Rimworld Rimworld 1.3 version of high-quality practical MOD recommendations

Rimworld Rimworld MOD is a key element of the game to enhance the gameplay, what are the quality MODs worth subscribing to in version 1.3?Here's a look at the Rimworld Rimworld 1.3 version of the high-quality and practical MOD recommendations

1.Combat Extended, Gun Nut - FN SCAR

The previous mod makes the combat system more realistic, adding new types of turrets, shooting walls and other new buildings, weapons increased bullet system, while adding suppression shooting, precision shooting and other shooting methods, in general is more realistic. The last two mods expand the weapon system

2. Character Editor

Let you freely modify the parameters of the villain, including attributes, traits, appearance and so on


Facilitates the discovery of wildlife across the map


Must be installed if you want to use the mod

6.Smarter Construction

No wall repairing to get yourself stuck in a cerebral thrombosis situation


Items Don'tBlockDoor

8.More Harvest Designators!

A few more commands for better harvesting of plants with blight

9.Mod Manager

Must be installed if you want to use a mod


Able to pop up a kill message <


Can set a minimum quality requirement for a building, the villain will keep building and demolishing until this quality requirement is reached, can give the villain skills

12.Designator Shapes

Can divide the area with more design shapes Numbers

Make the character interface more detailed

14.Heat Map

More intuitive display of room heat

15.Bionic icons

Make icons for bionic legs and other items more intuitive

16. Draftees Weapon

Displays the weapon you're carrying underneath the villain's icon


Must be installed if you want to use the mod


Shows detailed information about your character and animals

19.Allow Tool

Added a couple of new commands to better help you with the game. Several new commands to better help you carry and cancel items

20.[KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats

Show Hair With Hats (incompatible with the first mod)

21.[TH]TouhouStyle - Red Devil_Style Pack

Added the Oriental Red Devil Country Character Costume Head Shapes

23. Wall Light

Can build lights on walls

24. fgo Styling Pack

Added some of fgo's character costume head shapes