296 8 Multiple Choice The basic form of stress on structural members can be categorized as (ABCE) according to their deformation characteristics. A. Tension B. Compression C. Bending D. Flexure E. Shear and torsion
297 8 Multiple Choice The factors affecting beam displacement are (ABCE). A. Material properties B. Section of the member C. Span of the member D. Size of the member E. Load
298 8 Multiple Choice The maximum deflection of a beam is inversely proportional to (AC). A. Modulus of elasticity B. Span C. Moment of inertia of the section D. Load E. Material material
299 8 Multiple Choice The critical force of a compression bar hinged at both ends is directly proportional to (BC). A. Pressure B. Modulus of elasticity C. Moment of inertia of the section D. Length of the compression bar E. Bending moment
300 8 Multiple Choice There are (AC) two internal forces in the section of a beam. A. bending moment B. compressive stress C. shear force D. force coupling E. tensile stress
301 8 Multiple Choice The magnitude of the critical force is related to the following factors: (ABCD) A. the material of the compression bar B. the shape and size of the cross-section of the compression bar C. the length of the compression bar D. the support of the compression bar E. the strength of the compression bar
302 8 Multiple Choice The (ABC) is called the three elements of force. A. the size of the force B. the direction of the force C. the location of the point of action of the force D. the strength of the force E. the compression of the force
303 8 Multiple Choice A force is an action between objects, and its action and reaction forces are always (AB). A. equal in magnitude B. opposite in direction C. interacting along the same line of action D. opposite in magnitude E. acting along a triangle
304 8 Multiple Choice An object is in (AC ) with respect to the earth, and both are called equilibrium states in mechanics. A. a state of rest B. a state of isokinetic linear motion C. a state of circular motion D. isokinetic curvilinear motion E. a state of variable linear motion
305 8 Multiple Choice The main factors affecting the bond strength are (ABC ) and so on. A.Strength of concrete B.Thickness of protective layer C.Net distance between reinforcement D.Strength of reinforcement E.Surface shape of reinforcement
306 8 Multiple Choice Bending members under the ****same action of (BC) are likely to crack and damage along the diagonal crack section. A. bearing capacity B. bending moment C. shear force D. compressive stress E. tensile stress
307 8 Multiple Choice The three constructions to achieve three synchronization is a specific requirement for coordinated development. Two of the important links are (ABD) A. synchronized planning B. synchronized implementation C. synchronized construction D. synchronized development
308 8 Multiple Choice Among the following administrative sanctions, (BD) belongs to the administrative penalty A. demerits B. warnings C. dismissal D. fines
309 8 Multiple Choice Differences between administrative sanctions and administrative penalties are (CDE) A. Imposed by the administrative organ B. Implemented by the C. The nature of the offense D. The object of the punishment E. The form of the punishment
310 8 Multiple choice Which of the following are the powers of the ownership of natural resources (ABCD) A. The right of possession B. The right of use C. The right of profit D. The right of disposal
311 8 Multiple choice According to the Interim Provisions on the Rewards and Punishments of the Staff of the State Administration, the administrative punishments of the staff are divided into (ABCD), and the administrative punishments are classified into (ABCD), and the administrative punishments are divided into (ABCD), and the administrative punishments are divided into (ABCD). According to the Interim Provisions on Rewards and Punishments for Staff of State Administrative Organs, administrative punishments for state employees are divided into eight types (ABCD). A. Warning B. Dismissal C. Demerit D. Demotion
312 8 Multiple Choice The conditions for exemption from liability without fault are (AB). A. force majeure B. caused by the victim himself C. intentionality or negligence of the aggressor D. intentionality or negligence of a third party
313 8 Multiple Choice "Property Loss" includes ( AB ) two parts. A. Direct loss B. Indirect loss C. Loss of tangible assets D. Loss of intangible property
314 8 Multiple Choice The administrative penalties stipulated in the Environmental Protection Law include (BCD) A. Fines B. Orders to compensate for the loss C. Suspension of production D. Fines
315 8 Multiple Choice The basic legal system for the protection of natural resources, in addition to the environmental impact assessment system, is the "three simultaneous" system. In addition to the "three simultaneous" system, there are also (ABCDE) A. natural resources tenure system B. natural resources planning system C. natural resources survey and archives system D. natural resources licensing system E. natural resources paid use system, etc.
