The King of Stormwind is King Varian Urien and is located in the following location:
Varian, the former gladiator, the current leader of the human kingdom of Stormwind and commander of the Alliance army.
Varian Urien is the current king of Stormwind and commander of the Alliance army. During his youth, the Orcs invaded Azeroth in what is known as the First War, a war that ended with the assassination of his father, King Ryan Urien, and Varian's flight to Lordaeron. A few years later Varian regained control of Stormwind and rebuilt the city. He married the beautiful Tiffin Arianne and raised a son, named Anduin in honor of the great Alliance hero Anduin Lothar. Years after the Third War subsided, Varian was kidnapped by the minions of the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia and split into two selves: one displaying his strength and determination, the other weak-willed. The dragon attempts to snuff out Varian's warrior qualities and achieve domination of Stormwind by controlling the cowardly king's puppet. But Varian's powerful other half escaped and became a legendary warrior known as Logosh, known as the Ghost Wolf.
After he became one and regained power, King Urien traveled north to Northrend to conquer the Lich King, then fought the horrors of Deathwing in his homeland. Varian then turned his attention to his old rivals, the Horde, while the majority of the Council feared that their king was about to start another round of camp warfare that would last for years. With the destruction of Selamor and the Battle of Pandaria in the offing, Varian's ongoing struggle between his warrior traits and his kingly duties has intensified.
In the latest Warcraft 7.0 promotional CG, the Burning Legion returns, and Urien, King of the Tile, prepares to take on the Burning Legion.