Is the mechatronics major an urgently needed major in Shanghai?

The following is a directory of urgently needed majors in Shanghai, among which mechatronics is among them

1 51010200 Agricultural technology for seed production and management

2 51010500 Horticulture technology Agricultural technology

3 51010900 Plant protection agricultural technology

4 52030100 Urban rail transit vehicle Urban rail transit transportation

5 52030200 Urban rail transit control Urban rail Transportation Category

6 52030300 Urban Rail Transit Engineering Technology Urban Rail Transit Transportation Category

7 52030400 Urban Rail Transit Operation Management Urban Rail Transit Transportation Category

8 52040100 Navigation Technology Water Transport Category

9 52040300 International Shipping Business Management Water Transport Category

10 52040500 Marine Engineering Technology Water Transport Category

11 52040600 Ship Engineering Technology Water Transport Category Category

12 52040700 Ship Inspection Water Transport Category

13 52040800 Waterway Engineering Technology Water Transport Category

14 52040900 Ship Machinery Manufacturing and Maintenance Water Transport Category

15 52041100 Ship Outfitting Water Transport Category

16 52050100 Civil Aviation Transport Civil Aviation Transport Category

17 52050200 Flight Technology Civil Aviation Transport Category

18 52050300 Air Cabin crew, civil aviation transportation category

19 52050600 Aviation electromechanical equipment maintenance, civil aviation transportation category

20 52050700 Avionics equipment maintenance, civil aviation transportation category

21 52050800 Civil aviation special vehicle maintenance, civil aviation Transportation

22 52051200 Aviation fuel management and application Civil aviation transportation

23 52051300 Aircraft manufacturing technology Civil aviation transportation

24 52051500 Aviation electronics and electrical technology Civil aviation transportation

25 52051600 Aircraft maintenance, civil aviation transportation category

26 52051700 Aircraft control equipment and instruments, civil aviation transportation category

27 52052000 Aviation engine assembly and testing, civil aviation transportation category

26 p>

28 52060200 Port logistics equipment and automatic control port transportation

29 53020100 Applied chemical technology Chemical technology

30 53020200 Organic chemical production technology Chemical technology

31 53020300 Polymer production technology and chemical engineering technology

32 53020400 Chemical fiber production technology and chemical engineering technology

33 53020500 Fine chemicals production technology chemical technology category

34 53020600 Petrochemical production technology chemical technology category

35 53020700 Refining technology chemical technology category

36 53020800 Industry Analysis and Inspection of Chemical Technology

37 53020900 Chemical Equipment Maintenance Technology Chemical Technology

38 53021000 Coating Protection Technology Chemical Technology

39 53021100 Chemical Equipment and Mechanical and chemical engineering technology

40 53030200 Biopharmaceutical technology and pharmaceutical technology

41 55030100 Power plant and power system power technology

42 55030200 Power plant equipment operation and maintenance Electric Power Technology Category

43 55030300 Power Plant Thermal Energy Power Device Electric Power Technology Category

44 55030400 Thermal Power Plant Centralized Control Operation Power Technology Category

45 55030800 Power System Relay Protection and automation power technology category

46 55030900 High voltage transmission and distribution line construction, operation and maintenance power technology category

47 55031200 Power transmission and transformation engineering technology power technology category

48 56060300 Water supply and drainage engineering technology municipal engineering category

49 58010100 Mechanical design and manufacturing Machinery design and manufacturing category

50 58010200 Mechanical manufacturing and automation machinery design and manufacturing category

51 58010300 CNC technology machinery design and manufacturing category

52 58010400 Motor and electrical machinery design and manufacturing category

53 58010700 Material molding and control technology machinery design and manufacturing category

54 58010800 Welding technology and automated machinery design and manufacturing category

55 58011100 Precision machinery technology machinery design and manufacturing category

56 58011200 Medical device manufacturing and maintenance machinery design and manufacturing category

57 58011300 Welding quality inspection technology mechanical design and manufacturing category

58 58011400 Mechanical design and manufacturing category of mechanical processing technology

59 58011500 Aircraft manufacturing technology mechanical design and manufacturing category

60 58012100 Pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing and maintenance machinery design and manufacturing category

61 58020100 Mechatronics technology automation category

62 58020200 Electrical automation technology automation category

63 58020300 Production process Automation technology automation category

64 58020400 Power system automation technology automation category

65 58020500 Plan

Computer control technology automation category

66 58020600 Industrial network technology automation category

67 58020700 Detection technology and application automation category

68 58020800 Physical and chemical testing and quality inspection technology Automation category

69 58020900 Hydraulic and pneumatic technology automation category

70 58021000 Packaging automation technology automation category

71 58030400 Medical electronic instruments and maintenance electromechanical equipment

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72 58030700 Equipment installation technology electromechanical equipment category

73 58030900 Missile maintenance electromechanical equipment category

74 58040200 Automobile inspection and maintenance technology automobile category

75 58040700 Automobile operation and maintenance automobile category

76 59010100 Computer application technology computer category

77 59010200 Computer network technology computer category

78 59010400 Computer system maintenance computer category

79 59010600 Computer Information Management Computer Category

80 59010800 Software Technology Computer Category

81 59011500 Aviation Computer Technology and Application Computer Category

82 59020100 Electronic Information Engineering Technology Electronic Information Category

83 59020200 Applied Electronic Technology Electronic Information Category

84 59020400 Electronic Instrumentation and Maintenance Electronic Information Category

85 59021100 Radio technology and electronic information

86 59022000 Aircraft electronic assembly technology and electronic information

87 59030100 Communication technology and communication

88 59030300 Computer communication and communication

89 61021100 Clothing design and processing, textile and clothing category

90 61040200 Printing technology, packaging and printing category

91 61040300 Printing graphic information processing, packaging and printing category

92 61040400 Printing equipment and process packaging and printing

93 61041100 Publishing and computer editing art packaging and printing

94 63011100 Anesthesiology clinical medicine

95 63020100 Nursing care

96 63040300 Medical imaging technology Medical technology

97 63041100 Medical instrument maintenance technology Medical technology

98 63041600 Clinical engineering technology Medical technology< /p>

99 65030200 Elderly Services and

Management public service type

100 65030300 Community rehabilitation public service type

101 65030700 Modern funeral technology and management public service type

< p>102 67020200 Music, choreography and performing arts

103 67020300 Dance performance and performing arts

104 67020500 Film and television performances and performing arts

105 63041500 Rehabilitation engineering technology and medicine Technology