What does Suzhou have that ranks first within China?

Suzhou actual utilization of foreign capital in China's large and medium-sized cities ranked first

According to the introduction, this year, Suzhou's externally-oriented economy hit another record, attracting a significant increase in large projects. In the first half of the year, Suzhou City, newly approved more than ten million U.S. dollars of large projects (including ten million U.S. dollars) three hundred and fifty-three, an increase of 13.5 percent over the same period last year, with a contracted foreign investment of 4.024 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of more than $ 10 million in forty-three projects, with a contracted foreign investment of 5.89 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, eleven projects of more than 100 million U.S. dollars.

With more and more large projects settled in Suzhou, the world's top 500 companies have increased to eighty-eight. At present, Japan Mitsui, the United States Mobil, Germany Siemens, the Netherlands Philips, South Korea Daewoo, Hong Kong's Jardine Matheson and other eighty-eight of the world's top 500 companies in Suzhou held about two hundred and twenty projects, contracted foreign investment of more than seven billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the total contracted introduction of foreign investment in Suzhou in recent years about 10%. (Dissecting the real purpose of mainstream capital, and discovering the best opportunities for profit!)

In recent years, more and more investors have been optimistic about the Yangtze River Delta, calling it one of the fastest growing economies in China, with the largest total economic volume and one of the most promising economic sectors. The Yangtze River Delta is located in the hinterland of Suzhou, with its garden Suzhou, culture Suzhou, entrepreneurship Suzhou, dynamic Suzhou, open Suzhou dozens of hot business cards is doubly favored.

It is reported that, as of now, Suzhou City, the opening of more than 6,000 foreign-funded enterprises, the world's top 500 as the leader, Suzhou, the rapid formation of electronic information, precision machinery, fine chemicals, biomedicine and other high-tech products, production, export processing base. Especially the electronic information products manufacturing industry, has become an important international production base.