company Schick. Pharmaceuticals, Schick Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Company, Prudential Pharmaceuticals, and Parke-Davis, among others. Some of today's pharmaceutical companies used to be chemical plants and dye factories, such as Germany's Akfa, Bayer, Hoechst; Switzerland's Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Cargill Pharmaceuticals, and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals; Britain's Brenneman, and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, U.S.A. At the end of the nineteenth century, these companies began to merge into real pharmaceutical companies, whose scientific basis is medicinal chemistry and pharmacology. The application of synthetic chemistry and pharmacology, especially the study of the indications of compounds, led to a significant development of the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical industry should be said to have begun in Germany, but it is the United States and the United Kingdom that are now leading the way. At the end of the 19th century, some of the dye industry and the chemical industry merged to become the pharmaceutical industry, and there are scientists began to study the theory of drug conformation, the nascent pharmaceutical companies research direction is to identify and prepare synthetic drugs, and study its role in the treatment. Pharmaceutical companies began to collaborate with academia in Germany, as they do now in Europe and the United States. Dyes, immune antibodies, and other physiologically active substances were used to understand their effects on pathogenic bacteria, and in 1906 Paul

Ehrlich discovered that there were synthetic compounds that could selectively kill parasites, germs, and other disease-causing organisms, which led to large-scale industrial research that continues to this day. in the early nineteenth century, chemists had been able to extract and concentrate active ingredients for therapeutic purposes. such as morphine and quinine, and at the beginning of the 20th century it was possible to use similar methods to extract active ingredients from animals, such as epinephrine, which, it should be said, was the first hormone to be used for therapeutic purposes. By that time, people had learned to extract dyes from coke and, by staining it, to kill bacteria, which could already be confirmed by microscopic observation. Chemists quickly made structural improvements to these dyes, including their by-products, to make the new compounds more effective. Synthetic chemistry developed rapidly at this time. Many products are still widely used today, such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) used in drugs such as Tylenol, Benadryl, and White Plus, which is the active metabolite of N-acetylaniline and finasteride. Another example is Bayer chemist Felix

Hoffmann's synthesis of aspirin from salicylate, which remains one of the most widely produced drugs.Late in the 19th century, vaccines were also used, including the BCG vaccine and the diphtheria vaccine.

Constitutive theory began with the use of animals and humans for vaccine, antitoxin, and antibody testing, which utilized the knowledge of chemistry in dyes and molecular structure that was available at the time. Constitutive theory led Ehrlich to synthesize the syphilis treatment Salvarsan (sprinklesan), which is considered the first drug synthesized through a systematic approach.

The establishment of the Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society in 1909 reflected the importance placed on chemists and the chemical sciences in the pharmaceutical industry at the time, and the publication of the U.S. Food and Drug Act in 1906 prompted pharmaceutical companies to hire more chemists to accurately analyze drugs. At that time, American chemists did not have the freedom to synthesize new compounds, and pharmaceutical companies produced only simple compounds. German chemists had a monopoly. World War I prevented German technology from reaching the U.S., prompting the U.S. to focus on its own development and production of drugs such as aspirin, sprinkles, and Veronal, which could be used to treat the wounds of wounded men during the war.In 1920, the section was renamed the Drugs Section, and then the Pharmaceuticals Section in 1927, a name that it carries to this day.

In the past, prescriptions could be patented, but in practice, there was no way to protect them because the instructions and labeling were required by statute to include a description of the composition of the prescription. Under the statute, drug regulators have the authority to require product withdrawal and advertising restrictions.

Before the 1930s, most drugs were sold without a prescription, half were dispensed by pharmacists, sometimes doctors themselves dispensed drugs for their patients, and pharmaceutical companies supplied some of the prescription drugs commonly used by doctors, with the prescription provided by the doctor. This is the same as the situation in China for a long time. Due to the strong power of doctors in Europe and the United States at that time, pharmaceutical companies only produced some generic drugs, such as those for pain, infection, heart disease, etc. Although, the treatment of diseases with drugs obtained from chemical synthesis research has been very encouraging, only a few compounds such as vitamins and insulin were available at that time. The development of medicinal chemistry grew with the development of pharmaceutical science and the drug market.

The 1930s through the 1960s were a golden age for the pharmaceutical industry

The reason why the 1930s through the 1960s were a golden age for the pharmaceutical industry is because of the large number of drugs that were invented during this time, including synthetic vitamins, sulfonamides, antibiotics, hormones (thyroxine, oxytocin-cortisone, etc.), antipsychotics, antihistamines, new vaccines, and more. drugs, new vaccines, etc. Many of these are completely new types of drugs. During this period, infant mortality fell by more than 50 percent

and child deaths from infections fell by 90 percent. Many previously untreatable diseases, such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, and pneumonia, could be cured, a groundbreaking first in human history.

