Jiangsu Xinyi Kangyuan Edible Fungus Research Institute tel:0516-88939450CdG>R(
Edible Fungus Basic Theory and Basic Concepts WqF`
Section I. Structure, Name Interpretation :_/2Edible Fungi: edible large fungi. :\ob
1. mycelium: the nutrient body of edible fungi, composed of filamentous mycobacterial cells, which is the basis for the formation of the substrate, and the quality of the mycelium plays a decisive role in the ability to produce mushrooms, the level of production, and the quality of the mushroom. } j
2. fruiting body: the fruit produced by mycelium, which is the inevitable result of its sexual reproduction. R2i8&K
Mycorrhizal folds: most species are located in the lower part of the cap, page-like arrangement or porous densely packed, is bearing the stretcher where the stretcher is the real reproductive organ, the top of the production of two to four stretcher spores, stretcher spores are matured and detached from the stretcher and ejected into the air. and ejected into the air. Gm
Hyphae: play a role in nutrient transportation and support of the whole substrate. ~5~
Mycophora: where the stipe attaches to the mycelium and the growth substrate, sometimes with the residue of the outer protective layer of the fruiting body attached, some species do not have this structure, or it is not obvious. .gNW
Mycorrhizal ring: some species in the fruiting body when young, the lower part of the cap is covered by a layer of film (inner mycorrhizal curtain), to protect the young hyphae are not exposed, there are species of inner mycorrhizal curtain is called the fruiting-type fruiting body, and vice versa is called the bare fruiting-type fruiting body; fruiting-type fruiting body in the process of growth, the inner mycorrhizal curtain gradually ruptured, falling off, in the stipe residue of the next ring-like structure is called a mycorrhizal ring. Of course, the mycorrhizal ring is not all species have. s
3. life history: that is, the life cycle, by the two different sex of the stramenospores were germinated to form two different sex of the mononuclear hyphae, mononuclear hyphae occur between plasmodium and nucleus with the formation of binucleate hyphae, binucleate hyphae further growth, maturity kinking, the formation of the substrate protocorm, the substrate protocorm further growth of the formation of differentiated substrates, in the substrate Inside the stretcher, stretcher spores are formed on the stretcher, stretcher spores mature from the stretcher off and ejected into the air, and will germinate into mononuclear mycelium when they meet the appropriate conditions. q
Section II: Nutritional Requirements for Edible Fungi/~
Most edible mushrooms are saprophytic fungi that can't directly utilize inorganic substances like green plants and use the sunlight for their growth and can only decompose and oxidize organic materials to draw their own growth. q
More than one third of the fungi in the world have been used for their growth and are now used for their development. They can only rely on decomposition and oxidation of organic matter to extract the nutrients needed for their growth.
The growth of edible fungi can be roughly divided into the nutritive growth stage (germination) and reproductive growth stage (mushrooming). The mycelium is inoculated on the appropriate medium, and under the appropriate temperature, it starts to secrete a series of enzymes to decompose some macromolecules into simple water-soluble small molecules, which are absorbed into the cells for its growth and development. Different growth stages, the requirements of nutritional conditions are different, generally speaking, the mycelium growth stage of the medium in the nitrogen content is relatively high, the substrate development stage of the medium in the nitrogen content is relatively low. Therefore, as a scientific research and production, the nutrients added in the medium for different stages should be different, for example: the nitrogen source of the medium should be added more in strain preservation and strain production, so that on the one hand it is conducive to the growth and development of the mycelium, on the other hand, it can effectively prevent the phenomenon of premature mushroom emergence in the strains; and in the formulation of the cultivation material for mushroom production, the nitrogen source should be relatively reduced, so that it is conducive to the emergence of the mushroom. Mushroom production. ?oJk.
