What are the benefits of inhaling oxygen?

Oxygen plays a decisive role in strengthening the immune system. Appropriate oxygen inhalation is conducive to promoting blood circulation in the skin, accelerating the discharge of toxins and making the skin elastic, as well as providing health care and improving the quality of sleep. For pregnant women, it is conducive to increasing the concentration of blood oxygen, which is beneficial to the development of the fetus.

For the elderly, oxygen inhalation can fight disease and delay aging, improve the quality of life. For brain workers, oxygen can eliminate fatigue and improve memory. Oxygen inhalation after labor can quickly eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength and improve work efficiency.

Expanded information:

Pregnant mothers inhale oxygen: adults and children benefit. Pregnant women inhale oxygen 3 times a day for 30 minutes each time to increase blood oxygen concentration, which is brought to the fetus through the placental bloodstream, benefiting the mother's health and the fetus' better and smarter development.

Oxygen for brain workers: eliminate fatigue, improve memory. Oxygen consumption of the brain accounts for 20-30% of the body's oxygen consumption. Oxygen inhalation is good for eliminating brain fatigue, refreshing the spirit and improving memory. If the students prepare for the examination period every day oxygen 30 minutes, can relieve the pre-test tension, protect the brain, performance significantly improved.

Source of reference; Baidu encyclopedia-oxygen respirator

Baidu encyclopedia-oxygen inhalation