Zhoushan Pollution

Monitoring results show:

☆ 2005 the city's marine environmental monitoring results show that: the near-shore sea area of seriously polluted sea area of 4,131 square kilometers, the area of moderately polluted sea area of 2,396 square kilometers, Zhoushan sea area of the overall quality of the marine environment similar to that of last year, but the area of seriously polluted sea area has declined. Seawater in the main exceeded the standard factor is nutrient salts, part of the station petroleum class slightly exceeded the standard.

☆ In 2005, the quality of surface sediments in Zhoushan's near-shore waters was good, except for copper, a heavy metal, which slightly exceeded the standard in some stations, the rest of the indicators were in line with the quality standard of a class of marine sediments.

☆In 2005, the sanitary quality of economic shellfish in Zhoushan City's coastal areas was quite good; in the economic shellfish (mussels, razor clams, arkshells, oysters, etc.) sampled for testing, except for a slight residual of the heavy metals lead, cadmium, and DDTs, the rest of the indicators conformed to a class of marine biological quality standards.

☆ Red tide disasters occur frequently. 11 red tides occurred in 2005***, with a cumulative area of more than 10,000 square kilometers.

With the development of Zhoushan City's economy, the environmental quality of near-shore and offshore waters is not optimistic, and the amount of various pollutants discharged into the sea will not be significantly reduced in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the marine environmental monitoring and remediation efforts in the sea area under the jurisdiction of Zhoushan City, so as to serve the government departments at all levels in formulating marine environmental management policies, determining marine environmental management objectives, mitigating marine disasters and adjusting economic structure. At the same time, it is also hoped that government departments at all levels and the public will continue to pay close attention to the state of the marine environment in Zhoushan City, protect the marine environment while developing and utilizing marine resources, ensure the stability, diversity and integrity of the marine ecosystem, and ensure the sustainable use of marine resources and the sustainable development of the marine economy.

2. Status and Trend of Marine Environmental Quality in Zhoushan City

2.1 Incoming Pollution

Pollution from Major Rivers

In 2005, the total amount of pollutants carried into the sea by the Yangtze River, the Qiantang River, and the Yongjiang River, which are near Zhoushan's sea area, still remained high, and the amount of major pollutants entering the sea was about 6.17 million tons, including 5.91 million tons of COD. about 95.8% of the total; nutrient salts 190,000 tons, about 3.1% of the total; 39,000 tons of petroleum.

Table 2 Amount of pollutants discharged into the sea by major rivers near Zhoushan (tons)

River Oil COD Ammonia Nitrogen Phosphate Total amount of pollutants

Yangtze River 33586 5126446 89582 44127 5324036

Qiantang 4916 639600 39960 1964 687362

Yongjiang 4916 639600 39960 1964 687362

Ningbo River 4916 639600 39960 39960 1964 687362

Ningbo River 741 148575 13545 604 163470

Pollution from land-based sources into the sea

According to the Statistical Almanac, in 2004, the city's total wastewater discharges amounted to 2.018 million tons, of which 10.38 million tons of industrial wastewater discharges and 0.47 million tons of industrial solid waste discharges.

Sea source into the sea pollution

In 2005, the city's sea water aquaculture area of 9,397 hectares, a decrease of 10.5% over the previous year, the sea water aquaculture production of 115,400 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 8.6%. With the reduction of the city's near-shore marine aquaculture area and the promotion of pollution-free production, the pollutants produced by the aquaculture itself is a decreasing trend.

Mobile pollution sources at sea, including commercial, cargo, fishing boat sewage, etc., the main types of pollutants are waste oil, exhaust gas, ballast water, domestic garbage and sewage. According to preliminary statistics, by the end of 2005, the city's marine motorized fishing boats have reached 9,103, with a total power of 1,369,900 kilowatts, and a fishing labor force of 99,956 people.

