What is stuttering?
Stuttering is a common physical disorder known medically as "dysarthria," a multifactorial speech disorder. The World Health Organization defines stuttering as "a disorder of speech rhythm, a developmental disorder in which the individual knows exactly what he wishes to say but sometimes has difficulty in expressing his thoughts because of repetitions, prolongations or pauses in random articulation".
Causes of stuttering?
Currently, there is no global conclusion on the cause of stuttering, but according to the latest scientific research, stuttering is mainly caused by some kind of miscommunication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
What are the types of stuttering?
Difficulty: Difficulty in pronouncing the first word of a speech, and after making an effort to get the first word out, the subsequent sounds go relatively smoothly.
Medium blocking type: Starts off relatively smoothly, often stutters in the middle of the sentence, and has difficulty speaking in a continuous stream of normal speech.
Consecutive type: repeating the pronunciation of certain words in speech, with the intention of leading to later words by repeating them several times.
Accompanying type: When speech encounters words that are difficult to pronounce, in order to overcome stuttering, some actions are often used to accompany the speech, such as shaking the head, blinking, flinging the arms and so on.
Accompanying sound type: in the middle of a sentence, often add some meaningless words, such as "on, oh, this, that" and so on, this phenomenon is different from the normal people's mantra.
2. Spirae Basics
What is the background of Spirae?
Spirox was developed by three PhDs from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at East Carolina University - Dr. Joseph Kalinowski, Dr. Andrew Stuart, and Dr. Michael Rastatter - based on their own personal experiences. All three PhDs are severe stutterers who suffer from stuttering, and in an effort to get out of this predicament, they researched and developed Spectrum Ease, based on a 10-year-long scientific study of peer assessment among stutterers (AAF).
How does SpiEasy work?
The rationale behind Spectrum is based on AAF, a study from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at East Carolina University, which observed the effects of AAF (altered auditory feedback) on improving speech fluency over a 10-year period and demonstrated that the use of DAF and FAF improved speech fluency to a large extent in a variety of situations, including reading aloud, monologuing, talking on the phone, and speaking in front of an audience. The study was published in a leading scientific journal.
What does AAF (altered auditory feedback) do?
It has been scientifically proven that people who stutter speak fluently when they speak the same words at the same time as others, which is known as "choral speaking". AAF works by allowing the user to hear either their own pitch-altered voice (FAF), or their own voice delayed for a few moments (DAF), or a combination of both ( FAF+DAF). FAF+DAF), creating the illusion that someone else is speaking at the same time as the user. Thus, the purpose of fluent speech is achieved.
What evidence is there that AAF works?
A decade of scientific research led by Dalhousie University in Canada and East Carolina University in the United States has shown that AAF largely improves speech fluency in a variety of situations, including reading aloud, monologues, phone calls, and speaking in front of an audience. The study was published in a leading scientific journal.
I've heard that DAF is only effective when the speed of speech is reduced, like the articulation method I learned in my stuttering remediation class...
Not so. The DAF principle has been used to treat stuttering for 50 years. In the early days, a delay time of up to 200 milliseconds (0.2) seconds and a slow speech style after a high induction were thought to be the reason why speech fluency was improved. Later, scientists found that DAF could improve fluency at much smaller delays (50-100 milliseconds), and even, after the delay was reduced to 25 milliseconds, speech did not slow down at all. Furthermore, DAF has been shown to improve fluency even when speech is fast.
Why did it take so long to launch Speezy when AAF has been around for a long time?
While the use of AAF can help stutterers speak more fluently, it still could not be put into real-world use for a long time because the instruments that produce the AAF effect are large and bulky. It is only with recent advances in technology that the devices that produce these effects can be made so small and discreet that they can be used outside the clinical setting.
How long has Spectrum been around?
In April 2001, East Carolina received its first sample. Since then, Dr. Joseph Kalinowski (one of the inventors, and a severe stutterer himself) has been using Spectrum to help him communicate with others and sees no value in the instrument. Sales of Spectrum began in June 2001 in the United States.
Do I need to wear Spectrum in both ears?
Studies have shown that binaural reception is more effective in improving speech fluency. However, it should be noted that monaural reception of altered auditory feedback significantly suppresses the frequency of stuttering compared to unaltered auditory feedback. At this time, we recommend the use of Spectrum in one ear, and early feedback from our clients suggests that monaural use is sufficiently effective to eliminate the need for binaural use.
Can Spectrum damage my hearing?
No. The maximum volume of Spirox is not loud enough to damage your hearing. Spectrum utilizes a special circuit to compress strong sound signals to a comfortable volume level that is safe for your hearing.
