I want to make a solar-powered fan with a normal 3v motor, and I was wondering if I could use a battery in the middle to charge it before using it, and if I could use a battery in the middle to charge
I want to make a solar-powered fan with a normal 3v motor, and I was wondering if I could use a battery in the middle to charge it before using it, and if I could use a battery in the middle to charge it before using it.
The design program is all reasonable, taobao to look for the purchase of your fan motor with a day power of solar cells (the larger the better), and then according to your fan voltage connection and then through a diode current is large enough (some of the solar chip does not use) and on a voltage and your fan with a battery (the larger the better, at least the requirements of the night enough to use) and then connected to the fan, OK!