By Feng Jiang
It is an indisputable fact that Japan is leading the world in many areas of medical technology and services. In contrast to the more subdued economic growth (GDP) situation, the rapid advancement of cutting-edge medical care has become a strong signal that Japan is accelerating the construction and development of a new era. In addition to the value and significance of its medical technology itself, we should also see the inspiration behind it.
First, Japan is in full transition to a post-modernized society. Suffering from the impact of aging and childlessness, Japanese society has encountered an insurmountable demographic barrier. Against the backdrop of a society with great material abundance and highly developed technology, Japanese society is in urgent need of a solution not only in one area, but in the mode of social development as a whole. In addition to food and drink, I am afraid that healthcare is one of the most fundamental issues for human beings. One of the objectives of Japan's increased investment in the medical field is to promote the improvement of the social security system through medical technology, medical services and the medical industry, so as to facilitate the fundamental transformation of society and find a form of development that is more suitable for the demographic structure of the post-modern era. For example, the Kobe Medical Industry City, which is the culmination of Japan's cutting-edge medical care, is no longer a mere aggregation of industries, but a new conceptual city model based on cutting-edge medical care. It can be said that behind the promotion of medical progress, Japan is playing a bigger game.
Secondly, Japan emphasizes innovation and development more than any other era. Shinzo Abe's long reign for the Japanese economy objectively also accumulated certain positive factors, but as many Japanese experts analyze, Japan's sustained development is still facing multiple "bottlenecks", high-tech conversion and service industry or will become the two pillars to support the country's development. For the labor shortage, the lack of vitality of the industry, through high-tech potential is Japan's future development of the only choice, health care is a prominent representative. Japan is y aware of its own strong foundation and human resources in health care, especially in cutting-edge areas of scientific and technological advantages, but also see the direction of development of the world's medical field, and targeting to make it one of the important engines to drive their own future development and strengthen the dominant force in the world.
Thirdly, Japan has been developing basic science through "slow and careful work". Japan in the field of Nobel Prize achievements, but mainly concentrated in chemistry, physics, physiology and medicine and other basic science fields. Some analysts point out that the birth of a Nobel Prize in Japan takes 20 to 30 years. In the medical field, the Artificial Multifunctional Stem Cells (Ips), which is currently attracting the world's attention, took more than 10 years from its successful development to clinical transplantation experiments. This fully demonstrates that Japan attaches great importance to basic science and emphasizes long-term accumulation, and the relevant practices are worth learning from.
The new development of cutting-edge medical technology in Japan is expected to be a boon to humanity. As China accelerates its own high-quality development and foreign high-quality cooperation, it should not only actively promote and strengthen its cooperation with Japan in medical technology, but also refer to its relevant practices from a wider and more far-reaching perspective, so as to truly make modern medical care become a new impetus to drive China's social development in the new era.