How to effectively prevent respiratory medicine nursing safety hazards

How to effectively prevent respiratory medicine nursing safety hazards

The genus of medicine. Includes respiratory medicine, gastroenterology, cardiovascular medicine, neurology, oncology, endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases, pediatrics, and so on. Internal medicine consultation Respiratory medicine: including diseases such as colds, pneumonia, emphysema, tuberculosis, bronchodilatation, asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary heart disease, respiratory failure, chronic bronchitis, pneumothorax, lung abscess, pleural effusion, interstitial lung disease. Here is my knowledge of how to effectively prevent safety hazards in respiratory medicine nursing, welcome to read.

1. Respiratory medicine ward nursing common unsafe factors

1.1 Technical aspects. New nurses with unsound business knowledge, low technical level, inexperience, and poor collaboration between nurses may lead to unsuccessful venipuncture, untimely red light pickup, and untimely disposal of all kinds. Furthermore, with the introduction and development of a large number of new technologies and new programs, the high degree of technical complexity and technical requirements in nursing not only bring greater work pressure to nursing staff, but also may lead to increased risks in the technical aspects of nursing, thus affecting nursing safety.

1.2 Management.

1.2.1 Staff deployment is unreasonable. The traditional scheduling model can no longer be applied to the needs of the ever-changing development. The problems exposed by the old scheduling model mainly lie in the busy hours of red light answering untimely; treatment and care in groups, nurses do not understand the patient's condition and the progress of the disease; evening and night shift nurses work under great pressure, especially psychological pressure.

1.2.2 Safety management system is incomplete, feedback is not timely, the emergence of security risks are not timely discovered or timely summarized, the same type of errors or accidents recurring, nursing writing, disinfection and isolation, safety care of critically ill patients, basic care is not categorized and continuous improvement, nursing safety education is not perfect.

1.3 Environmental aspects.

1.3.1 Ward environment. Respiratory medicine patients with chronic diseases, the majority of the body's immune function is low, patients and their families are worried about cold cold, unwilling to open the window ventilation, coupled with some patients bed urination and defecation, random sputum, etc., which may cause indoor odor, air bacterial colonization exceeds the standard, increase the incidence of nosocomial infections, is not conducive to the physical and mental recovery of patients.

1.3.2 Safety. Agitation, mobility patients did not use the guardrail in a timely manner, easy to cause the fall of the bed; falls, falls, pressure ulcer signs are not conspicuous, the bedside pager is not placed in the patient's easy to access, the ground water is not dried in a timely manner, there are obstacles in the passageway, the seat is not stable can cause patients to fall, fall or accident, can not be called in a timely manner; toilet lights, floor lamps do not work properly when not in a timely manner to repair; the use of electrical appliances on the equipment belt, such as cell phone chargers, computers, electric appliances, and so on, and so forth. Such as cell phone chargers, computers, rice cookers, etc., interfere with the normal operation of medical equipment.

1.4 Nurses.

1.4.1 did not strictly implement the three checks and eight pairs, especially in the case of busy patients can not be three checks and eight pairs of content into the actual work, such as the implementation of the medical advice when the wrong copy, omission of copying the medical advice, there is a question without consulting and not reporting, in the injection of medication issued by Zhang Guanzhu, give the wrong drug or not on time. [2]

1.4.2 Nurses work with poor responsibility, negligence, not seriously fulfill their duties, not seriously implement the rules and regulations and nursing routines, violation of operating procedures, unauthorized absence, patrol wards are not timely, observation of the condition is not careful.

1.4.3 Lack of legal knowledge, self-defense is not strong, they do not pay attention to learning and business technology training.

1.5 Patient side.

1.5.1 Patients know less about their own diseases. Patients get out of bed activities are not convenient, bed rest period is long, and most of them are elderly patients, thus very easy urinary tract infection and pressure sores and other complications. For this reason, under the influence of increased complications, long-term restrictions on activities and increasing medical costs, coupled with less understanding of the patient's condition, it is very easy for nursing staff to resist or mistrust, leading to adverse consequences such as doctor-patient disputes [3].

1.5.2 Some patients with unknown symptoms often do not comply with, do not cooperate with the hospital rules and regulations, privately leave the hospital to go out or leave without returning on time; patients and their families have too high expectations of medical care, do not understand the deterioration of the condition, do not accept and so on.

2. Preventive measures

2.1 Technical aspects.

The development of a perfect stratified training program, regular professional and technical theory training, and regular operational skills assessment. Nurses should not only master the professional knowledge of various departments, but also have skillful rescue skills, good cooperation with colleagues and high stress ability. Therefore, managers should provide nurses with conditions for learning and further training, and constantly meet the needs of nurses in the work of new business, new technical knowledge, as well as interpersonal communication skills should be made accordingly. The training is also necessary for interpersonal communication skills.

