Portable Dental Treatment Machines Work Well

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ORICH Bon Secours Medical Dental X-Ray Machine

The main feature of the system is the enormous energy supply by combining a voltage potential of 70?kVP with an anode current of 7?mA and a large range of exposure times (60 milliseconds to 3.2 seconds). The radiation beam penetration at 70?kVp ensures clear images, good radiographic contrast for optimal detail visualization.

The microprocessor in the timer ensures consistent film darkening day after day, year after year, over a wide range of engineering conditions: high diagnostic quality.

The IntraOs?70 is a conventional dental x-ray device that meets the highest demands of dental professionals working with conventional film and digital imaging receptors.

Mechanical System

The mobile stand consists of the following components:

1 Scissor Arm?

2?Mobile stand: 74 cm (29 inches) wide, 62 cm (24.5 inches) deep, and 107 cm (42 inches) high, with a total height of 165 cm (65 inches) with the folding arms.?

The wall-mounted support system includes:?

1?Bracket arms: short: 30 cm (11.8 inches), medium: 60 cm (23.6 inches), long: 80 cm (31.5 inches)

2Scissor arms: effective range of 138 cm (54.3 inches) with the short support arm, and with the medium support arm