I. Carbon source: n~y
Unlike green plants, fungi can not directly synthesize organic matter with CO2 as the carbon source, it can only use organic matter as the carbon source, such as: glucose, sucrose, maltose and other mono- and disaccharides, starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and other polysaccharides. In addition to glucose can be directly absorbed and utilized by mycelial cells, other must be hydrolyzed into monosaccharides through the extracellular enzymes secreted by the mycelium to be absorbed and utilized. II. Nitrogen source: o
The nitrogen source available for edible fungi to use organic nitrogen is the best, such as: peptone, yeast leaching juice, and bran, rice bran and so on. In the natural cultivation substrate such as cotton husk, sawdust, plant straw also contains some nitrogen sources that can be absorbed and utilized by edible fungi, but the content is not enough, you need to add bran, rice bran and other materials with higher nitrogen content, and some special varieties need to additionally add peptones, yeast leaching juice and other industrial preparations. Inorganic nitrogen and small molecules of organic nitrogen such as a variety of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, in the role of microorganisms are prone to produce ammonia to inhibit the growth of mycelium, therefore, unless the special needs of the cultivation of substrate do not add, but when necessary, can be sprayed with fertilizer. Carbon/nitrogen ratio: refers to the ratio of carbon and nitrogen sources in the culture medium and cultivation substrate, for example, the carbon/nitrogen ratio in the growth stage of mycelium of flat mushroom is 20/1, and the carbon/nitrogen ratio in the development stage of fruiting body is 40/1. ?B:*P
III. Other nutrition: 9{
Edible fungi growth and development in addition to the need for carbon, nitrogen sources also need some other nutrients, such as: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, sulfur, potassium, manganese and other minerals, a variety of vitamins and growth factors. yfMxf
The third section of the edible fungi on the requirements of the environmental conditions of the d
I. Environmental factors:=u0q
Environmental factors are crucial to the various stages of growth and development of edible fungi, we should first understand the relevant environmental elements, to clarify the concept, and then can be targeted to its comprehensive regulation: 1#z
1. Moisture 8_DuG
Moisture, both the mycelium growth of the necessary environmental conditions, but also biological cells. Appropriate water content in the substrate is very important for the growth of mycelium and the development of the substrate, the water content is too low, the mycelium of the substrate decomposition and absorption of nutrients is unfavorable, so that the mycelium weakened, which will seriously affect the yield of mushrooms; substrate in the water content is too high, it will be below the lack of oxygen in the mycelium and stop eating material, resulting in a waste of raw materials, and at the same time, the surface mycelium in futile, the area of the material is water to make the mycelium autolysis leading to contamination of stray bacteria. _M{^u>
Most species require the substrate water content to be around 65%, while shiitake mushrooms require it to be between 51 and 55%, and sidearm species can sometimes be grasped between 65 and 70%. z>9rJ
Section I. 2. Acidity and alkalinity (pH): n
Acidity and alkalinity (pH) is the acidity of water (and water-containing substances), which is defined as a range of 0 to 14, with pH = 7 being neutral, pH > 7 being alkaline, and pH < 7 being acidic
Section II 3. Ventilation|6q+? #
Edible mushrooms are aerobic microorganisms, which rely on the oxidation of organic matter in the substrate to provide the energy needed for their growth and development, the lack of oxygen in the substrate will make the respiration of the mycelium is inhibited, resulting in the slow growth of the mycelium, weakened, or even stop growing, and in severe cases, it will be asphyxiated and die; the lack of oxygen in the substrate stage will cause deformities of the substrate, affecting the commercial value. j~
4. Temperature:=|Z]H
Each variety has its own certain temperature adaptation range, the same variety of mycelium stage and the substrate stage is also different, generally the optimal temperature of the substrate stage is lower than the mycelium stage. -,:v
Based on the different temperature ranges suitable for the differentiation and formation of the fruiting body, edible fungi can be divided into low-temperature, medium-temperature and high-temperature types:t
①Low-temperature type The mycelium can be differentiated to form the fruiting body at lower temperatures, with the optimal temperature below 20℃ and the maximum temperature not exceeding 24℃, such as: shiitake mushrooms, golden needle mushrooms, bisporus mushrooms, purple spore mushrooms, morel mushrooms, monkey head mushrooms, etc. o|[dy
②Medium temperature type The suitable temperature for the differentiation of the spawn is 20~24℃, the maximum does not exceed 28℃, such as: white fungus, black fungus, elm mushrooms, big fat mushrooms and so on. {o
③ High-temperature type The differentiation of the seed body should be at a higher temperature, the optimum temperature is 24~28℃, and the maximum temperature can be up to about 40℃. Such as: straw mushroom, phoenix tail mushroom, abalone mushroom, etc.. [There are also varieties with low medium temperature, high medium temperature and wide temperature.Iu
Additionally, different varieties respond differently to temperature changes during the formation of fruiting bodies, according to which edible mushrooms can be divided into the following two major types:S
Constant Temperature Fruiting Type Keeping a certain constant temperature can lead to the formation of fruiting bodies, e.g.: enoki mushrooms, amanitou, black fungus, straw mushroom, monkey head, Straw mushrooms, monkey heads, etc.'
