TranslationIf bacteria die from (for example, boiled water) where do their corpses go?
The phrase for example for example; Example: You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example.
The word bacteria is the plural form of bacterium, [b?k?t?ri?] n. bacteria
The word die [dahy][da?] v. to die; to dry up; to disappear
The word boiled. corpses 原型:corpse [kawrps][k?ps] n. corpse
I work with medical devices, and this is a crucial issue.
The word medical ['med-i-kuhl]['med?kl] adj. medical; medical; medicinal
The word devices. shuhl]['kru?l] adj. decisive; critical
So lets say we have a scalpel, right?
The translation assumes that we'll use a scalpel, right?
The word scalpel ['skal-puhl]['sk?lp?l] n. scalpel; dissecting knife
Simplest medical device there is.
There's a number of ways to make it totally(ish) sterile - gases, steam, dry heat, gamma radiation.
There's a number of ways to make it totally(ish) sterile.
There are a number of ways to make it totally(ish) sterile - gases, steam, dry heat, gamma radiation.
phrase a number of ... 一些;许多;若干;例句:A number of satellites are now circling the earth. Some satellites are now circling the earth.
The word totally ['toht-l-ee]['t?t?li] adv. completely
The word ish [ish][?] suf. denoting " ... like"; "having ... character"
Word gases Prototype: gas [gas][ɡ?s] n. gas; gas; petrol
Word steam [steem][sti?m] n. steam; vapor
Word dry [drahy][dra?] adj. dry; drying
Word heat [ish][?
The word heat [heet][hi?t] n. heat; heat
The word gamma ['gam-uh]['ɡ?m?] n. gamma (Greek letter)
The word radiation [re-dee-'ey-shuhn][?re?di'e?n] n. radiation; radiation
But as you ask- the little bacterial corpses are still there.
Translation But as you ask- the little bacterial corpses are actually still there.
The problem occurs when you stab someone with the scalpel, preferably in a medicinal way.
The problem occurs when you stab someone with the scalpel, preferably in a medicinal way. medicinal way.
The problem occurs when you stab someone with the scalpel, preferably in a medicinal way.
Word occurs Prototype: occur [uh-'kur][? k?] vi. to occur; to be present; to appear; to think of
The word stab [stab][st?b] v. to prick; to poke; to stab
The word preferably ['prefr?bli] adv. to better; rather; to prefer
The word medicinal [muh-'dis-uh-nl][m ?'d?s?nl] adj. medicated; medicinal; therapeutic; medical
The bodies immune system works by identifying certain chemical triggers in bacteria, and has no way to know that
The bodies immune system works by identifying certain chemical triggers in bacteria, and has no way to know that, for example, the lipopolysaccharide hanging around in someone's heart is not part of a bunch of living bacteria, but the floating corpses of dead
The human immune system works by recognizing certain chemical triggers in bacteria, and has no way to know that , for example, the lipopolysaccharide hanging around in someone's heart is not part of a bunch of living bacteria, but the floating corpses of dead bacteria.
The phrase part of ... (of something); Example: He received part of his education in England.
The word immune [ih-'myoon][? mju?n] adj. immune; exempt
Word identifying Prototype: identify [ahy-'den-tuh-fahy][a?'dent?fa?] vt. to appraise; to identify, to recognize, to recognize, to recognize
Word chemical ['kem-i-kuh?l][? 'kem?kl] adj. chemical
Word triggers Prototype: trigger ['trig-er]['tr?ɡ?] n. cause, inducement
Word lipopolysaccharide ['lahyp-oh-pol-ee-'sak-uh-rahyd]['l? p?p?l?'s?k?ra?d] n. [raw] lipopolysaccharide
Word hanging Prototype: hang [hang][h?] v. to hang; to levitate (in the air); to linger
Word bunch [buhnch][b?nt?] n. a string; a bundle; a group of people
Word floating Prototype: float [floht][fl?t] v. to float; to emerge; to float
The dead byproducts of bacteria are called "pyrogens" because they cause (among other things, such as death)
The dead byproducts of bacteria are called "pyrogens" because they cause (among other things, such as death) fever.
The dead byproducts of bacteria are called "pyrogens" because they cause (among other things, such as death) fever.
The phrase such as as, for example; example: I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom.
Word byproducts Prototype: byproduct ['bahy-prod-uhkt] ['ba?pr?d?kt] n. byproduct
Word pyrogen ['pahy-ruh-juhn] ['pa?r?d?n] n. pyrogen; thermogen; pyrogen; pyrogen; pyrogen; pyrogen; pyrophoric; pyrogen; pyrophoric; pyrophoric; pyrophoric; pyrophoric.
The word fevers: fever ['fee-ver]['fi?v?] n. Fever; feverishness; feverishness
Where do they go?
