What does batch no mean in English

Batch number; product lot number; batch

1. batch

Pronunciation: English [b?t?] American [b?t?]?

n. a batch; a furnace; a quantity produced in one batch (of food, medicine, etc.); a batch operation

2, number (abbreviation NO.)

Pronunciation: English [?n?mb?(r)] American [?n?mb?]?

n. quantity; number; digit; numbering

v. to mark; to total; to count...as

third person singular: numbers

plural: numbers?

present participle: numbering?

past tense: numbered?

Past participle: numbered

Plural: batches

Example sentences:

1. the batch No. identified no specific standards, but once established it should usecontinuously.

The batch No. identified no specific standards, but once established it should be used continuously.

2, Raw material & Batch No. as per Wrong Material supplied PO against Invoice.

Received material, Batch No. as per Purchase Order Supplier sends wrong material.

3, Dose the package of the material have the Batch No of the supplier ?

Dose the package of the material have the Batch No of the supplier ?

Extended information:

Mfg. date? The date of manufacture, is the abbreviation for Manufacturing date.

Exp. date? The expiration date, an abbreviation for Expire?date.

I. manufacturing

Pronunciation: English [?m?nju?f?kt?r?] American [?m?nj?f?kt?r?]?

n. manufacturing, industry

adj. manufacturing, made

v. processing; (mass) manufacture ( present participle of manufacture ); fabrication; crude manufacture (of literature)


读音:英 [?k?spa?(r)] 美 [?k? spa?r]?

vi. expiration; expiration of a document, agreement, etc. (by reason of expiration); severance; passing away

third person singular: expires?

present participle: expiring?

past tense: expired?

past participle: expired