Variable-temperature fruiting type: maintain constant temperature and do not form seed bodies, but form them when the temperature changes (needing stimulation by temperature difference). For example: Shiitake, Flat Mushroom, Purple Spore Flat Mushroom, Agaricus blazei (White Spirit Mushroom) etc. gAK
6. air humidity =:a... {
The moisture content of the substrate is vital for mycelial growth, but at the stage of growth and development of the substrate it is completely or partially exposed to the external environment, so the moisture content of the air, i.e. air humidity, becomes one of the main influencing factors. Low air humidity will accelerate the evaporation of water from the surface of the substrate, and the water evaporated from the substrate mainly comes from the mycelium inside the substrate, which will lead to a large amount of water loss in the substrate and affect the yield, or even make the substrate dry and die. However, water evaporation is from the mycelium to the substrate transport of nutrients of the driving force, if the air humidity is too high, it will make the substrate surface water to stop evaporation, so that nutrient transport is blocked, while respiration is inhibited, resulting in the substrate to stop growing; long period of high air humidity, but also cause the substrate from the air back to absorb water, which will be very dangerous, especially the aging substrates, will form a water-soaked decay This will be very dangerous, especially for senescent substrates, which will form water-soaked rot, inviting the breeding of nematodes and bacteria and widespread infection. Therefore, it is very important to maintain proper air humidity. c1,Je
Most varieties of mushrooms require air relative humidity between 80 and 95% at the mushrooming stage. Experienced mushroom managers can judge whether the air humidity is appropriate by feeling, but it is often very difficult for novices.
7. Ventilation VNTaVP
Edible mushrooms are aerobic fungi. belongs to the aerobic fungi, both mycelial growth and substrate development, need sufficient oxygen. Like human respiration, the respiration of edible fungi also consumes oxygen in the air and releases CO2. moderate CO2 concentration has a stimulating effect on the growth of some species of mycelium, but the accumulation of too much CO2 will inhibit the growth of mycelium, or even stop the growth altogether, and the prolonged action of high CO2 concentration will also lead to the death of asphyxiation of mycelium. The substrate stage is more sensitive to CO2, mainly in the inhibition of cap differentiation, the stalk is too long, reduce the grade of the finished product.7EY&UR
Therefore, it is necessary to frequently ventilate the space of the mushroom room to exclude the CO2 and keep the air fresh.BzZ<
8. Light FFGC
The mycelium stage of the edible fungi does not need light, while the mushroom stage of most varieties requires diffuse light stimulation. A few varieties need strong scattered light to differentiate the protoplasts, such as white mushroom and Ganoderma lucidum; very few varieties can form protoplasts in complete darkness; the color of protoplasts is also closely related to the intensity of the light, generally speaking, the color of protoplasts is darker in the strong light, and the color of protoplasts is lighter in the weak light.N`/38{
II. Comprehensive regulation of environmental factors Ykev
Wild edible mushrooms are occurring in the dense woods and grasslands after the rain, so it can be intuitively understood as suitable for mushroom environmental conditions:+b.
The temperature of the woods and grasslands after the rain is suitable, the air is humid, and the fresh and pleasantly clean air is suitable for the growth of mushrooms, and the sunlight through the canopy of the trees, grass and leaves is soft and natural, and the ground is full of organic matter such as grass roots and leaves, which accumulates over time. The organic matter such as grass roots and leaves plus the minerals contained in the soil are the best nutrients for the growth of mycelium, all of which form the best conditions for the mushrooms to recuperate and rest).
