December 31, 2011 Accounting and Medical 01 Form
Prepared by: Employee Hospital Unit: yuan
Assets Row Beginning of the Period Ending of the Period Liabilities and Net Assets Row Beginning of the Period Ending of the Period
Current Assets: 1 Current Liabilities: 18
Money Assets 2 2,769,123.51 4,. 658,531.64 Accounts Payable 19 4,872,632.53 1,472,944.59
Medical Receivables 3 4,967,804.67 13,877,591.27 Medical Receivables in Advance 20 378,694.98 343,150.09
Other Accounts Receivable 4 82,149.15 298 ,499.69 Employee compensation payable 21 4,042,022.55 3,905,659.55
Inventory 5 2,572,939.83 2,123,316.70 Other payables 22 298,011.92 33,564.64
Of which: Pharmaceuticals 6 2,059,524.00 1,502, 511.59 Total current liabilities 511.59 Total current liabilities 23 9,591,361.98 5,755,318.87
Inventory materials 7 513,415.83 620,805.11 Long-term liabilities: 24
Total current assets 8 10,392,017.16 20,957,939.30 Long-term loans 25
External Investments: 9 Long-term Payables 26
External Investments 10 Total Long-term Liabilities 27 0.00 0.00
Fixed Assets: 11 Total Liabilities 28 14,449,137.20 9,540,488.96
Original Value of Fixed Assets 12 21,481,575.85 21,666,804.85 Net Assets: 29
Construction in Progress 13 Fixed Funds 30 21,481,575.85 21,666,804.85
Total Fixed Assets 14 21,481,575.85 21,666,804.85 Restricted Funds 31 -1,795,130.46 612,339.57
15 Balance to be Appropriated 32 2,595,785.64 14,590,280.86
16 Total Net Assets 33 22,282,231.03 36,869,425.28
Total Assets 17 31,873,593.01 42,624,744.15 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 34
31,873,593.01 42,624,744.15
Statement of Income and Expenses
Statement of Accounting and Medical 02
Preparation unit: Employees' Hospital Unit: Yuan
Items Row Previous year's number Cumulative total in the current year
I.Income 1
Which:1.Financial subsidy Income 2
Of which: recurrent subsidies 3
Research subsidies 4
Teaching subsidies 5
2. Infrastructure grants 6
3. Financial transfer income 7
4. Income from subsidies from higher levels 8 4,122,674.49 8,557,833.71
Of which: research subsidies 9
Teaching subsidies 10
1. p>
Teaching subsidy 10
5. Medical income 11 21,731,645.56 29,922,225.73
Of which: outpatient income 12 9,039,698.84 17,923,198.13
Of which: drug income 13 4,975,742.83 4,968, 388.45
Inpatient revenue 14 12,682,436.72 11,999,027.60
Of which: drug revenue 15 4,851,957.32 5,094,425.06
6. Scientific and educational revenue 16
Of which: scientific research revenue 17
Teaching revenue 18
7. Other business income 19
8. Other income 20 17,596.36 25,262.32
Total income 21 25,871,916.41 38,505,321.76
2. Expenses 22
Of which: 1. Medical cost 23 22,589, 772.01 22,089,313.01
Of which: Drugs 24 9,145,535.30 9,200,530.42
2. Scientific and Educational Expenditures 25
3. Public Welfare Expenditures 26
4. Overheads 27 2,663,723.92 3,854,313.10 p>
5. Finance costs 28
6. Other expenses 29 171,863.37 567,200.43
Total expenses 30 25,425,359.30 26,510,826.54
Three: Balance of the current period 31 446,557.11 11,994,495.22
<IV. Balance to be distributed at the beginning of the period 32 2,149,228.53 2,595,785.64
V. Balance to be distributed at the end of the period 33 2,595,785.64 14,590,280.86
Cash flow statement
Congress and Medical Treatment 03 form
Preparation unit: Staff Hospital Unit: Yuan
Item Line Item Amount of the current year Amount of the previous year
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from carrying out medical activities 1 20,097,249.56 27,788,766.26
Cash received from financial subsidies 2
Cash received from subsidies from superiors 3
Cash received for scientific and educational activities 4
Other cash received related to business activities 5
Subtotal of cash inflow 6 20,097,249.56 27,788,766.26
Cash paid for purchases of commodities and labor services 7 14,341,288.64 15,191,561.40
Cash paid to and for employees 9 3,020,699.98 10,926,969.28
Cash paid for scientific and educational activities 10
Taxes paid 11
Other cash paid related to operating activities 12 768,252.81 36,089.96
Subtotal of cash outflows 13 18,130,241.43 26,154,620.64
Net cash flows from operating activities 14 1,967,008.13 1,634,145.62
II. Cash flows from investing activities: 15
Cash received from recovery of investment 16
Cash received from investment income 17
Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets 18
Other cash received related to investing activities 19
Subtotal of cash inflow 20 -
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets and intangible assets 21 77,600.00 1,154,211.95
Cash paid for foreign investment 22
Other cash paid related to investing activities 23
Subtotal of cash outflows 24 77,600.00 1,154,211.95
Net cash flows from investing activities 25 -77,600.00 -1,154,211.95
III, Cash flows from financing activities: 26
Capital grants received 27
Other cash received related to financing activities 28
Subtotal of cash inflows 29 -
Cash paid for interest repayment 30
Other cash paid related to financing activities 31
Subtotal of cash outflows 32 - p>
Net cash flows from financing activities 33 -
IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash 34
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 35 1,889,408.13 479,933.67