One of the public **** event
With the plot of the advancement of the player can be queried in the map of the many public **** event occurs when the player triggers the event and complete it will be When the player triggers these events and completes them, there is a probability of obtaining a gold ball reward at the chest opening. In addition, the player can use the Dust of Light to purchase the "Fire Team Grand Medal" from the Kryptonian merchant to increase the reward trigger rate.
Second, through the reward
When the player completed the plot, after the plot can be in the Titan mentor Savala to get a gold ball, but this need to players to complete the plot, which means that the player needs to restart, in order to a gold ball deleted or a little bit more than worth the loss.
Three, side mission rewards
After the player completes the first mission, to the European no man's land will receive the task of completing a side mission, which refers to the map of the yellow sword marking the task, when the player completes these tasks will have a chance to get the gold ball in the rewards interface rewards.
Fourth, PVP rewards
Similar to the side quests, when the player completes a game of PVP, there will be a certain chance of obtaining a golden ball reward in the reward interface.
Fifth, Strike Strike rewards
Also similar to the side quests, after completing a handful of Strike, you can get a certain chance to get a gold ball in the reward interface, but the second generation of Strike is generally longer, the reward is also a certain chance, so the time and reward is somewhat disproportionate.
Six, Raid open box rewards
When the player completes each Leviathan Raid trial, the system will give the player a relevant key, the player can enter the interior of the Leviathan through the four levels of sewers at the beginning of the Leviathan, into the Leviathan maze to find these boxes, these boxes will have a high chance of opening a gold ball reward.
Seven, Cade's treasure map
Every Tuesday, Cade will sell some treasure map, players can follow the location of the treasure map to find the corresponding box, open will have a certain chance to reward the gold ball.
2, the mission gold
a, the plot to get
when the player's plot to the "Titan" star, after completing the main task, the NPC will let the player in the three pieces of gold equipment in the three choices, in addition to when the player to complete the task of the Ioan, can also be in the three gold weapons in the three choices, but the golden weapon if the previous career choice. Golden weapons if the previous occupation has chosen then the second occupation can not be chosen again.
Two, the golden gun task
Currently known as the golden gun task contains: the rat king, Mida multi-functional, assault and Akris legend, which the Akris legend currently has a BUG problem, want to get need to take some effort,
3, high level rewards gold
High level rewards is the player in the weekly content of some of the updates by completing a series of tasks, can be collected at the corresponding mentor. Can be in the corresponding tutor to receive the high light and other equipment rewards, these rewards have a chance to have gold equipment rewards. These rewards have a chance of having gold equipment rewards, such as: Cade flashpoint quests, PVP weekly, sunset, union reputation rewards, and so on. In addition, there is also a certain chance that the gunsmith will be able to open the golden equipment.