All kinds of environmental factors are not independent, they influence each other, constrain each other, forming a unity of opposites. In the greenhouse greenhouse is particularly prominent: ;,{mF
Light will increase the temperature, the temperature rise will make the relative humidity of the air down; S'+mM1
Ventilation will directly affect the indoor temperature and humidity, the degree of impact and ventilation and indoor and outdoor air temperature and humidity differences are positively correlated: the greater the ventilation, the greater the impact on the indoor temperature and humidity, the ventilation is the smaller, the smaller the impact on the the smaller the ventilation, the smaller the effect on indoor temperature and humidity; the difference between indoor and outdoor air is also the same. Generally speaking, the ventilation of the greenhouse as a winter mushroom house will reduce the indoor temperature and humidity at the same time. :-7`!
The above is the influence of natural factors on the environment of mushroom room, and the following is to discuss the influence of human factors on the environment of mushroom room:x
Spraying water is the main work of mushroom room routine management, the direct effect of spraying water is to increase the relative humidity of the air, and the finer the water mist is, the better the humidification effect is. When spraying water, the water mist evaporates in the air, increasing humidity while absorbing heat from the air, which to a certain extent can play a cooling effect.Ym
The influence of natural factors on the environment of the mushroom room is also under man-made control: you can hang the sunshade net and pull, put the grass curtain to regulate the light and temperature in the greenhouse, and control the ventilation through the switch of the air vents. Spraying water can directly increase air humidity, and passing in dry, cold air can lower the temperature and relative air humidity in the mushroom house. During the daytime, the temperature can be raised by increasing the light, and at night, the straw curtain can be put down to keep warm, and if the temperature is still lower than the minimum requirement, heating measures can be taken such as fireplace, fire wall and heater.
Section III II, strain production ,B91
In order to ensure the quality of strains, strains are provided by professional strain factories, in principle, do not allow ordinary cultivators to produce their own strains. This point in the relevant national laws and regulations have corresponding provisions.BY
Three, the production of culture materials for the preparation and treatment of O5,Vr
I. raw and auxiliary materials requirements"$
1. raw material types: u`"%
Cotton husk, sawdust, corn cobs, other crop stalks, gluten, cornstarch, superphosphate, gypsum powder, lime, etc. Y
This is the first time that we have seen this kind of raw materials in the world, but it's not the only thing that can help us. etc.Y
2. Quality requirements- El*
Cotton husk: fresh, dry, loose; no mold, no lumps and yellowing, etc. r/Owaw
Sawdust: sawdust of broad-leaved trees, no mold, no preservatives; natural stacking of half a year. r/Owaw
Sawdust: broad-leaved tree sawdust, no mold, no preservatives; natural stacking of half a year.
Corn cobs: dry, without rain and moisture, no moldy y
Other crop stalks: mature, dry, without rain and moisture, no moldy l
Bran: flaked bran is the best, fresh, dry, loose; no moldy, lumpy, insect-infested phenomenon!
Corn meal: fresh, powdered, maximum particles not more than 0.5mm; no mold, lumps, insect phenomenon Qx*
Calcium superphosphate: powdered, no lumps &Wj-
Gypsum powder: dry, white, no lumps u
Lime: the following three specifications of the following three kinds of lime can be used, but the usage and dosage are different: 6i)< /p>
1) ball milled lime powder: no moisture fat bags, caking phenomenon, 5)C'+t
2) quicklime blocks: blocks of the surface and cross-section of the white or orange-red, with the addition of water can be dispersed into powder. p;T=q!hH
Plastic bags: ① clinker cultivation should be used in polypropylene (autoclave sterilization) or polyethylene (atmospheric pressure sterilization) The thickness of the bag should be guaranteed in one side 4 silk (0.04 mm) or more. (0.04 millimeters) or more, uniform thickness and width; you can buy finished folded corner bags, or buy a tube of their own cut to the required size. In the winter should be used in low-pressure polyethylene bags. ② raw material bag planting should be used on both sides of 3 silk (0.03 mm) above, 5 silk below the low-pressure polyethylene cylinder bag. d>U
3. Pre-treatment of raw materials: LH
Some raw materials must be pre-treated before they can be used: ;'?