2.2 Marine Environmental Quality

The results of marine environmental monitoring in our city in 2005 showed that: the overall quality of marine environment in Zhoushan sea area was similar to that of last year, but the area of seriously polluted sea area decreased; the nutrient salts in the sea water exceeded the standard seriously, and the petroleum class exceeded the standard to varying degrees, and the rest of the monitoring indexes conformed to the standard of seawater quality of the second class. Zhoushan sea area of seriously polluted sea area of 4131 square kilometers, moderately polluted sea area of 2396 square kilometers, mildly polluted sea area of 2167 square kilometers, the cleaner sea area of 2713 square kilometers, clean sea area of 9423 square kilometers.

Inorganic Nitrogen

The average content of inorganic nitrogen in Zhoushan's sea area exceeded the fourth category of seawater quality standard, with an exceeding multiple of 1.77. The sea area near Shengsi Li Island, the sea area near Daishan and Qushan Islands, and the sea area near Zhoushan Main Island were seriously polluted, with an average content exceeding the fourth category of seawater water quality standard by 2.27 times, 0.47 times and 0.33 times respectively. Compared with the previous year, the content of inorganic nitrogen in the sea area near Shengsi Islands increased, and the content of inorganic nitrogen in the sea area near Daishan and Qushan Islands and the sea area near Zhoushan Main Island decreased, and the data showed that the Yangtze River discharges showed an increasing trend.

Active phosphate

The average content of active phosphate in Zhoushan waters was cleaner except for the waters near Zhoushan Main Island, which were mildly and moderately polluted. (The average standard index of active phosphate in the sea area near Shengsi Islands, the sea area near Daishan and Quishan Islands and the sea area near Zhoushan Main Island were 1.40, 1.70 and 2.13 respectively, and the degree of phosphate pollution was reduced compared with the previous year).


The average content of petroleum in Zhoushan waters has increased compared with last year, which is a mildly polluted waters. The average content is basically in line with a class of seawater quality standards, but Zhoushan Island near the sea oil slightly exceeded the standard, exceeding the multiple of 1.94. The data show that the oil pollution in Zhoushan waters with Zhoushan Island and the nearby islands of the new construction, the expansion of the oil depot, oil wharf, oil in and out of the storage and transportation of oil and the increase in the amount of aggravation.

2.3 Quality of Marine Sediment

In 2005, the quality of surface sediment in Zhoushan near-shore sea area was good, and the indicators of petroleum, sulfide, organic carbon, mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, 666, and DDTs were all in line with a class of quality standards for marine sediment, and copper, a heavy metal, slightly exceeded the standard in some measuring stations.

Heavy metal copper exceeded the standard in some stations, the maximum standard index 1.28, exceeding 75%.

2.4 Quality of marine organisms

The results of sampling and testing of economic shellfish (mussels, razor clams, arkshells, oysters, etc.) along the coastline of Zhoushan City in 2005 showed that: lead, a heavy metal, exceeded one class of marine organisms quality standard in the body of economic shellfish in Zhoushan City, and there were slight residues of cadmium and DDTs, while other indexes conformed to the one class of marine organisms quality standard. Compared with the year 04, the biological quality has improved (Table 3).

Table 3 Main exceedance factors in economic shellfish in Zhoushan City in different years

Year of survey Main exceedance factors

2002 None

2003 DDT

2004 Petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals Pb, arsenic, DDT

2005 Heavy metals Pb, Cd, DDTs

Lead The heavy metal lead content in economic shellfish in Si Reef and Shengshan in Shengsi, Gaoting and Dongsha in Daishan, and Liuhang in Putuo exceeded the quality standard for a class of marine organisms, with the standard indexes ranging from 2.6 to 6.9.

Cadmium The content of heavy metal cadmium slightly exceeded the standard in economic shellfish in Sijiao, Shengshan, Gaoting and Liuhang, and the standard index ranged from 1.91 to 6.85; and met the quality standard of a class of marine organisms in other areas.

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) DDTs were found to be exceeding the standard in the sea areas of Sijiao, Shengshan, Dongsha and Liuhang, with the standard indexes ranging from 1.17 to 2.40 in all other areas.