316 8 Multiple Choice (BCD), which is the basic principle of China's environment and resources protection law. A. The polluter pays principle A. The principle of the polluter pays B. The principle of prevention first and combination of prevention and treatment C. The principle of rewarding comprehensive utilization D. The democratic principle of environmental protection
317 8 Multiple Choice In dealing with environmental problems, it is extremely important to adopt the policy of "prevention first". This is because (ABC) A. once an environmental problem occurs, it is often difficult to eliminate and restore it B. it is economically uneconomical to treat the problem after it has caused environmental pollution and damage C. the occurrence of environmental problems has a slow onset and potential, and the consequences, once they appear, are often too late to be cured D. it ensures that the principle of coordinated development can be realized p>
318 8 Multiple Choice In the various pollution prevention and control laws and regulations such as (ABC), the environmental impacts of environmental pollution are all regulated. ABC ), they all provide for the environmental impact assessment system. A. Marine Environmental Protection Law B. Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law C. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law D. Environmental Protection Law (for Trial Implementation)
319 8 Multiple Choice The types of pollution according to the characteristics of pollutants include the following ( BCD ) A. atmospheric pollution B. radioactive pollution C. biological pollution hazards D. chemical pollution hazards
320 8 Multiple Choice With regard to the prevention of groundwater A.Artificial backfill to groundwater shall not deteriorate the quality of groundwater B.When exploiting multi-layered groundwater, if there is a big difference in the water quality of each aquifer, it should be mixed C.Enterprises and institutions are prohibited from using seepage wells to discharge pathogen-containing wastewater D.Protective measures shall be taken to prevent groundwater pollution in the construction of underground engineering facilities
321 8 Multiple Choice The special principles followed by the environment and resource management include (ABC) A. The principle of comprehensiveness B. The principle of regionality C. The importance of predictive work D. Prevention is more important than cure
322 8 Multiple Choice Although the governance stage is effective and the quality of the environment has been significantly improved, there are also (BCD) problems A. The control of pollution is ineffective B. Governance is passive C. There is a lack of integrated prevention and control D. Single treatment to spend a huge amount of money
323 8 Multiple Choice The main laws and regulations that constitute China's environmental pollution prevention and control law system include the following (AB) A. Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law B. Marine Environmental Protection Law C. Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine Law D. Forestry Law
324 8 Multiple Choice China's main measures to prevent and control atmospheric pollution caused by coal combustion include (ABC) A. Improvement of B. Strengthening the prevention and control of urban coal-burning pollution C. Implementing strict regional pollution prevention and control measures for acid rain control zones and sulfur dioxide pollution control zones D. Prohibiting the direct combustion of raw coal by urban residents
325 8 Multiple Choice The main components of the atmosphere include the following (BC) A. Rare components B. Constant components C. Variable components D. Indeterminate components
326 8 Multiple Choice The components of an ecosystem include (ABCD) A. Producers B. Consumers C. Decomposers D. Inanimate matter
327 8 Multiple Choice According to the chemical composition of admixtures can be categorized into (AB). A. Inorganic compounds B. Organic compounds C. Surfactants D. Aqueous agents E. Powders
328 8 Multiple Choice Prestressing tendons are commonly used (AB ). A. medium. High-strength steel wire B. Steel strand C. HPB235 D. HRB335 E. HRB400
329 8 Multiple Choice The main technical properties of hot-rolled steel bars are (ABCD). A. Strength B. Elongation C. Cold bending properties D. Weldability E. Yield strength
330 8 Multiple Choice (cde ) is generally used as the main reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete structures and non-prestressing steel in prestressed concrete structures. A. hot rolled steel bars B. HPB235 grade bars C. HRB335 grade bars D. HRB400 grade bars E. RRB400 grade bars
331 8 Multiple Choice The hardening process of lime includes (AD). A. crystallization B. oxidation C. hydration D. carbonation E. chemical
332 8 Multiple choice to improve the concrete mix of the variable properties of the admixture are (AC). A. water reducer B. Retarder C. Air-entraining and pumping agent D. Early-strengthening agent E. Waterproofing agent
333 8 Multiple choice The function of the additive is (abcd). A. Improve the compatibility of the mix B. Reduce physical labor intensity C. Facilitate mechanization D. Improve the strength of concrete
334 8 Multiple Choice According to the chemical composition of the additives can be divided into (ABC) additives. A. Inorganic B. Organic C. Composite D. Ionic E. Polymer
