I do tile business has been 21 want to open a factory in the county to process floor tiles what equipment is needed how much money is needed

Looking at your questions are not like doing the tile business for 21 years!

You have to know, on the current domestic ceramic floor tiles (polished tiles), is the first brick embryo, in the polishing, brick embryo out of the brick surface color has been stereotyped, polishing is not possible to change the surface of the brick embryo color, can only make the color more smooth.

You want to do different from the manufacturer's pattern only their own factory burning brick embryo, if they build their own kiln production brick embryo, buy their own polishing machine polishing, a production line (including ball mills, powder making machine, presses, kilns, printing machine, glazing machine, grinding machine, polishing machine), plus employees, raw materials, investment of a minimum of 8,000W to 150 million

There is another way to achieve your requirements, is to buy a set of fully automatic brick polishing machine, the brick embryo, the brick embryo has been fixed. Requirements, is to buy a set of automatic water cutting machine, the current floor tiles for cutting, combined into artistic patterns, then you design, cutting, combined out of the floor tiles is the world's unique color. But this product is made out of the price is generally higher than the same specifications of the product 3 times, and home improvement is not a lot of surface use.

A fully automatic water cutting machine domestic equipment in about 200W; imported about 500W. if you processing volume is not very large suggest that you carefully consider.