3. Marine Disasters and Marine Fouling Incidents

3.1 Red Tide Disasters

In 2005, the East China Sea was severely affected by red tide disasters, and Zhoushan was one of the hardest hit areas. Zhoushan waters throughout the year*** 11 red tides occurred, the cumulative area of more than 10,000 square kilometers, nearly doubled over the previous year, the most in the past five years; at the same time, new dominant species (such as Miscanthus Kareniae, round sea streptocoryne, etc.) appeared; May to June is the Zhoushan waters red tide-prone period (see Table 4).

The dominant species of red tide in this year were Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum dantatum, Karenia mikimotoi, etc. There were no anomalies of aquaculture organisms in the area of red tide occurrence, and there were no anomalies of aquaculture organisms in the areas of Zhongjie Mountain, Shengshan Mountain, Zhujiajian, and Taohuadao Island. Fish and shellfish organisms in the red tide occurrence area and nearby waters were tested for shellfish toxin, and no red tide toxin was detected in all the biological samples.

Table 4 List of red tides in Zhoushan waters in 2005

No. Time of occurrence Location Area Longitude and Latitude (km2) Red tide organisms

1 6.1 The red tide was found in the waters southwest of Shengshan Island to

east of Dachangtu Mountain 122°40.1′E,






30°28.0′N. 34.4′E,

30°07.3′N ca. 4000km2 Nagasaki nudibranchs

Geodenticulate protocorms

2 6.2-6.3 The sea off the Nakajiyama Islands to

the mouth of the Yangtze River 122°37.6′E,

30°05.5′N to


31°29.9′N ca. 6000km2

(cross-province) Nudibranchia Nagasaki

Protozoa dentata

Medium-ribbed Streptocarpus

Aggregate Horned Trichoderma

3 6.4 The sea area near the estuary of the Yangtze River 122°15.0′E,

31°00.9′N ca. 1000km2

(Interprovincial) Middle ribbed stripe algae

Aggregate hornworm

4 6.5 Sea area off the northern part of Hanabishiyama to

North of Yangtze River estuary 122°44.9′E,



31°30.0′N about 2700km2

(Cross-province) Mesocostal Striped Algae

Aggregate Horned Spiny Algae

Nagasaki Nudibranchs

Tooth-bearing Protozoa

5 6.16 Mt. Dajishan, Shengshi Mazhou Mountain, Shengshan Mountain, Huabuoshan Mountain, Langgang Leidao, Shrimp Chimen, and Taohua Island and 121°12′E, 30°29′N, 122°14′E, 30°37′N, 122°31′E, 29°59′N, etc. 10km2~330km2 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Medium ribbed algae

Protozoa with teeth

3.2 Storm Surge

This year, there are three storm surges along the coast of Zhoushan, which were caused by Typhoon Maysa (No. 0509), Typhoon Maezar (No. 0509), Typhoon Maezar (No. 0509), and Typhoon Mai (No. 0509). (No. 0509), "Cai Die" (No. 0514) and "Kanu" (No. 0515). Typhoon Maysa landed in Yuhuan, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province on August 5, Typhoon Kanu landed in Jiaojiang, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province on September 11, and Typhoon Caidie turned offshore. All three typhoons brought large tidal increments to the Zhoushan coast. Due to the astronomical tides that coincided with the impacts of Typhoon Maysa and CaiDie, high tide levels exceeding the local warning level occurred at the Zhoushan Marine Station (ShenJiaMen) and the Daishan Marine Station, while Typhoon The typhoon "Kanu" coincided with the astronomical small tide, although the impact is very large, but did not appear to exceed the alert level of the high tide.

The year's extreme high tide level occurs: Zhoushan Marine Station extreme high tide level is 276cm (85 Yellow Sea base, the same below), appeared in September 5; Daishan Marine Station extreme high tide level is 242cm, appeared in September 5; two stations extreme high tide level are appeared in the typhoon "colorful butterfly" during the impact.