On the other hand, of course, the war accelerated the research and development of medicines, and some war-related projects were funded by the government, such as anti-malarial drug treatments, cortisone (which allowed airplane crews to be at high altitudes without temporary vertigo), and especially penicillin. Eleven U.S. drug companies were involved in the development of penicillin, an effort that was under the direct direction of the War Production Department. After World War II, the United States became the leader of the world's pharmaceutical industry, and by the late 1940s, the United States was producing almost half of the world's pharmaceuticals and accounting for more than 1/3 of international trade in pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical companies in the United States, Europe, and Japan grew rapidly as a result of increased investment in drug research and development and marketing. Collaboration in research and development and academia has also intensified. The methods of drug invention also changed dramatically, such as in antibiotic development, where pharmaceutical companies and others screened thousands of soil samples for antimicrobial agents. Typical compounds of this period are: Merck Pharmaceutical's streptomycin, Lida Pharmaceutical's aureomycin, Pepto-Bismol's chloramphenicol, Apex Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals' erythromycin, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals' tetracycline, etc. The return of profits from the market for these drugs prompted pharmaceutical companies to pay more attention to scientific research and began to set up specialized research parks.

This period is characterized by pharmaceutical companies from the study of natural substances to discover new drugs, shifting to the modification of natural substances, to synthetic chemistry to synthesize completely new compounds, from screening compounds to get new drugs. In line with this course, analytical chemistry and instrumental analytical techniques have also developed considerably, as the chemical structures of compounds, steroid hormones, and antibiotics are determined. These include: X-diffraction, UV spectroscopy, and IR spectroscopy, which have gradually evolved from the era of wet chemistry using flasks and test tubes to the era of dry chemistry using microscopic samples and molecular modeling. The development of these techniques has allowed chemists to explain conformational theory more scientifically and to understand the relationship between chemical structure and biological activity. This led to a new generation of antipsychotics, hypnotics, antidepressants, and antihistamines.

Drug safety was taken seriously during this period, and the 1937 deaths of more than 100 people, mostly children, from sulfa drugs made the U.S. drug administration aware of the lack of regulatory oversight of drug safety. At the time, scientists at the S.E. Massengill Company used diethyl alcohol with a slight sweetness to prepare sulfa drug syrups, which were not tested on animals or checked against published literature on solvents, despite standards for appearance, taste, and odor, leading to the tragedy. This soon led to the passage of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. One of the main changes was the responsibility of the drug administration to approve new drugs. Officials were required to review preclinical trial data and clinical trial data, had the power to require applicants to add additional trials, and had the power to deny marketing approval.

The U.S. was among the more advanced in the world in terms of drug safety at the time because Germany, as a defeated country, still applied a wartime ban on new drugs in the 1950s, and the U.K. didn't have a Medicines Act (TSA) until 1956, when the government paid more attention to drug management, such as standards for testing and manufacturing. The introduction of similar OTC regulations made it easier for patients to obtain general therapeutic drugs, i.e. self-medication drugs, but also made prescription drugs more profitable. Gradually, so-called "research and development pharmaceutical companies" emerged.

In clinical trials, double-controlled trials were required, and because of the need for clinical trial data, the scope of drug use was controlled, preventing drug abuse, although the problem of drug abuse has not yet been solved in the West, with tens of millions of abuses in the United States each year.

Despite increased regulation of drug safety by government agencies, the fact remains that the responsibility for clinical trials of drugs remains with pharmaceutical companies, not with governments or third parties. Clinical trial data allows pharmaceutical companies to understand the target audience in the market, which facilitates the sale of drugs. Since the target audience of pharmaceutical companies is not patients, but doctors, who prescribe and pharmacies dispense the drugs, patients are still taking drugs blindly. This is the case in every country in the world

. The recent Washington Post claimed that 15.1 million people in the U.S. abuse drugs and that 4 percent of doctors are not trained in drugs.

Some time after World War II, the ideas of the Social Democrats in Europe led to the idea of the welfare state in Europe, and health care became a form of welfare, and in the United States, Medicare was implemented, which led to the public's attitude that there was no concern about the price of medicines, both for doctors and for patients.

Reassessment of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Regulatory Amendments, and Growth of the Pharmaceutical Industry (1960-1980)

The most important aspect of this period was the announcement of GMP for drug manufacturing and the inclusion of validation in the requirements of the GMP regulations, which led to a more standardized approach to the production of drugs.