335 8 Multiple Choice The durability of concrete is a comprehensive concept, including (ABCD) and many other things. A. impermeability B. frost resistance C. corrosion resistance D. high temperature resistance E. carbonation resistance
336 8 Multiple Choice In engineering applications, the plasticity index of steel is usually expressed by (AE). A. Elongation B. Cold bending C. Yield strength D. Impact toughness E. Surface shrinkage
337 8 Multiple Choice Silicate cement is not suitable for (BCE). A. Industrial plant construction B. Large volume structure C. High temperature resistant structure D. High-grade hotel construction E. Marine engineering
338 8 Multiple Choice The functions of the Longitude Weighing Instrument are (ABCD). A. Measuring the level between two directions B. Measuring the vertical angle C. Measuring the horizontal distance between two points D D. Measuring the height difference between two points H E. Directly measuring the elevation of a point to be determined H
339 8 Multiple Choice Functions of a Spirit Level are (AB) A. Measuring the height difference between two points H B. Measuring the horizontal distance between two points D C. Measuring the vertical angle D. Measuring the horizontal angle between two directions E. To measure the elevation of a point to be determined
340 8 Multiple Choice A total station consists of (ABC ). A. Electronic latitude and longitude meter B. Optical distance meter C. Data recording device D. Computer E. Plotter
341 8 Multiple Choice Construction surveying consists of (ABCD). A. Establishment of construction control network before construction B. Positioning of building and foundation alignment C. Detailed measurement and as-built drawing D. Observation of building deformation during construction and operation E. Observation of building settlement
342 8 Multiple choice The three basic tasks of measurement are (ABC). A. Measurement of known horizontal distance B. Measurement of known horizontal angle C. Measurement of known elevation D. Measurement of known declination E. Measurement of known plane
343 8 Multiple Choice The methods of measurement of the plane position of a point are (ABCD). A. Right-angle coordinate method B. Polar coordinate method C. Distance intersection method D. Angle intersection method E. Three-dimensional intersection method
344 8 Multiple Choice The seismic structural measures for a multi-story masonry house are (ABCD). A. Setting reinforced concrete structural columns B. Setting reinforced concrete ring beams C. Walls have reliable connections D. Strengthening the integrity of stairwells E. Non-structural members should meet the seismic requirements
345 8 Multiple Choice Steel fabrication includes (ABCD). A. Sampling B. No. material C. Cutting D. Calibration E.. Installation
346 8 Multiple Choice The following options belong to the admixtures to improve other properties of concrete (ABCE). A. Aerating agent B. Expansion agent C. Coloring agent D. Retarding agent E.. Pumping agent
347 8 Multiple Choice Technical measures to control NOx emissions from stationary sources can be mainly divided into ( AB ) two categories A low NO combustion technical measures B flue gas denitrification technology C use of clean fuels D fuel denitrification
348 8 Multiple Choice Reducing the noise from the source of the noise can be ( ABD ). A improve the design of the machinery to reduce the noise B reform the process and operating methods to reduce the noise . C add sound-absorbing. D keep the equipment in good running condition
349 8 Multiple Choice To reduce the noise on the transmission path, you can ( ABCD ). A "Separation of noise and quiet" and "reasonable layout" B use the natural terrain and features to reduce the noise C reasonable layout of the building function in the noise-sensitive area and reasonable adjustment of the building layout D put the non-noise-sensitive buildings and non-noise-sensitive rooms close to and toward the noise source
349 8 Multiple Choice Noise sources
350 8 Multiple Choice 64.The principles to be followed in solid waste disposal include (ABCD).A Toxic and hazardous wastes should be harmless as far as possible.B Toxic and hazardous wastes that can not be harmless must be placed in containers and facilities that are stable for a long period of time, and the disposal system should be capable of preventing rainwater from drenching and groundwater from soaking.C For radioactive wastes, they must be fixed beforehand. Packaging. C For radioactive waste, it must be pre-fixed. packaged. and placed in facilities with certain engineered barriers, and the disposal system should be able to prevent rainwater leaching and groundwater soaking D Disposal of toxic, hazardous and radioactive waste must be pre-selected and evaluated
351 8 Multiple Choice Enhancing the eco-design of a product can be achieved by which of the following methods (AC). a Adopting the design idea of "small but fine" b Adopting the design principle of integrating various functions into one C C. Advocating the design principle of "simplicity and beauty" D. The more complex the material structure, the better