3.3 Disaster Waves

In 2005, Zhoushan coastal and neighboring waters, the number of days with more than 4 meters of waves was 21 days, which is significantly more than normal, of which 10 days were affected by the typhoon, 8 days were affected by the cold air, and 3 days were affected by the same effect of the two ****.

3.4 Marine Fouling Incident

On February 25, the ship "Ningda No. 1" collided with the anchored ship "Yunhong No. 7" in Wukui Mountain Anchorage, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, and the cargo hold was damaged, spilling about 0.5 tons of oil.

On September 23, 125 kilograms of fuel oil was spilled from the breathable pipe of the vessel "Huajie No. 6" in the sea area of Mazhi Anchorage, Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province.

4. Environmental conditions of marine functional areas

4.1 Environmental conditions of mariculture areas

Shengsi Mariculture Area

From April to September 2005, seven monitoring stations were set up in the Shengsi Mariculture Area (Luhua Island, Shengsi)***, and monitoring was carried out for six voyages.

The monitoring results show that: the water body in the aquaculture area is eutrophic, inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate are the main exceeding factors, the maximum standard index is 3.20 (calculated according to the standard of seawater quality of the second class), pH, DO, COD, fecal coliform single factor are not tainted the water body of the aquaculture area; in the sediment, the monitoring of the sea area's sulfide, organic matter, fecal coliform, total mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium content are in line with the ocean's water quality. In the sediments, the contents of sulfide, organic matter, fecal coliform, total mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, are in line with the first class standard of marine sediment quality; the total mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, copper, petroleum hydrocarbon indicators of organisms are in line with the first class standard of marine organisms quality; the content of fecal coliforms exceeded (≤3/g) more (15-18/g); the content of DDT, PCB, paralytic shellfish poison and diarrhea shellfish poison are not detected.

Dingzimen Aquaculture Area

From May to September 2005, water quality and sediment of the key seawater aquaculture area in Dingzimen, Daishan were sampled and monitored.

The monitoring results show that: the average content of inorganic nitrogen in the aquaculture area from May to September exceeded the national water quality standard for seawater of four categories, and the activated phosphate in local waters exceeded the standard, while all other monitoring indexes conformed to the seawater aquaculture water quality standard; the sedimentary environment of the aquaculture area was better, and the residual PCB in the sediment of individual areas was high, and its content exceeded the national quality standard for the first category of marine sediment; the heavy metal cadmium content of the farmed razor clam exceeded the standard; and the heavy metal cadmium content of the farmed razor clam exceeded the standard. The content of heavy metal cadmium in razor clams exceeds the standard.

4.2 Environmental conditions of key outfalls and neighboring waters

The outfall of Dinghai Sewage Treatment Plant and the neighboring waters

The monitoring of the outfall and the neighboring waters was carried out for 6 voyages from April to November 2005, and the results showed that: ammonia nitrogen, fecal colorectal and BOD5 in the outfall waters exceeded the standard of "Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996), which is the first standard for the discharge of wastewater. GB8978-1996) in the second category of pollutants maximum allowable discharge concentration (primary standards); chemical oxygen consumption (COD), oil and suspended solids partially exceeded; volatile phenols, heavy metals, total mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic in line with the standard, the outfall has a certain environmental hazards in the sea area or potential hazards.

The main pollution factors in the waters adjacent to the outfall are inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and other nutrient salts, oil also slightly exceeded. The water body in the super four categories of seawater water area of 28.8km2.

Zhejiang Haishengli Group Co., Ltd. outfall and adjacent waters

The outfall near the sea ammonia nitrogen, fecal coliform and other indicators over the "Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standards" (GB8978-1996) in the second category of pollutants the highest permissible discharge concentration (level 1 standard); biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) part of the exceeds the standard; chemical oxygen demand (COD), oil, suspended solids, volatile phenols, heavy metals such as total mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic in line with the standard; the main pollution factors in the waters adjacent to the outfall are inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and other nutrient salts, oil is also slightly over the standard; sediment, organic carbon, sulfide, petroleum, arsenic and heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium, and other indicators in line with a class of sediment quality standards; biological quality, the dragon head In biological quality, petroleum hydrocarbons, fecal coliform, heavy metals lead and cadmium in the body of the fish meet the standards of a class of biological quality.

