Artificial Intelligence for machines to help and apply in the medical field?

Remember IBM Watson, the machine that rose to fame in 2011 because of a quiz show called "Edge of Danger"? This program is known for its high level of difficulty, the competition is conducted in the form of a snatch-and-snatch quiz, covering a wide range of content and a wide range of time span, and those who can come out on top in the competition are the Edi reborn Zhuge re-incarnation of the school masters.

The research experts spent four years of hard work, and then lived up to the expectations of the champion Watson, because of its omniscient knowledge reserves, and then finally sent across the border to the health care field of human life and death, this is a very typical example.

Even with all the advances in medical technology today, doctors still need to rely on their personal experience to diagnose conditions. Even with the help of technology, the results are very uncertain and require accurate judgment on the part of the doctor.

Artificial intelligence, based on the deep learning of big data, enables intelligent machines to organize and reason through the past case studies of previous decades and the current constantly updated and iterative medical scientific research, helping doctors to make good use of all the resources and research results, and come up with solutions.

In fact, the medical field is one of the most in-depth application areas of artificial intelligence. Obviously, this field is related to the life, death and health of our human beings, and is closely linked to our human life, is the most need for AI, but also the most helpful to human beings in the field.

In the future, there will also be more and more AI being put into use, imagine how many places in China are currently backward in terms of medical equipment, not to mention the fact that the vast majority of hospitals are staffed by doctors with very ordinary skills and means. If high-tech intelligent machines could be universally applied to poor villages in need, what a huge help it would be to the people in those places!

We look forward to the development of artificial intelligence, and even more so to its improvement of human life!