Nowhere do they go?
The word Nowhere. prototype: nowhere adverb ['noh-hwair, -wair] ['n?we?] adv. anywhere not n. unknown place; nowhere
Bacteria are small enough that water has completely different properties on their level. different properties on their level.
Translated Bacteria are small enough that water has completely different properties on their level of size.
The word completely [kuhm-'pleet][k?m'pli?tli] adv. completely; very much; all
Beyond rinsing off gross matter and reducing bacterial load, washing can't
Beyond rinsing off gross matter and reducing bacterial load, washing can't do much.
The word rinsing: rinse [rins][r?ns] v. washing; rinsing n. washing; hair coloring; softener
The word gross [grohs][ɡr?s] adj. total
The word reducing: reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos ][r?'dju?s] v. to reduce; to minimize
Word load [lohd][l?d] n. load; loading
Word washing Prototype: wash [wosh, wawsh][w?] v. to wash; to wash; to wash away
So for things like heart surgery scalpels, there will usually be a lot of people who have to be washed. surgery scalpels, there will usually be a second step of "Depyrogenation".
So for things like heart surgery scalpels, there will usually be a second step of "Depyrogenation".
The word surgery ['sur-juh-ree]['s?d?ri] n. surgery; surgical
The word step [step][step] n. step
The word depyrogenation [depa?r?d?'ne?n] depyrogenation
This is the process, not of killing. This is the process, not of killing bacteria, but of removing the bits left behind so they don't trigger an immune reaction.
Translated this is the process, not of killing bacteria, but of removing bits left behind so they don't trigger an immune reaction.
The word removing: remove [ri-'moov][r?'mu?v] v. to eliminate; to take off
The word trigger ['trig-er]['tr?ɡ?] v. to cause to happen; to trigger; to make to run
The word reaction [ree-'ak-shuh?n][ri'?k?n? ][ri'?k?n] n. reaction; physiological response; responsiveness
This varies widely in complexity depending on what you have to depyrogenate- steel scalpels are easier than an injectable drug, for example.
This varies widely in complexity depending on what you have to depyrogenate - steel scalpels are easier than an injectable drug, for example.
This varies widely in complexity depending on what you have to depyrogenate - steel scalpels are easier than an injectable drug, for example.
Grammar easier than adjective or adverbial comparative + than is "easier than...". than..." He is younger than me. He runs faster than me.
Word varies Prototype: vary ['vair-ee]['ve?ri] v. to change; to vary; to diversify
Word widely ['wahyd-lee]['wa?dli] adv. widely; greatly
Word complexity [kuhm-'plek- si-tee] [k?m'pleks?ti] n. complexity; sophistication; complication
Word depending Prototype: depend [dih-'pend] [d?'pend] vi. to depend on; to rely on; to depend on
Word steel [steel] [sti?l] n. steel; steel products
Word injectable [in-'jek-tuh-buhl] [?n'd?ekt?bl] adj. injectable
Word drug [druhg][dr?ɡ] n. medicine
Typically, the goal of the process is to so thoroughly break down the biological material left behind.
Typically, the goal of the process is to so thoroughly break down the biological material left behind.
The word typically ['tip-i-kuhl] ['t?p?kli] adv. typically; representatively; usually, generally
The word goal [gohl][ɡ?l] n. target
The word thoroughly ['thur-uh-lee, 'thuhr -]['θ?r?li] adv. thoroughly; completely; very
Word biological [bahy-uh-'loj-i-kuhl][?ba?'l?d?kl] adj. biological; biologic
Another way that dead bacteria are a problem is when you treat tuberculosis.
Translate Another way that dead bacteria can cause a problem is when you treat tuberculosis.
The word treat [treet][tri?t] v. to treat; to explore; to cure; to treat
The word tuberculosis [too-bur-kyuh-'loh-sis, tyoo-][tju?b?kju'l?s?s] n. tuberculosis
Live tuberculosis bacteria hide from the immune system, but dead ones don't hide well, and their insides are poisonous as well, so you start to feel really bad before feeling better.
Live tuberculosis bacteria hide from the immune system, but dead ones don't hide well, and their insides are poisonous as well, so you start to feel really bad.
The short version of
Live tuberculosis bacteria hide from the immune system, but dead ones don't hide well, and their insides are poisonous as well, so you start to feel really bad before feeling better.
Phrase as well also (equivalent to too); likewise; not as well; in addition;例句:We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well.
The word hide [hahyd][ha?d] v. to hide; to conceal; to cover up
The word poisonous ['poi-zuh-nuhs]['p?z?n?s] adj. poisonous
The phrase as well is also (equivalent to too); likewise; not as well as; in addition.