Sawdust: sieved to remove coarse, hard, sharp debris. sz "Calcium Superphosphate: Granular products, or when lumps are present, must be milled and pulverized, and sifted before use. \o*
Lime lumps: need to be dispersed with water 1 day in advance, slightly crushed and sieved before use.8||"Lime powder: can be used directly.F2B<V Cotton husk: if lumps are present, they must be picked out.8||"Lime powder: can be used directly.F2B<V Cotton husk: if lumps are present, they must be picked out. `,`hO
Corn kernel: processed with a crusher with a sieve hole of 15-20㎜ and then used. Soak it with water 8 to 24 hours in advance (depending on different seasons, the soaking time is shorter in the hot season).Qt[
Other crop stalks: guillotine or pulverize it according to different varieties and cultivation methods). Cornstarch: If there is more than 0.5mm of slag, it should be soaked in water 1 hour in advance.Yybh3Y
Timely pick off the sharp debris and tangles that are intermingled with various raw materials and auxiliary materials. |0##rR
4. mixing process: I
(1) Ingredients: xMd[XK
In accordance with the production formula, strict measurement, accurate proportioning, pre-mixing with the right amount of water, low, to the later adjustment of moisture left over; full mixing, lime powder according to the measurement to add. z}]W
Special emphasis: before adding water to ensure that the dry material pre-mixed more than 2 times! Specific ingredients and the need for fermentation, the addition of a variety of auxiliary materials in different varieties and different cultivation methods have different provisions.1u
Mixed materials need to be stacked for 8 to 16 hours after the post-turning, adjusting the moisture, and then bagging. VeZ*n]
(2) post-turning, adjusting: QN
Bagging before the water content and pH mastered in a suitable range, the pH is too high, and the water is too high. The water content and pH value before bagging are within the suitable range, the pH value is too low can be adjusted by adding a little lime, and the water content should be mastered at 60~65 (specific varieties have specific requirements). {H~H/
(3) Bagging (clinker cultivation)K
The working place for bagging should be smooth and clean, or have soft materials to ensure that there are no sharp debris; it is forbidden to push the bag on the flat ground to avoid the emergence of micro-pores at the bottom.l
Fourth, sterilizing h<0
Sterilizing is a necessary process for clinker cultivation, and also the most demanding part of the technology and equipment, the sterilization of culture materials is usually done by using a special method, and the sterilization of culture material is also done by using a special technique. Sterilization of culture material is usually used in two ways: high sterilization and atmospheric sterilization (disinfection): ov"}[
A atmospheric steam sterilization: 3H
1. atmospheric sterilization stove: `}
In the brick built pots and pans above the construction of a closed space, as a sterilization room, in order not to be sterilized bags are too crowded, the sterilization room can be built a number of layers of shelves, sterilization room walls should be left in the lower part of the room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room, the sterilization room and the sterilization room, the sterilization room. The lower part of the wall of the sterilization room should be left with an exhaust pipe that can be switched on and off, the door of the pot must be able to be sealed, and there should be a small hole in the door or the wall that can be used to insert a thermometer; the pot below should be filled with water to produce steam, and in order to make use of the residual heat, the flue at the back should be pressed with another pot, and the hot water inside the pot should be used to make supplement for the big pot, and the supplement pipe should be placed in front of the small pot, and the end inside should be stretched into the water of the big pot, and the opening of it is 10-15 centimeters away from the bottom of the pot. The bottom of the pot 10-15 centimeters, so that, with the reduction of water evaporation inside the cauldron, will gradually leak out of the mouth of the pipe, there will be steam from the pipe out, which reminds you than have to add water. Do not add too much water at once. ^NGg`j
Principle requirements: from the beginning of the bag to the sterilization temperature of 100 ℃ not more than 8 hours. From the beginning of the fire should be fierce fire, try to reach 100 ℃ in the shortest possible time, at this time to ensure that the upper exhaust port is completely open, in order to remove the cold air at any time. After reaching 100 ℃, close the upper exhaust port, reduce the fire to maintain the temperature at 100 ℃, continue to burn 10-12 hours. Near the end of the sterilization of 1 ~ 2 hours, but also must use the fire, and at the same time add enough water in the cauldron, until the end of sterilization. X5
The whole sterilization process should follow the "attack the beginning, promote the end, to protect the middle" principle. Cease fire at the same time, close the upper exhaust port. Let the temperature inside the pot naturally drop to below 60 ℃ when you open the pot door out of the pot. l
2. Space bag W#|PXA
Placed wooden rows on a flat surface, inserted below the steam pipeline, in the wooden rows on the padding breathable material, the top yard need to be sterilized bags, the top of the thermal insulation is covered tightly, surrounded by the ground and the ground pressed firmly, press, from the shape of the appearance as if the Yurt, also known as a space bag. h
This is the first time that the space bag is used in the sterilization process. h
This is the first time that the space bag is used in the sterilization process. /p>
Begin sterilization, first leave a corner of the farthest from the steam pipe is not pressed, supported by bricks or sticks, in order to exclude the cold air, to be discharged when the steam to 90 ℃, and then after 10 minutes, remove the support of the bricks or sticks, and will be tightly pressed at this corner. Continue to supply steam until the space bag bulging began to time, generally need to be sterilized for 12 to 16 hours, but also to follow the "attack the head, promote the tail, to protect the middle" principle.U
Space bag sterilization is best suited to in situ sterilization in the greenhouse, inoculation in situ, reduces the handling process, saves labor at the same time, reduces the rate of bag breakage, improves the success rate. R9,PH:
The external steam required for space packs is supplied by a special atmospheric steam boiler, which can be purchased or built on your own.