The monitoring results show that the outfall is harmful or potentially harmful to the ecological environment of the nearby waters.

Zhoushan Marine Bio-industrial Park outfall and adjacent waters

The sea area near the outfall fecal coliform and other indicators over the "Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standards" (GB8978-1996) in the second category of pollutants the highest permissible discharge concentration (level 1 standard); ammonia nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), suspended particles partially exceeded the standard; oil, volatile phenol, heavy metals such as total mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic meet the standards; the main pollution factors in the water adjacent to the outfall are inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and other nutrient salts, and the oil also slightly exceeds the standards; in the sediment, the indicators of organic carbon, sulfide, petroleum, heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead and cadmium meet the first class of sediment quality standards; and in the biological quality, petroleum hydrocarbons in the body of the dragonhead fish, fecal coliform, and heavy metals lead and cadmium are in line with the A class of biological quality standards. The outfall has certain environmental hazards or potential hazards in the sea area.

Table 5 2005 Zhoushan City, the key sea outfall adjacent to the sea ecological environment comprehensive evaluation results

Sea outfall

Name Discharge type Adjacent marine functional areas

and environmental protection requirements Adjacent marine ecological

Environmental quality level Sea area major

Environmental issues

Zhoushan City, Zhejiang



The main environmental problems

Zhoushan City Dinghai

Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall Municipal Port Area

Dumping Area Water quality not inferior to Category IV, sediment not inferior to Category III, and biological not inferior to Category III. Worse Water quality exceeds inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphates.

Zhoushan Marine Biological

Industrial Park Outfall Industrial Port Area Water quality is not inferior to Category IV, sediments are not inferior to Category III, and organisms are not inferior to Category III. Worse Water quality inorganic nitrogen, reactive phosphate and BOD5 exceed the standard.

Zhejiang Hailisheng Group

Co., Ltd. outfall Industrial Harbor area Water quality is not inferior to the fourth category, sediments are not inferior to the third category, and organisms are not inferior to the third category. Worse Water quality inorganic nitrogen and reactive phosphate exceeds the standard.

4.3 Environmental Condition of the Sea Bathing Area

In 2005, the environmental quality of the Zhujiajian Nansha Sea Bathing Area was monitored during the peak swimming season (June to October). The monitoring results show that during the opening period, the water quality of the bathing beach reached 100%, the probability of the health index exceeding 85 reached 100%, and there was no fecal coliform bacteria exceeding the standard. Seawater bathing environmental quality is good, suitable for swimming and other water sports.

4.4 Environmental Conditions of Sea Sand Mining Areas

In order to manage sea sand mining behaviors in accordance with the law, scientifically assess the extent of the impact of sand mining on the slope, substrate, and sedimentary geomorphology of the shoreline profiles, and comprehensively grasp the process of changes in the elevation of shoreline beaches, the Municipal Bureau of Oceanic and Fisheries commissioned the Ningbo Institute of Marine Engineering and Research to carry out a survey on the impacts of Saitou Ocean sea sand mining on the sandy beaches of the coastline of Zhujiajian at the beginning of 2005, and invited Hohai University and other experts to carry out a survey to investigate the impacts. In early 2005, the Municipal Bureau of Oceanography and Fisheries commissioned Ningbo Marine Engineering Survey Research Institute to conduct a survey on the impact of sea sand mining on Zhujiajian coastal beaches, and invited experts and professors from Hohai University to evaluate the report of the survey which took half a year. The report showed that the changes in the tidal current field caused by the sand mining project before and after the project were limited to the waters near the project area, and had no influence on the tide level, tidal current field and flow pattern of the wider sea area, and had no influence on the amount of sand on the beaches of Zhujiajian coast. However, it is also pointed out that continuous and large-scale mining will have a great negative impact on the nearby surrounding marine environment, and should be strengthened and strictly controlled. Since August 2004, the Municipal Bureau of Ocean and Fisheries has organized real-time dynamic monitoring of the sandy beaches of Lisha and Dongsha in Zhujiajian. Two years of monitoring results show that: the two sandy beaches sand surface elevation changes in general is not significant, but by the season, weather systems, tidal currents, waves and other factors, the impact is more obvious, the need for a long period of tracking and monitoring.