2.2 Management.

2.2.1 Flexible scheduling. When the nursing staff is small, the work task is heavy and overloaded, most nurses can not adapt to the transformation of multiple roles, and the conflict of roles occurs, which is detrimental to the physical and mental health of nurses, and also constitutes an important cause of hospital insecurity. Therefore, our department of the scheduling model bold reform, the implementation of flexible scheduling, enrich the busy time manpower, day shift implementation of flat management, and group management, the implementation of holistic care of patients; night shift into double duty to make the status quo of nurses overloaded with work can be significantly improved, but also reduces the psychological pressure of nurses on the night shift.

2.2.2 Strengthen nursing safety education, improve risk prevention. The safety and accident prevention education as a regular educational work to grasp, firmly establish ? Safety first, first safety? s ideology. [4] Our department carries out a nursing safety meeting once a month; selects four core quality control team leaders, in charge of nursing writing, disinfection and isolation, safety care for critically ill patients, and basic nursing, the core team leader carries out a monthly nursing safety risk investigation, and organizes the records, and puts forward the corrective measures in a timely manner; rewards the reporting of adverse events, and carries out a case analysis and discussion on the adverse events to avoid the same type of errors or accidents occurring over and over again; and makes recommendations on nursing Good practices and individuals in safety management are recognized, and problems are corrected in a timely manner.

2.3 Environmental aspects.

2.3.1 Instruct patients and their families to open the windows at the right time to ventilate, and use negative ion sterilizers to disinfect on a regular basis, to reduce indoor airborne bacteria, and to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections.

2.3.2 agitation, mobility patients on both sides of the guardrail in a timely manner; there are falls, falls, pressure ulcers at high risk, in the head of the bed to turn over the high-risk labeling; inform the patient of the use of the pager, unaccompanied and mobility of the elderly placed in the place where it is easy to get; in the dining room, bathroom, etc. placed anti-skid labeling, timely supervision of hygienic workers to mop up the ground water stains, and timely removal of obstacles in the channel; regular inspection of the chair, if loose, the chair, the chair, the chair and the chair. Regularly check the seat, if loose in time to send repair; toilet placed in non-slip mats and handrails; regular monthly inspection of the toilet lights, floor lamps operating conditions, abnormal timely maintenance; check the room when checking the electric plug board, sockets, etc., and stop the use of other electrical appliances in a timely manner.

2.4 Nurses.

2.4.1 Strictly implement the three check eight system. Three checks: checking when preparing drugs and after preparing drugs, checking before issuing drugs, injecting and disposing, and checking after issuing drugs, injecting and disposing; eight pairs: on the bed number, name, name of the drug, dosage, concentration, time, usage, and the expiration date of the drug. Carefully understand the content of the three checks and eight pairs, strict implementation, three checks and eight pairs throughout the nursing work; hanging medicine or changing medicine take more than two methods (such as bedside card, patient response, wristband, ID card, etc.) to identify the patient's identity, accurate and correct before implementation. Eliminate the occurrence of errors and accidents.

2.4.2 Strengthen the nurses' sense of responsibility for their work, talk to the nurses who are often negligent and careless in their work individually, strengthen the supervision of nurses in performing their respective duties, implementing the rules and regulations and nursing routines, and emphasize that the nurses must complete the nursing care according to the operating procedures, hold their posts, and visit the wards and observe the conditions according to the hierarchical nursing care system, etc., in order to avoid the occurrence of medical accidents.

2.4.3 Strengthen legal knowledge learning, management by law. 2012 all nursing staff in my department carefully studied the new "Medical Accident Handling Regulations", "Code of Ethics for Medical Personnel and Implementation Measures" and other legal knowledge, learn lessons from typical cases, so as to do the alarm bells ringing, so that nurses

Nurses in the practice of knowledge of the law, learn the law, understand the law, in the work of restraining their own behavior. The company's website has been updated with the latest information on the latest developments in the field of medical technology.

2.5 Patients.

2.5.1 Strengthening the care of complications and patient psychology [3]. Patients need bed rest due to shortness of breath and other effects, and their daily activities are more or less limited. Therefore, the incidence of complications such as urinary tract infections and pressure sores is high, and the patients' emotions are also unstable, so in addition to certain psychological care, it is also necessary to formulate enhanced measures to prevent them. Nursing staff should communicate with patients as much as possible during work breaks, analyze their conditions, and correctly guide them to vent their anxiety and depression, so that their emotions can be stabilized as soon as possible.

2.5.2 Do a good job of admission missionary work, the patient should strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the hospital, without permission shall not go out privately or leave must return on time, otherwise according to the automatic discharge treatment; the nurse in charge should be very familiar with the grasp of the patient's condition, and do a good job of explaining and informing the work.

3. Summary

Nursing service industry is a highly technical and risky industry, nursing risk throughout the entire process of nursing activities, is objective and eternal. Therefore, we should keep in mind the eight perspectives of nursing safety culture: prevention first, safety first, safety ahead, safety is benefit, safety is quality, safety is also productivity, risk minimization and safety management science [5]. Each of our nurses should act, constantly absorbing new knowledge, updating the concept of clinical work links and management to find the reasons, and constantly find problems, targeted to develop a series of corresponding measures for the safe and smooth progress of medical work to provide protection.
