Can I bring stuff and food into Hong Kong Disneyland?

Food is not allowed to be brought into the park, and any handbags, packages or other items cannot be brought into the park.

Items that cannot be brought into the park:

1. Dangerous or harmful items.

2. Weapons of any kind, or any object or toy gun that has the appearance or impression of a weapon.

3. Food, alcoholic beverages or any illegal substance.

4. Jars and glass containers.

5. Any bag, box or luggage exceeding 56cm x 36cm x 23cm. We reserve the right to refuse luggage with wheeled wheels due to operational needs.

6. Trolleys and conveyances with wheels (except wheelchairs, motorized mobility aids with not less than three wheels that travel at walking speed, and baby carriages with dimensions not exceeding 92cm X 132cm).

7. Pets and other animals, except those recognized for service purposes (e.g. guide dogs).

8. Guests 16 years of age or older are not permitted to wear face masks (except for solid color masks for medical purposes). If masks are worn by younger guests, they must be free from peripheral vision at all times and must be completely clear in both eyes.

9. Large tripods, folding chairs and stools.

10. Recreational devices with wheels, including, but not limited to, skateboards, scooters, roller skates, and shoes equipped with wheels.

11. Any item that, in our opinion, is harmful, disruptive, offensive or interferes with the operation of the Park or its associated facilities.


The following activities are strictly prohibited in the Disneyland Resort:

1. The use of cameras/cell phones/telescopic handheld video cameras (e.g., selfie sticks).

2. Selling any goods or services or displaying any goods or services for sale.

3. Distributing printed matter or recordings of any kind.

4. Unauthorized activities, processions or speeches, or the use of any flag, banner or sign, or the stirring up of crowds and other unauthorized public gatherings.

5. Feeding of any animal in the Park, including birds

6. Flying of kites or remote-controlled flying devices.

7. Photography, videotaping or any form of recording for non-personal use.

8. Pretending or acting in any real or fictitious character, with or without special costume, for the purpose of attracting other guests or interfering with the operation of the Park.

9. Engage in any unsafe or other behavior that interferes with the operation of the park or its associated facilities.

Hong Kong Disneyland - Rules of the Park