4.5 Environmental conditions of coastal scenic areas

In 2005, the city organized and carried out marine environmental forecasting for two key coastal scenic areas, namely, Putuo Scenic Area and Shengsi Leidao Scenic Area. According to the marine hydrometeorological observation data of the two key coastal scenic areas, the suitability of tourism was evaluated. 69.6% of the days in Putuo Scenic Spot were suitable and more suitable for tourism throughout the year, and 64.4% of the days in Shengsi Leidao Scenic Spot were suitable and more suitable for tourism throughout the year, and the cases of unsuitable tourism in each scenic spot were mainly due to the impacts of winds and waves.

Table 6 Environmental Conditions of Key Scenic Areas in Zhoushan City

Scenic Areas Number of Suitable Days for Tourism Number of More Suitable Days for Tourism Number of Unsuitable Days for Tourism

Putuo Scenic Area 158 96 111

Shengsi Leidao Scenic Area 126 109 130

5. Restoration of the Marine Ecological Environment and Resource Protection

5.1 Construction of Protected Areas

Zhejiang Shengsi Ma'an Liandao Special Marine Protected Area

Zhejiang Shengsi Ma'an Liandao Special Marine Protected Area has been approved by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province and the State Oceanic Administration, which covers a total area of 549 square kilometers, of which 19 square kilometers are island-land area, and the main protection objects are ecological environment, rare and endangered organisms, fishes, shellfishes, uninhabited islands and natural landscape and historical relics. At present, the establishment of the protected area is proceeding according to plan. The establishment of the protected area will enable the protection of the marine natural environment and rare and endangered species, the protection of the marine ecological environment, the recovery of marine resources, and promote the sustainable use of resources, environmental stability, economic development.

Zhejiang Putuo Zhongjieshan Island Marine Special Protected Area

Zhongjieshan Island is located in the northeast of Zhoushan Sea, in the center of Zhoushan Fishery, is a high productivity sea, there are rich marine biological resources and island ecosystems. in July 2005, the demonstration materials of the protected area passed the expert evaluation, and it has been reported to the People's Government of Zhejiang Province for approval. The protected area covers an area of 202.9km2, and the objects of protection are ecological environment, fish, shellfish, birds, uninhabited islands and natural landscapes. The establishment of the protected area has enriched the type of marine protected areas in our city, laid a scientific foundation for the construction of marine special protected areas, and is conducive to the protection of marine ecosystems in the sea area near the Zhongjieshan Lidao, the rational development of resources, improve the standard of living of the island residents, and promote the sustainable development of the island economy.

Wujishan Island Bird Nature Reserve

As a provincial-level marine bird nature reserve, in 2005, the work and solid advancement of the reserve's infrastructure conditions and management tools to continue to improve, marine bird resources have been effectively protected. In order to make the construction and management of the reserve to a higher level, the marine and fisheries sector in the project funds to give a certain amount of funding.

5.2 Artificial Reefs

The construction of artificial reefs is to promote the sustainable development of the fishery economy by repairing and improving the marine ecological environment, creating suitable environmental conditions for marine organisms, fostering biodiversity in the sea area, restoring marine resources and increasing catches. Artificial reef construction in Zhoushan City has an early start in Zhejiang Province. in 2003, Zhoushan City built the first recreational artificial reef in the province in Putuo District. in 2005, the city put another 43 modified end-of-life fishing boats in Zhujiajian Recreational Artificial Reef Area, which newly formed 16,000 empty cubic meters of reefs, and the cumulative reefs have reached 220,000 empty cubic meters, which has become one of the largest artificial reefs in the country. Shengsi Ma'an Li Island put 3 × 3 × 3 cubic meters of cement blocks 426, the formation of the reef body 30,000 empty cubic meters, Daishan Xiushan put 18 scrapped fishing boats, the formation of the reef body 13,000 empty cubic meters.

