What does vsf data mean

VSF's full name is Versaloon Software Framework, an event-driven state machine system architecture that can be configured as preemptive or collaborative, and comes with some software middleware, including USB master-slave protocol lines, TCPIP protocol lines, and of course quite a bit of undisclosed code.The publicly available code for the VSF architecture is at: /

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VSF from the name seems to know that is the origin of one of my programmer open source project Versaloon. Versaloon is essentially a USB adapter tool, can be adapted to JTAG, SWD, SWIM, SPI, UART and so on can be used for chip programming and debugging of the connection 1 port. Then with the host computer software, you can use a hardware, to support a variety of different MCU program download and even debugging. versaloon driver in OpenOCD is called vsllink.