The pharmaceutical industry in this period was hit by many aspects of science, medicine, politics, and the market. The discovery of new compounds and early trials led to a number of new products, and it had become scientifically possible to selectively block physiological processes and treat diseases. Especially in cardiovascular drugs, there appeared in the 60's with Pranolol as the representative of the betablocker, in the 70's - 80's with captopril as the representative of the ACE inhibitors and with nitrophenylpyridine as the representative of the calcium antagonist, as well as a number of lipid-lowering medications; the new sleeping pills with fewer adverse effects, antidepressants, antihistamines; ibuprofen as a representative of the nonsteroidal antipyretic and analgesic drugs; oral contraceptives; anticancer drugs; dopamine as the representative of the treatment of Parkinson's disease drugs; the treatment of asthma drugs and so on. The U.S. FDA has strengthened the management of clinical trials, while compared with the U.S., the European government's management of drug clinical trials is looser, requiring doctors to monitor the situation of adverse reactions after the use of drugs by patients. Therefore, the speed of new drugs on the market in Europe is faster than that in the United States, however, the situation of adverse drug reactions in Europe is also more serious than that in the United States. Such as due to the U.S. FDA did not approve the reaction stop, in the United States did not cause serious adverse reactions. Pharmaceutical companies in the United States in this case, began a variety of business, such as involved in the spice, cosmetics and other consumer goods industry.

This period saw the development of the scientific theory of design (rational

design), as knowledge of enzymes, hormones, receptors for neurotransmitters, and substrates associated with a number of diseases became the basis for the study of biochemical and physiological processes in the human body; scientific discoveries of the same time period also involved the blocking of the function of the target molecule. Aspects of the study of natural resources include substances produced by microorganisms that have biochemical effects. Molecular structure modification, the synthesis of so-called me-too compounds, characterized this period. Typical of the molecular structure modifications was captopril, and typical of the metabolites was the antihistamine terfenadine.

The breakthroughs in instrumental analysis in the 1960-1970 era were nuclear magnetic **** vibration spectroscopy and high-performance liquid chromatography, which also contributed greatly to the invention of drugs. The invention of computers also made complex calculations simple. For example, the calculation of the Fourier transform. The creation of databases has also made it possible to store data on control products for production, clinical trials, and analysis, and to compare and analyze results.

Because of the use of new instrumentation and computers, regulations have been established by the drug administration.

Drug prices were also on the agenda during this period because of the wide disparity between the price of raw materials and the price of finished drugs. The proposal was made by Senator Estes

Kefauver. Almost at the same time, the Reaction Stop (thalidomide) incident was rumored in Europe in 1961, and about 10,000 children were teratomized globally, including in Europe, South America, and Asia, due to inappropriate clinical trials and lax drug review. The product was manufactured by Gruenenthal Pharmaceuticals in Germany. Despite the 1964 modification of the 1961 Federal Approval Scheme for New Drugs, the final German regulations, which were not implemented until 1976, tightened controls on both the safety and efficacy of new drugs. In the UK, in response to a similar crisis, the Department of Health set up the Committee on Safety of Drugs (CSD) in 1963. It worked closely with the government, but was not a legislative body and did not regulate the behavior of doctors and the pharmaceutical industry before and during clinical trials. In the Drugs Act, enacted in 1968, provision was made for the CSD to control the entry of

new pharmaceutical products into the market.

Despite the fact that thalidomide did not harm the United States, Kefauver and others still introduced proposals asking Congress to study the passage of new regulations that would cross-approve drug patents, drug price limitations, and drug promotions in order to lower drug prices; the regulations should also address standards for drug safety and effectiveness.In 1962 Congress passed the FDA Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act's Kefauver-Harris Supplemental Regulations. The Kefauver-Harris Supplement to the FDA Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act was passed by Congress in 1962, requiring a quantitative approach to evaluating the use of drugs. As a result, pharmaceutical companies have invested heavily in preclinical and clinical trials. The number of trial cases has increased from 10-100 cases to over a thousand. Large pharmaceutical companies, at this point in time, complained about the rapid decrease in the number of new drug launches. Some pharmaceutical companies changed their business fields to areas such as medical devices, diagnostic reagents, optical instruments, cosmetics, food, and even household daily necessities. U.S. pharmaceutical companies began to strengthen overseas drug sales as well as international research collaborations, such as those with Europe, South America and Asia.

Market competition and mergers and biotechnology and other high-tech period, 1980-present

The past 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry and a series of new products brought to the market, including central nervous system drugs, antiviral and retroviral infection drugs (especially drugs for HIV and AIDS), drugs for cancer treatment, etc., in this period, biotechnology has been greatly developed, such as interferon. has been greatly developed, such as interferon, interleukin, erythropoietin, monoclonal antibody drugs, etc., which can mimic or support the human immune system, and insulin, which used to be extracted from the body of an animal, has become available as a high-purity product from genetically modified microorganisms.

