Everyone laboratory waste liquid is how to deal with

Laboratory waste liquid treatment methods:

Generally can be divided into four categories: physical method, chemical method, physical-chemical method, biochemical method.

Physical method: sedimentation, filtration, centrifugal separation, evaporation and crystallization (concentration), extraction, blowing off, etc.;

Chemical method: precipitation, neutralization, redox, electrolysis, ion exchange, etc.;

Physical-chemical method: flocculation and precipitation, adsorption, flotation, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration and super-absorption;

Biochemical method: activated sludge method, Biofilm method, bio-oxidation ponds, etc.;

Aike laboratory wastewater treatment system, focusing on all kinds of laboratory wastewater (sewage) treatment, the equipment occupies a small footprint, high degree of automation, fast processing speed, through the acid and alkali neutralization, flotation and precipitation, heavy metal capture, and so on a series of treatment processes, so that the wastewater meets the national discharge standards and then discharged, will not produce secondary pollution, if you have any If you have any procurement needs about laboratory wastewater treatment and related equipment, welcome to contact us.