352 8 Multiple Choice Adopting the design principle of "smallness and simplicity" to enhance the eco-design of a product refers to (BC).A. Reducing the types of materials used B. Adopting lighter materials C. Removing redundant functions D. Adopting a single material
353 8 Multiple Choice The design principle of "simplicity and beauty" to enhance the eco-design of a product refers to (AC).B. Using light materials C. Removing superfluous functions D. Using a single material
353 8 Multiple Choice A Reducing the variety of materials used B Removing redundant functions C Adopting a single material D Adopting lightweight materials
354 8 Multiple Choice The correct statements about garbage collection are (ACD). A Municipal garbage collection methods can be divided into two categories: mixed collection and separate collection B Mixed collection is an inevitable choice for the development of the method C Separate collection of garbage can greatly reduce the amount of garbage disposal D Separate collection is superior to separate collection D Separate collection is better than separate collection D Separate collection is better than mixed collection
355 8 Multiple Choice The methods of controlling industrial solid waste include (ABD ). A eliminating outdated production processes B promoting clean production processes C transferring solid waste to other countries D developing material recycling technology
356 8 Multiple Choice The ways of resourcing solid waste may be (ACD ). B landfill incineration to return to nature, increase soil fertility C material conversion D energy conversion
357 8 Multiple Choice On the biological treatment of solid waste technology is correctly said ( ABCD ). A is divided into aerobic biological treatment and anaerobic biological treatment B composting C biogas fermentation D bacterial metallurgy
358 8 Multiple Choice The principle of the final and safe disposal of solid waste can be summarized as ( ACD ). A Differentiated treatment. A differentiated treatment. B. Decentralized treatment C. Maximum isolation of hazardous waste from the biosphere D. Centralized treatment
359 8 Multiple Choice According to the way of protection, ecological protection can be divided into ( ACD ). A Maintenance B Protection C Restoration D Reconstruction
360 8 Multiple Choice According to the degree of artificialization, ecological protection can be divided into (BC).A Artificial protection B Natural protection C Ecological construction
361 8 Multiple Choice The following statements about ecological restoration projects are correct ( ABD ).A Including engineering treatment and biological treatment B Usually B usually adopts engineering management. C biological management is a prerequisite and condition for engineering management D ecosystem level should have high stability and strong self-regulation ability
362 8 Multiple Choice The measures for landscape protection include ( ). A formulate measures for overall protection of regional landscapes B draw up a list of endangered landscape sites and popularize them to the public C strengthen the training of relevant professionals and decision makers on various aspects of ecosystems D develop a multifunctional and dynamic conservation policy
363 8 Multiple Choice Measures that should be taken to reduce the impacts that remove wildlife and their habitats are ( ABCD ).A require that any action that has a destructive impact on wildlife and their habitats be consulted with the wildlife management departmentB set up fences to prevent large mammals from coming into contact with toxic substances Sedimentation ponds and dumps C Before revegetation, the land to be vegetated must be covered with original topsoil that promotes wildlife growth D A buffer zone within 30m of the ground on both sides of the river, which must be kept undisturbed within this area
364 8 Multiple Choice Measures for the prevention and control of soil erosion are (ABCD ). A Reclamation and destruction of native vegetation is prohibited on steep slopes of more than 25 degrees of slope B Strictly prohibited. B. Deforestation is strictly prohibited. C. Forestation and grass cultivation to protect vegetation D. Forestation and grass cultivation to prevent wind and fix sand
365 8 Multiple Choice Soil protection measures include (ABCD). A. Sand dams B. Contour farming C. Planting of windbreak forests and vegetation cover D. Folk crop protection
366 8 Multiple Choice Wetland protection, in addition to preventing pollution, should also be (ABCD). B rational cultivation of biological resources . C Strengthen comprehensive management and improve flood control and drainage capacity D Legislative protection
367 8 Multiple Choice According to the current regulations in China, when calculating the enterprise income tax, the items that should be included in the taxable income are (ACDE ).A. Expenditures for the assignment of intangible assets B. Taxpayers' taxable wages paid to employees C. Various kinds of sponsorship expenditures and nonpublic welfare donations D. Accidental losses with compensatory Part E. Proprietary technology development expenditures
368 8 Multiple Choice The content of the construction project proposal should include (ABCD).A. Preliminary conception of the product program B. Preliminary analysis of the construction conditions C. Investment estimation D. Project scheduling E. Draft project contract documents