Many new methods have been generated in scientific research, such as computerized chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, and high-speed compound screening methods using biotechnology, which have changed traditional drug research, and many pharmaceutical companies have their own databases of compounds. Since the prediction of new drugs is difficult and the government controls the entry into the pharmaceutical industry through regulations, there are very few new pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology, as a new technology, has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry. They are committed to combining new technologies such as biology, genetics, genomics, etc. According to recent statistics, more than 30% of new drugs marketed in recent years are biotechnology products, and 50% of new drug projects under development are biotechnology products. Moreover, after the trough of the new economic wave in 1999-2002, biotechnology companies have reshuffled their cards, and some biotechnology companies have become new giants, such as Amgen, Genentech, and others. The U.S. remains the leader in biotechnology, and Europe is planning to increase its investment in research and development. A number of European companies have established joint ventures with US pharmaceutical companies or have set up R&D facilities in North America. The development of new drugs still relies heavily on luck, despite the many tools available, so it can be said that the creation of new products is a combination of theoretical research and luck, which remains unchanged today.

Many compounds are discovered by first synthesizing a series of potentially useful compounds and then conducting rapid screening, such as physical analysis, bioanalytical methods, etc., to quickly analyze the metabolic process in vivo, whether it binds and reacts with the target, toxicity response, etc. Pharmaceutical companies have invested a lot of money in this area, but opinions on its efficacy remain mixed.

Another big discovery is that genetic engineers have been able to prepare target microbes using recombinant DNA methods that can produce the desired compound molecules. This method is already widely used. Future directions may include genetic repair with engineered cells.

On the policy front, in 1980 the U.S. High Court ruled that microorganisms obtained by genetic techniques could be patented; Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act, which allows beneficiaries of federal funding grants to receive patent protection as well; and, at the same time, biotech companies are allowed to raise capital, as typified by the fact that the first biotech company to go public, Genentech, listed its stock from $35 in 2 minutes, the stock rose from $35 puma to $89, which shows the market's expectations for biotech companies at that time.

Thousands of biotechs were financed during this period, including IPOs, venture funds, and phenomena never seen before in history, including lifelong scientists on boards of directors, investors convinced of biotechs' promises of future sales and profits, and patents filed on compounds that hadn't been tested. Biotech companies claim that their products can cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and AIDS that cannot be treated with current technology. Biotech businesses continue to close and new ones are born, and today, in 2005, there are still 1,500 biotech businesses in the United States.

Europe is still more conservative in this area, with biotech firms being born mainly in the mid-1990s, and it is still lagging behind the US, but it is working on it.

Another feature of this period is that from 2000 onwards, the patents on many so-called heavy hitters expired, and generic pharmaceutical companies began to capitalize on this, including multinationals such as Novartis, which is making large-scale acquisitions of generic companies, and Indian pharmaceutical companies, which are already going global, although the road has not been smooth.

Another feature of this period is the expiration of patents on many so-called heavy hitters, and generic pharmaceutical companies are beginning to take advantage of the situation. billion dollar tradename market will change hands as patents expire. The U.S. 2004 edition of the Orange Book contained 10,375 pharmaceutical products, 7,602 of which had generics.

This period was also a time of mergers, with American Home Products joining Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in 1994; Glaxo Pharmaceuticals acquiring Wellcome Pharmaceuticals in 1995, and Famacia Pharmaceuticals merging with PharmaCorp and Prudential Pharmaceuticals; Novartis Pharmaceuticals was founded in 1996, originally as Vapor Pharmaceuticals and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals; and Aventis Pharmaceuticals was founded in 1999, with a new company formed by Hoechst Pharmaceuticals and Rh?ne-Poulenc Pharmaceuticals; in 2000, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals acquired Varnarambet Pharmaceuticals, followed by the acquisition of Farmacia Pharmaceuticals in 2003; and the merger of Aventis Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi Pharmaceuticals in 2004. The market share of the world's top 10 pharmaceutical companies has reached 47%, while Pfizer is close to 10%. This illustrates the monopoly nature of the pharmaceutical industry. However, big companies are also facing big challenges and probably, the golden age of traditional pharmaceutical companies is not coming back.

The future of the pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies will strengthen cooperation and mergers and acquisitions.

Social benefits and corporate interests will still conflict, and the government will coordinate these issues. This includes controlling drug prices, encouraging the use of generic drugs, strengthening the regulation of adverse drug reactions and preventing drug abuse. Reform of the medical system will still continue.

Biotech companies are gradually maturing, and some of them have the ability to self-finance, and in the future, some of them will compete on the same starting line as multinational pharmaceutical companies.

Pharmaceutical companies will become more specialized, focusing on specific therapeutic areas or indications.

Research and development will become more difficult, and the reliability and accuracy of clinical trials will be especially important, or they will be subject to litigation. regulatory compliance with GMP and financial management will be emphasized by companies, and regulatory authorities such as the FDA, EMEA, and the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) will intensify their supervision and regulation, and penalties will also be strengthened.