How medical waste should be treated is as follows:
Related Persons
1. Direct generator: do the first level of treatment, both simple treatment. For example: soak in disinfectant water, etc.
2. Hospital designated responsible person: do secondary treatment. E.g.: packing and packaging, etc.
3. Specialized personnel: can be the sanitation department or health department designated personnel, whose duty is to do thorough harmless treatment.
Specialized items
1. Specialized plastic bags: yellow, prohibited to contain household garbage, can only be loaded with medical garbage, such as dressings, etc.
2. Specialized garbage cans: yellow, prohibited to throw household garbage, can only be thrown medical garbage, such as syringes, etc.
3. Specialized containers: prohibited to store other Specialized containers: prohibit the storage of other items, can only contain medical waste, such as chemical reagents, etc.
The scope of medical waste includes: swab swabs, protective clothing, masks, gloves and other discarded testing and medical supplies used by detectives and medical personnel; water bottles to cover the hands on the collection table, ThermoPower belongs to the medical waste, water bottles, pour the water out of the waste into the medical waste trash bag; volunteers, transfer personnel and other staff protective equipment.
Special note: leftover food in the rest room and water bottles are household garbage, do not put them in the medical waste garbage bag.
Requirements for medical waste disposal: medical waste should be put into the small yellow medical waste bin at the testing site, which must be covered with a special yellow bag for medical waste.
Requirements for medical waste bags: medical waste bags should be used to meet the requirements of the thickness of the special yellow polyethylene (PE) bags. Do gooseneck double bag, double tie, double disinfection, to ensure that the packaging tie tight, no leakage, no rupture, no perforation, and then placed in the yellow medical waste turnover box. If the bag is broken or the medical waste is scattered, it should be sterilized and packed again.
Medical waste transfer requirements: all sampling points of medical waste with the production of medical waste transported to the collection point of medical waste, as far as possible to compress the volume of medical waste packaging, to enhance the volume of medical waste transfer. Transporters should be well protected, gently held and put, to avoid throwing, throwing and other actions caused by garbage bags broken medical waste spillage risk. The transportation process should be closed, leakage prevention measures.
Temporary storage requirements for medical waste: medical waste should be placed in principle in a closed room, the room set up yellow crates, medical waste is strictly prohibited open storage, is strictly prohibited directly to the ground.
Other requirements
1. Medical waste is strictly prohibited from open storage, prohibited directly to the ground, prohibited from mixing with other items, prohibited the use of tents and other temporary facilities as a collection point.
2. Before the test should ensure that the point of each material is complete, including yellow garbage cans, special bags for medical waste, wrapping tape and extermination supplies.
3. Sampling points in the nucleic acid testing is completed, to ensure that all medical waste is transferred to the collection point of medical waste, each time the temporary storage of medical waste sites to carry out decontamination.
4. After all medical waste is removed from the medical waste collection point, the collection point is decontaminated.