369 8 Multiple Choice Compared with the general subcontracting mode, the characteristics of the parallel contracting mode include ( ADE).A. It is conducive to the owner's selection of contractors in a wider range of excellence B. It is conducive to reducing the difficulty of cost control C. It is conducive to reducing the workload of the owner's organization and coordination D. It is not conducive to giving play to the comprehensive advantages of the contractors who have strong comprehensive management capabilities E. It is conducive to reducing the risk of the contractors
370 8 Multiple Choice In the planning system of the construction unit, the preparation of annual plans for the engineering project A. the total progress plan for the construction of the project B. the annual plan for the completion and commissioning of the project C. the annual labor demand plan D. the approved design documents E. the plan of technical organization measures
371 8 Multiple Choice According to the current laws of China, the statute of limitations of one year include (ABC). A. default on payment of project funds for reimbursement B. bodily injury for compensation C. hosting property for compensation C. loss of deposited property for compensation D. violation of the contract for the purchase and sale of international goods for compensation E. refusal to pay rent for reimbursement
372 8 Multiple Choice According to China's "Contract Law", the validity of the contract is pending include (ABC) A. incompetent person to enter into a contract B. can not fully recognize their own behavior of the mentally ill to enter into a contract C. the person who has no right to dispose of the disposal of others' property contract D. due to the occurrence of unavoidable circumstances, the contract is not a good idea, but it is not the case. D. Contracts that cannot be performed due to force majeure E. Contracts concluded in the name of the agent by a person without agency right who is recognized by the agent
373 8 Multiple Choice According to China's "Land Administration Law", the following statements are correct (ABCE) A. Basic farmland is converted into construction land, subject to the approval of the State Council B. Compensation for expropriation of arable land is 6-10 times the average annual output value of the arable land in the three years prior to its expropriation. B. The compensation fee for the expropriation of arable land shall be 6-10 times of the average annual output value of the arable land in the three years before the expropriation C. The resettlement subsidy for the expropriation of arable land shall be 4.6 times of the average annual output value of the arable land in the three years before the expropriation D. The resettlement subsidy for the expropriation of arable land shall not exceed 10 times of the average annual output value of the arable land in the three years before the expropriation E. If the use of land is required for the benefit of the public, the recovery of the right of use of the state-owned land may be reported to the people's government for approval
374 8 Multiple choice The support between columns and roof support for single-storey industrial buildings are mainly Inter-column support and roof support mainly transfer (AB).A. Horizontal wind load B. Crane brake impulse C. Roof self-weight D. Wind column weight E. Wall beam self-weight
375 8 Multiple Choice The basic level of asphalt pavement structure generally includes (ABE).A. Surface B. Base C. Abrasive D. Subgrade E. Bedding
376 8 Multiple Choice The design method is usually adopted when the bottom longitudinal slope of a culvert is 6%. When the longitudinal slope of the culvert bottom is 6%, the usual design scheme is (BC).A. The bottom of the cave is straight, and there is no anti-slip wall at the bottom of the foundation B. The bottom of the cave is straight, and there is anti-slip wall at the bottom of the foundation C. The foundation is made into a continuous step shape D. The foundation is made into a step shape in segments E. Setting up a drop well p>
377 8 Multi-choice The construction of underground repository, the main factors that should be taken into consideration from the technical and economic point of view include (BDE).A. Topographical conditions B. Entrance and exit conditions C. The construction of underground repository, from the technical and economic point of view should be taken into consideration. Topographical conditions B. Architectural form of entrances and exits C. Climatic conditions of the region where it is located D. Geological conditions E. Distance from rivers flowing through the urban area
378 8 Multiple Choice Concrete admixtures that can increase the ease of concrete and at the same time reduce the difficulty of construction are (BDE).A. Expansion agent B. Water reducer C. Early-strengthening agent D. Air-entraining agent E. Pumping agent
379 8 Multiple Choice 《the Chinese People's Republic of China Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law applies to the Chinese People's Republic of China in the field of (ABCDE ) pollution prevention and control. a. rivers B. lakes C. canals D. channels E. reservoirs F. oceans
380 8 Multiple Choice The following is a concentration of noise-sensitive buildings are (ABC). a. medical areas B. cultural and educational areas C. institutional offices D. commercial centers