A baby care table is essential. This equipment will make it easier for you to take care of your baby while operating, such as changing diapers, dressing, and so on. Some other baby care equipment such as bath tubs, touch oils, cotton swabs, etc. are also common items used in hands-on practice.
Maternity care equipment is also very important. For example, postpartum recovery pads, maternity sanitary napkins, and anti-overflow pads are essential equipment. You also need to prepare some other hygienic care items such as warm water, towels and tissues.
Kitchen equipment is also indispensable for the work of a sister-in-law. Basic kitchen utensils such as pots, knives, cutting boards, etc. are needed for making monthly meals. Some seasonings and ingredients also need to be prepared so that they can be adjusted according to the needs and tastes of the mother.
Some other equipment is also commonly used in practical exercises, such as thermometers, blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes and other common medical equipment. These devices can help you better monitor the health of your newborn and the physical condition of the mother.
The equipment required for the practical exercises of a sister-in-law will vary according to the actual needs. When choosing equipment, it is important to select products that are of reliable quality and high safety to ensure that you can take better care of your baby and the mother. It is also important to observe health and safety regulations and use the equipment correctly during the practical exercises to avoid unnecessary risks and losses. I hope my advice is helpful to you.