Two high-pressure steam sterilization ivaPy
1. Principle)aV
Compared to atmospheric steam, high-pressure steam has a stronger penetration energy, or "high-pressure saturated steam". (B? "i
High-pressure steam sterilization of the use of high-pressure saturated steam, only saturated steam has enough penetrating ability to make the heat directly to the center of the material, in order to penetrate the microbial "spores", and a variety of spores of the layers of armor, in order to play a role in complete sterilization. o=i:|:
If there are any problems in the sterilizer pot, it is possible to use a high-pressure steam to sterilize the material, but it is not necessary. p>If there is air residue in the sterilizing pot, there is no talk of saturated steam, so it will not achieve the desired sterilization effect. Therefore, in advance, thoroughly discharged the air inside the sterilization pot is the key to the problem.5tS
(1) to ensure that the upper and lower exhaust valves are fully open Z/g
(2) to open the steam supply valve, high-flow steam release for 30 seconds, exhaust the air in the pipeline, to ensure that the supply of saturated steam Gd^
(3) to adjust the steam supply valve, with a small flow of steam to gradually discharged from the pot and the bag of material inside the cold air. Cold air. This point in particular should be noted: large flow of steam will form a vortex airflow in the pot, so that the steam mixed with the air and difficult to completely discharged, especially the air inside the bag is not clean, directly affecting the sterilization effect. ?lpr7
(4) in the exhaust steam pipeline to install a thermometer, real-time monitoring of the tail steam temperature, when the tail steam temperature reaches 100 ℃ continue to exhaust steam for 30 minutes, to ensure that the air inside the bag is also thoroughly discharged. During this time, the pressure shall not be higher than 0.01Mpa, otherwise the steam flow should be adjusted down. Y6Cu
(5) in the supply of steam flow under the premise of unchanged, close the upper exhaust valve, gradually reduce the lower exhaust valve, so that the pressure and temperature in the pot slowly rise. When the temperature and pressure rise to the specified value, adjust the supply and exhaust flow rate to keep the pressure constant. Note: The whole pressure rise process shall not be less than 45 minutes!} Z.Q<Q
(6) Maintain constant pressure and temperature to the specified time. b
(7) The time of smothering can only be prolonged, cannot be shortened, and condensate is discharged every 15 minutes in the middle. The end of the steam discharge should be slow, not less than 25 minutes. g\g?B
(8) cold air is not clean, resulting in unsaturated steam in the pot, although increasing the pressure can be increased at the same time to raise the temperature, however, due to the unsaturated steam penetration ability is poor, not to achieve the desired effect of sterilization. Therefore, in the sterilization process, can not only care about the temperature, it is more important to analyze, judge the temperature and pressure correspondence is correct, in order to comprehensively and objectively evaluate the sterilization effect.2
2. Equipment (K.C
High-pressure steam sterilizer belongs to a special pressure vessel, must be purchased from the state designated manufacturers or customized, unless the special needs of the best to buy the stereotypes of products, stable performance, and also the best way to protect the environment. Stereotyped products, stable performance, but also easy to get spare parts. There are portable autoclave, vertical autoclave and horizontal sterilizer (cabinet) and other products on the market. More well-known manufacturers are: Ningbo Kaipu Electronic Instrumentation Co., Ltd, Shanghai Medical Nuclear Instrumentation Factory, Beijing Medical Equipment Factory, etc. t
To pay attention to the product nameplate on the production license logo, carefully read the product manual, as well as the provisions of which the safety regulations, operators must be rigorously trained and assessed on duty. Safety regulations must be posted on the wall for the labor safety department to check. 8f}q
Different manufacturers of products may vary in specific details, different purposes of use also have different operational requirements, the following on the sterilizing operation of edible fungus bags, the following process regulations: 9'+rP|
3. Sterilizing process standards (C
Operation Process: y + loading pot: yard neatly, securely, not crowded, is strictly prohibited to have bags of bacteria on the ground. =0^:pI
Must seriously comply with the safety operating procedures, check the equipment beforehand: the door seal is tight, the pipeline is smooth, the valve is flexible and non-clogging, close tightly, open; pressure gauge, temperature gauge initial state is correct, the response is normal.
