What is mes system?

The MES system is a production information management system for the shop-floor execution layer of a manufacturing enterprise, and MES can provide enterprises with management modules including manufacturing data management, planning and scheduling management, production scheduling management, inventory management, quality management, human resource management, work center/equipment management, work fixture management, procurement management, cost management, project kanban management, production process control, underlying data integration and analysis, upper data integration and decomposition, etc. It can build a solid and comprehensive and feasible manufacturing cooperative management platform for enterprises. Analysis, upper data integration and decomposition and other management modules, for enterprises to build a solid, reliable, comprehensive and feasible manufacturing cooperative management platform. Traditional MES can be broadly categorized into two types:1) Specialized MES. it is mainly a system developed for specific domain issues, such as shop floor maintenance, production monitoring, limited capacity scheduling or SCADA, etc.2) Integrated Manufacturing Execution System. Initially, such systems were designed for specific standardized environments but have now been extended to many domains such as aerospace, assembly, semiconductors, food and health. It is functionally integrated with upper-level transaction processing and lower-level real-time control systems.