How is Spectrum programmed?
Spirae is programmed by trained specialists on a personal computer using the Spirae Setup software. DAF settings range from 1 ms - 120 ms (1 - 220 ms for advanced products) and FAF can be set to 500, 1000, 1500, or 2000 Hz up or down. A volume control is built-in and there are 8 band adjustments (16 bands for the Premium model) to produce the best possible signal. With all this flexibility in settings, the Spectrum can match the needs of most people who stutter.
3. Knowledge of Spectrum
Does Spectrum treat stuttering?
First of all, there is no cure for stuttering in the world. All of the products that are available for stuttering are only corrective and can improve the fluency of speech to a certain extent.
Spirox is not a traditional treatment for stuttering. We compare using Spectrum to wearing eyeglasses. You get the effect when you put on Spectrum and lose the effect when you take it off. Some users report that they can continue to speak fluently for a period of time after removing Spectrum. However, there is no existing evidence to support this claim. We recommend that users carry Spectrum with them as often as possible for best results.
Spirox can be viewed as an alternative and supplement to stuttering remediation. Some users require no further training in the use of Spectrum, while others require very little training. People who have already learned and mastered the techniques of traditional methods of correction report greater fluency and more natural intonation when using Spectrum.
What are the results of Spectrum?
Over 12,000 people who stutter have used Spectrum. About 85-90% of the users have improved their speech fluency. Of these 12,000 users, the improvement in speech fluency was between 50 and 95 percent.
Some people are particularly receptive to the effects of AAF and become fluent almost as soon as they put on Spectrum. However, some people need less training to get optimal results. In the meantime, we will provide you with a long-term service in order to help you be able to master the method as quickly as possible. As evidenced by clinical data, many users have noted that they reached their highest level of fluency a few days after receiving SpectraEasy and following this simple method.
Does the effect of Spectrum fade away?
Many stutterers complain of repetition after undergoing traditional stuttering correction methods for some time. So, there is understandable concern about this issue. So far, no one has complained about the loss of its effects after adapting to the effects of Spectrum. On the other hand, most users claim that speech fluency can be consistently improved by learning to incorporate feedback signals from Spectrum once they have become accustomed to using Spectrum.
Speebee Media Coverage?
After the product launch, in August 2002, ABC's Good Morning America, one of the most influential media outlets in the United States, featured SpeechEasy? (SpeechEasy), one of the most influential media in the United States, ABC Radio and Television's Good Morning America reported on SpeechEasy live, causing a sensation in the United States. This revolutionary innovation was then covered in-depth by the world's leading media outlets such as Newsweek, Forbes Magazine, People Magazine, and Australia's National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) as one of the "Top 10 Most Touching Medical Stories of the Year". Currently, this series of products has become the world's No. 1 brand in the stuttering correction equipment industry.
What is the difference between the standard model and the reinforced model?
Based on the standard model, the reinforced model utilizes a number of new technologies, such as INAS (Intelligent Noise Abatement Technology), EVAT (Personal Voice Recognition Technology), etc. The frequency response adjustment has been increased from 8 bands to 16 bands, and at the same time, there is also the option of multi-programmed switching, which leads to a more comfortable use of the product, a wider range of applications, and a more user-friendly interface. In particular, only the enhancement can enjoy the SpectraEasy? s upgraded features.
Difference between Spectrum and other stuttering correction devices?
Of all the instruments used for stuttering correction, only Spectrum is all-digital and can be used at any time due to its hidden nature. Currently in mainland China, only Spectrum is a foreign invention. Speezy allows stutterers to speak naturally and fluently after a short training session.
How does Intelligent Noise Abatement Technology (INAS) work?
Intelligent Noise Abatement Technology allows Spectrum to analyze the content of incoming sounds and reduce the intensity of noise while instantly emphasizing speech. This allows users to better wear their SpectraEase and reduce the annoyance caused by ambient noise.
How does Personal Voice Recognition Technology (EVAT) work?
This technology is based on analyzing the distance and intensity of sound waves. Spectrum reacts to strong sound waves at close range and remains silent to weak sound waves at a distance. In this way, the sound of the user's own speech is delayed and altered, and the sound of others' speech is not. So, with this technology, the user can listen in the way a normal person would when not speaking.
Duration of use?
As long as you are using it normally, it usually lasts more than five years?
4. After-sales service terms
Warranty terms?
As long as you buy, the cassette can enjoy the host within three months of replacement, one year warranty, accessories from the date of purchase within seven days of replacement, one month warranty service, customized machine can enjoy two years of warranty, from the date of delivery.