Start a small flow of steam supply, so that the bag slowly and evenly heated, slowly discharging the cold air inside the bag, while opening all the exhaust valve, so that the cold air inside the pot smoothly discharged. qK
Gradually increase the steam flow rate in moderation, so that the temperature inside the sterilization room and the bag is further increased to the temperature of 100 ℃ when the temperature of the exhaust port and then continue to exhaust 5-20 minutes (depending on the size and content of the sterilizer). (depending on the size of the sterilizer and the amount of contents).8 reduce the exhaust valve flow, so that the sterilization chamber slowly pressurized, check the safety valve in the early stage of pressurization, to ensure that it is not blocked, jammed; when the pressure and temperature rise to the specified value, adjust the valve to maintain stable pressure to the specified time. (The entire pressure rise process shall not be less than 45 minutes) -:X! Close the steam inlet and exhaust valves, smothering the pot for 1 hour. Open the exhaust valve every 15 minutes to release condensate during the smothering process. The lid of the pot can be opened only when the pressure gauge returns to 0. H_L
4. Note: x7T,Q
When opening and closing the door of the pot, it is necessary to operate in strict accordance with the regulations and pay attention to the safety.3q/
The interval from the filling of the bag to the sterilization and holding pressure should not exceed 8 hours. x^ld8
The process of temperature increase, pressure rise, and vapor discharge should be controlled to prevent the bulging of the bag. The bag should not be inflated. [
Boosting, holding pressure process, the operator shall not be off duty, shall not be lower than or exceed the specified pressure and temperature, to prevent sterilization is not complete, sterilization over the mouth of the bag sticking as well as the occurrence of equipment accidents. rsic@
Regularly clean the inside of the sterilizer, to remove the rust slag, residue and other debris in order to prevent clogging of the pipeline and valves. .O-q
Keep the working environment hygienic. m
Find abnormalities in a timely manner to ask maintenance personnel to deal with, prohibit work with disease! y
V. Inoculation / seeding <gI|u
In the process of clinker cultivation, the inoculation process must be in strict accordance with the aseptic operating procedures for the work, i
i "Aseptic" concept: qk
Microorganisms are everywhere, anywhere, whether it is the mountains, rivers and oceans, and even erupting craters have microbial presence, the soil is more microbial base camps, the detection of each gram of dry soil contains tens of millions of microorganisms to billions of various microorganisms, the moist soil and tens of times higher. Soil and tens of times higher; air microbial content is not to be taken lightly, the human body surface and the body, especially the respiratory tract and the digestive tract in the types and content of microorganisms is also amazing. ;y28mv
And, microorganisms are invisible and untouchable, only after special smear staining, magnified hundreds or even thousands of times under the microscope in order to see its shape, or on the surface of the smooth medium can be observed in the group (colony), or through some phenomena to feel the presence of microorganisms. For example, yesterday's leftovers become rancid, the open cap of the beer becomes muddy, and so on, all of these are the results of microbial reproduction and activity. Microbial reproduction is very fast, in its appropriate conditions, E. coli every 17 minutes to reproduce a generation, that is, from one to 2, a day and night 24 hours to reproduce nearly 85 generations. oRB microorganisms in nature have such a wide distribution, we are a little bit careless, will be drilled by them, and at the same time it has such a high speed of reproduction, imagine, as long as there is a stray bacterial spores in the sterilization process Imagine, as long as there is a stray spore that is not killed during the sterilization process, or enters during our inoculation operation, or invades from the microscopic pores on the surface of the bag, the result will lead to failure.1
Two Disinfecting and Sterilizing~rs
