Yongqin Chen: Researcher, Ph.D.
Ph.D. from MIT, Professor at Berkeley California University and Professorial Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Senior Research Fellow at Bell Labs, Sloan Fellow, Henry Dreyfus Youth Professorship, U.S. President's Youth Award, and recipient of the Nobel Signature Award from the American Chemical Society. He has been engaged in the research and development of biological and medical testing equipment for many years, and has unique research on the application of optoelectronic technology and other physical and chemical means in biomedical engineering. Name: Chen Yongqin
Basic Information Summary: Dr., Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Main Research Areas: Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering of Medicinal Plants and Ornamental Plants; Cloning of Key Enzyme Genes for Biosynthesis of Medicinal Plants' Active Ingredients and Regulation of Expression
Learning and Working Experience:
September 1979-July 1983, Dr. Chen Yongqin was a professor and supervisor of doctoral candidates in Jiangxi Agricultural University. B.S. in Crop Science, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi Province
August 1983-August 1985, teaching at Jiujiang Agricultural School, Jiangxi Province
September 1985-July 1988, M.S. in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Guizhou University, Guizhou, China, M.S.
July 1988-August 1995, teaching at Guizhou University, Guizhou, China. Lecturer
August 1993-July 1993, Kasesart University, Thailand, Visiting Scholar
September 1995-July 1998, Peking Union Medical College and Beijing Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China, PhD degree, majoring in Biopharmacy
July 1998, Hubei University, China, PhD degree, majoring in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
July 1998, Hubei University, China, PhD degree, majoring in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. July, 1998-Present, Hubei University, Associate Professor, Professor
August 2003-February 2005, University of Connecticut, Visiting Professor, Cooperative Research
December 2010-January 2012, University of Connecticut, Visiting Professor, Cooperative Research
December 2010-January 2012, University of Connecticut, Visiting Professor, Cooperative Research
2. Screening of High Yield Cell Lines of Paclitaxel from Picea abies (1999-2000), National Center for the Study of Paclitaxel and Paclitaxel. (1999-2000), sub-project of the National "Ninth Five-Year Plan"
3. Rapid Propagation, Cultivation and Cultivation Techniques of Cymbidium and Phalaenopsis (2000-2002), in cooperation with Wuhan Garden Research Institute
4. Screening of Excellent Single Plants of Ginger, a Medicinal Plant and Rapid Propagation Techniques (2000-2002), Department of Education of Hubei Province. Research (2000-2002). Commissioned by Fang County, Hubei Province
5. High-yield and high-quality cultivation technology of Dioscorea bulbifera (Ginger) (2001-2003), Commissioned by Gucheng County, Hubei Province
5. Research on induction and cultivation technology of hairy roots of Dioscorea bulbifera (2003-3005), Scientific Research Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education
6. Cloning and expression of cycloatomalol synthase gene of Dioscorea bulbifera (2006-2008), National Research Program of Hubei Provincial Department of Education
6. Expression (2006-2008), National Natural Science Foundation of China
7. Research on the Control of Exotic Plant Invasion by Genetic Engineering Technology (2006-2008), Key Project of International Cooperation of Hubei Province
8. Research on Medicinal Plant Resources in Hubei Province (2007-2010), Hubei Provincial Association of Science and Technology
9. Genetic Improvement of Plants ( 2008-2010), Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences
10. Research on the Affinity Relationship between Silverwood and Balsam Fir and Daphne Camphor and its Tetraploid Plant Cultivation (2010-2012), Wuhan Scientific Research Institute of Landscape Architecture Chen Y. Q., Piluke C. Research on Asexual Reproduction Technique of Dendrobium Orchid. Guizhou Agricultural Science
Chen YQ, Piluke C. Stem segment culture and plant regeneration of Dendrobium orchid. Subtropical Botany Letters
Chen YQ, Zhu WH. Healing tissue, cell and embryo cultures of the red bean cedar (Picea abies). Plant Physiology Letters
Chen, Y.Q.. Studies on the asexual propagation technique of Podocarpus auriculatus. Plant Physiology Letters
Chen YQ, Zhu WH. In vitro culture of mature embryos of the red bean tree (Picea abies). Plant Physiology Letters
Chen YQ, Zhu WH, Wu YQ, Hu Qiu. Effects of phenylalanine, sucrose and mannitol on the growth and formation of paclitaxel, bacitracin III and 10-deacetyl-bacitracin III in suspension cells of the hybrid sequoia. Journal of Pharmacy
Chen, Y. Q., Zhu, W. H., Wu, Y. Q., Hu, Q.. Effects of L-glutamine and cinnamic acid on the growth of healing tissues of Yunnan red bean tree (Picea abies). Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chen, Y. Q., Zhu, W. H., Wu, Y. Q., Hu, Q.. Effects of several fungal inducers on the production of paclitaxel by Yunnan red bean tree cells. Journal of Bioengineering
Chen Yongqin, Zhu Weihua, Wu Yunqi, Hu Qiu. Comparison of differences in healing tissue induction and paclitaxel content of several species of Picea abies. Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chen Yongqin, Zhu Weihua, Wu Yunqi, Hu Qiu. Effect of histoculture conditions on the growth and formation of paclitaxel in the healing tissues of Yunnan red bean fir (Picea abies). Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chen Yongqin, Zhu Weihua, Wu Yunqi, Hu Qiu. Effects of precursor substances and chemical inducers on the growth and production of paclitaxel in Yunnan red bean tree (Picea abies) cells. Journal of Hubei University
Chen, Y. Q., . Selection of cell lines with high paclitaxel content in Yunnan red bean fir. Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Luo JX, Chen YQ, et al. Cloning and expression of paclitaxel biosynthesis-related enzyme genes. Chinese Journal of Bioengineering
Chen YQ, Hu CHY. In vitro culture and plant regeneration of roots of Cymbopogon grandiflorus. Plant Physiology Letters
Chen YQ, Fan JY. In vitro plant regeneration of roots of Dioscorea peltata. Plant Physiology Letters
Chen YQ, Fan JY, Yi F, Fu YS, Luo ZX. Studies on plant regeneration of mature leaves of Dioscorea peltata. Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chen Yongqin. In vitro culture and plant regeneration of Dioscorea minor. Plant Physiology Letters
Zhao, D. G., Lu, L. T., He, A. G., Luo, K. M., Zheng, X. L., Deng, W., Chen, Y. Q., An, X. M., and He, M. Y.. "Principles, characteristics and potential applications of Gene-Deletor. Molecular Plant Breeding
Chen Yongqin, Shen Junhao, Pan Jun. Induction of hairy roots of Dioscorea peltata and production of diosgenin elements. Journal of Hubei University
Tu Bimeng, Chen Yongqin, Yang Zhifan. Cloning and analysis of the full-length gene for Atunol synthase from Dioscorea peltata. Journal of Northwest Botany