5.3 Proliferation and release

In 2005, the East China Sea area, the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Ocean and Fisheries, Zhoushan City, invested millions of dollars in funds to carry out proliferation and release work in Zhoushan waters, *** release rhubarb, Japanese shrimp, jellyfish, pike crabs, snappers and other kinds of varieties of 130 million tails. In addition, in order to release seedlings can be successful, in the city's waters to set up a 3600km2 of temporary breeding and release protection zone, the provisions of the May 15 to September 15 to prohibit the impact on the resources of the operation mode of operation. Through the work of stocking and releasing and the setting of the temporary stocking and releasing protection zone, the fishery resources in Zhoushan waters have been partially restored.

5.4 Recycling of Used Batteries

In 2005, Zhoushan City and Shengsi County Marine and Fishery Departments further initiated the recycling of used batteries. Together with Zhoushan Marine Environment Monitoring Center, they set up waste battery recycling bins at the docks of key townships in Shengsi County's fishery industry and near schools and communities, and took measures such as increasing publicity and giving certain incentives to mobilize fishermen to recycle waste batteries, so that waste battery recycling work has been carried out effectively. At present, nine fixed waste battery recycling boxes have been set up in Wulong and Caiyuan in Shengsi, and more than 30,000 batteries have been recycled.

5.5 Seasonal Fishing Moratorium

During the 2005 seasonal fishing moratorium, Zhoushan City's marine and fishery departments at all levels strengthened sea and land linkage law enforcement, strictly prevented and investigated, strictly controlled and heavily punished, and realized zero violation of the city's seasonal fishing moratorium. At the same time, according to the "2005 fishing moratorium before the opening of the law enforcement management program", the implementation of specific actions, successfully completed the scheduled plan.

5.6 Fishermen's conversion

2005 is the fourth year of fishermen's conversion, Zhoushan City, the marine and fisheries departments vigorously implement the fishermen's conversion project, the annual conversion of fishermen in 2008, scrapping and dismantling of 323 fishing boats, by the end of 2005 Zhoushan City **** conversion of fishermen totaled 7,674, scrapping of 1,703 fishing boats, the surrender of horsepower indicators 182,000 kilowatts, ranking first among prefecture-level cities in China. The advancement of fishermen's conversion has effectively reduced the intensity of marine fishing.

5.7 Eco-farming

The marine and fishery authorities in Zhoushan City have increased their efforts in eco-farming, promoted standardized farming and scientific farming modes, and actively implemented the construction of the "Three Belts and One Area" eco-farming demonstration area. The city's advantageous industrial belt base all through the pollution-free base certification, new pollution-free base area of 8085 acres.

6. Supervision and management of marine ecological environment

6.1 Relevant local laws and regulations as well as the construction of supporting systems

In 2005, Zhoushan City Bureau of Oceans and Fisheries completed the preparation of Zhoushan City Marine Ecological Environmental Protection and Construction Plan and Zhoushan Construction of China's first-class modernized fishery base planning program, and now the two plans have been through the validation, and reported to the municipal government for approval. Approval.

6.2 Supervision and management of marine environment of sea-related engineering construction projects

In order to implement the Regulations on Marine Environmental Protection of Zhejiang Province, to promote the environmental supervision and management of sea-related engineering construction projects in the cities and counties, to standardize the management of environmental assessment of sea-related projects, to strictly review (approve) the work of sea-related engineering projects, to improve and perfect the system of review and approval, and to carry out strict checking on the environmental impact assessment report, and to review and approve the major environmental impact assessment reports. Strictly check the environmental impact assessment reports and carry out follow-up surveillance and monitoring of major sea-related construction projects. 2005 has dealt with illegal sea sand mining and illegal sea-related construction projects, such as investigating and dealing with illegal sand mining near Yushan Island in Daishan and illegal reclamation on Pamphlet Island. In the case of the Yongyue Shipyard's illegal blowing up of cofferdams and dumping of waste, it was ordered to make up for the formalities, and so on. In addition, it also dealt with projects that clearly violated the marine functional zoning.