Edible mushrooms belong to a class of microorganisms, and in the process of producing them, any microorganisms except for our specific varieties belong to the category of stray bacteria. Here again we need to master the concepts and methods of disinfection and sterilization:,2N4>4
1. Disinfection: refers to the removal and killing of harmful micro-organisms in the specified environment and on the objects by physical or chemical means, so that their microbial species and content is limited to the permissible safety range. ;=R
2. Sterilization: refers to the physical and chemical methods to completely kill all the microorganisms in the specified environment and objects, so that it becomes a sterile environment and objects. t-^uY4
3. Disinfection and sterilization can be divided into physical and chemical methods of large categories, the more commonly used methods are: }u6'
1) Physical methods: autoclave sterilization, flame sterilization, filtration, sterilization, sterilization, and other methods. Sterilization, flame sterilization, filtration sterilization, ultraviolet disinfection, microwave disinfection and a variety of ray disinfection. yw
(2) chemical methods: commonly used germicidal disinfectants: 75% alcohol, 0.1% new clean and destroy, 5% carbolic acid (phenol), peroxyacetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, Lysol, formaldehyde, potassium permanganate, bleach (water), ketoconazole, ketoconazole, carbendazim, and we are now commonly used aerosol disinfectants. Aerosol disinfectants are also commonly used. /
Theoretically speaking, any method of sterilization index can not reach 100%, which requires our staff to be skilled in aseptic operation techniques. @X "l
Three aseptic operation technology: a?49.
1. concept 8,
Aseptic operation technology refers to the comprehensive use of various sterilization and disinfection means, in the sterile area using sterile work tools to complete the specified operation process. hp6_X
2. technical essentials 'RxV
around the flame of the alcohol lamp. Because of the heat baking to form a 9 to 10 cm diameter sterile area, all of our operation process should be completed in this area, the open vials of strains, the opening of the bag should not leave this area. vW Before the operation, the arms of the personnel to be sterilized by wiping 75% alcohol cotton balls, the use of the workpiece to be burned by the flame, the coarser tools to be used to tweezers clamped to the alcohol cotton balls with a fire to wipe the sterilized, use the Before the alcohol lamp flame to ignite the residual alcohol, to be used after cooling; so that both achieve the purpose of disinfection, at the same time the residual temperature on the tool will not burn the strains.O)E>Kt sterilized tools can not touch the strains bottles (bags) and was inoculated with bags of any place other than the interior, accidentally touched down to use the above methods to re-sanitize and sterilize; each inoculated with a certain number of (such as after receiving a bag of strains) or halfway, the tool should be thoroughly disinfected; the tool should be used for the purpose of sterilization. Every time a certain number of inoculations (such as after receiving a bag of strains or halfway), the tools should be thoroughly sterilized once. U.,79/
The surface of the human body and the respiratory tract carry a large number of germs, here again emphasize: slippers, overalls, work cap, mask must be worn in accordance with the provisions of the inoculation area is not permitted to tickle, coughing, sneezing to avoid the operation of the area, to walk gently, and prohibit loud noises, jostling. TFm7
[t four inoculation process ^%C]
1. Requirements for the environment:
The inoculation operation is generally required to be carried out in a special sterile room (inoculation room) or inoculation tent. Inoculation room (inoculation tent) before being put into use or after a period of inactivity, must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected: first of all, carefully clean the floor, corners and ceiling, etc., the entire ground first rinsed with water, dry and then scrub with disinfectant water. `i/
Inoculation tent foot part of the cleanup: ① show flat, shake off debris, ② scrubbed with water, ③ dry and then scrubbed with disinfectant water