6.3 Fishery Law Enforcement

In terms of environmental management of fishery waters, we have seized the two important links of fishing ports and fishing vessels, and combined them with fishery safety inspections to effectively manage fishery waters and fishing vessels. Strengthen publicity and education to provide fishermen's awareness of environmental protection; strengthen the anti-fouling management of ocean-going fishing vessels, which are equipped with oil and sewage separation devices as required to protect the marine environment; and increase the supervision and inspection of marine ports to investigate and deal with illegal discharges.

7. Countermeasures and Suggestions

In view of the quality of marine environment in Zhoushan City in 2005, it is suggested as follows:

Continuing to strengthen the supervision and monitoring of the land-based outfalls into the sea, the supervision and monitoring of the selected key land-based outfalls in 2005 showed that the environmental quality of the outfalls and their neighboring waters should not be neglected, and that the phenomena of exceeding the standard and violating the rules and regulations of the discharges are more serious. Therefore, we should continue to strengthen the supervision and monitoring of the city's land-based outfalls into the sea and the supervision and management of sewage disposal units, new and expansion projects must be strictly carried out environmental impact assessment, and effectively achieve the "three simultaneous"; at the same time, the relevant departments should strengthen cooperation and increase the control and management of pollutants entering the sea from land-based sources, especially marine oil pollution. The increasingly serious situation, to strengthen the control of oil pollution sources.

Strengthen the total amount of pollutants control and enterprise sewage discharge. Strengthening and implementation of the total amount of pollutants control and enterprise sewage discharge, should be the standard discharge of industrial enterprises and the environmental capacity of the polluted sea area is closely linked to the outfalls should be strictly implemented in the total amount of pollutants control of the pollutant outfalls and the environmental capacity under the awareness of the standard discharge, Zhoushan "strong marine economy" and "eco-city". The "ecological city" construction to make a positive contribution.

Strengthening of marine environmental protection and surveillance monitoring. In order to do a better job of the city's marine environmental protection, 2006 should continue to strengthen the city's marine environmental protection and surveillance monitoring work, especially in the near-shore sea areas on the basis of trend monitoring, focusing on strengthening the marine ecological environment of the sensitive areas, the key harbors and bays, the key polluted areas, such as sewage outfalls, such as the surveillance monitoring.

Strengthen the protection of key marine protected areas. Promote the construction process of Zhejiang Shengsi Ma'an Lidao Marine Special Protected Area and Zhejiang Putuo Zhongjieshan Lidao Marine Special Protected Area, and incorporate the protection of this protected area into the legalization and proceduralization as soon as possible.

Continuing to strengthen the surveillance and monitoring of marine pollution events, red tides, storm surges and other marine disasters. Carry out and improve the monitoring and assessment of marine defacement events, and further improve the early warning and forecasting of marine natural disasters such as red tides, storm surges and catastrophic waves. Improve the marine disaster emergency response system and measures, and actively carry out relevant marine disaster technology research to effectively reduce marine disaster damage.

Strengthen the supervision of sea-related projects such as coastal engineering and marine dumping areas. The environmental impact assessment of sea-related projects is carried out in accordance with the law, with scientific proof and strict approval, and the environmental impact tracking and surveillance monitoring of sea-related projects is actively carried out.

Strengthen the construction of marine monitoring and forecasting system. In response to the increase in marine disasters, marine accidents and emergencies, and the trend of increasing marine pollution, marine monitoring and forecasting is more important. At present, the capacity and means of marine monitoring and forecasting are far from adapting to the needs of reality. Therefore, to increase investment, as soon as possible to form a municipal marine environment monitoring and forecasting center as the hub, to the county and district-level station as the backbone, including the three islands, including the layout of the city's marine environment monitoring and forecasting system is reasonable and more complete.