Security equipment radiation on our health in the end there is no effect? Will the fetus of a pregnant woman be affected by the radiation of the security equipment? And so a series of questions also ensue, today, I will talk to you about the radiation of the security equipment that thing.
This is the most common three security equipment. What are the security equipment we often encounter?
Handheld metal detectors. The security officer is the one who holds it inside his hand and sweeps it up and down around our body.
Security gates. The security gates we walk through are also actually a metal detector, not an X-ray device, so we don't have to worry about radiation at all when we go through them.
Screening machines. Also known as the security equipment that our luggage needs to pass through, the security machine is a channeled X-ray machine, which produces a certain dose of X-rays during its work.
Is radiation from security machines scary?
A security screening machine is a device that detects items of various types, the most common being the channel X-ray machine. It works by means of line scanning, whereby an X-ray image is obtained when an item passes through the screening machine, and the image is then processed by a computer, which displays a recognizable image on a computer screen. This is similar to the hospital X-ray examination, the difference is that the security machine X money dose is much lower than the medical X-ray equipment, its tube current is 0.4 ~ 1.2mA.
According to the security machine production side of the introduction: the internal ray of the security checker is basically a direct ray, all sealed in the security checker. There is a very small amount of scattering in the ray, but the security checker import and export of the lead curtain can basically block, plus the security checker inside all four walls of the thick lead wall, as long as the lead curtain is not raised significantly, the security checker around the detection of rays. Only in the luggage through, will be instantly energized, produce rays.
So when the security checker is working, there must be a certain dose of X-rays, but the human body does not enter, it will not be exposed to the rays. The key question is whether there is any ray leakage around the screening machine, if there is leakage, may have a certain impact on the long-term contact with the staff, while the impact on the travelers passing by is not great. Generally speaking, an inspected screening machine should be safe, with a standard leakage dose of 0.05μGy/h (1Gy is equivalent to approximately 1000mSv or 1Sv), which is close to the natural radioactive background. Is it safe for security workers as well as pregnant women?
It has been reported that the staff of the Shenzhen Nuclear and Radiation Management Center has done testing, in the side of the machine from the surface of the security machine 5 to 10cm, the staff with a hand-held instrument to detect the data obtained is 0.1μSv/h to 0.2μSv/h, this data is similar to that of the value measured in the natural environment. In other words, there is basically no radiation leakage from the side of the machine. The staff also put the detector to the machine's luggage entrance and exit about 10cm, where the measured value is slightly higher, for 0.7μSv/h to 0.8μSv/h.
Security machine staff concluded that the security machine luggage entrance and exit of the highest amount of radiation leakage, the farther away from the security machine, the smaller the amount of radiation leakage. In accordance with China's "ionizing radiation protection and radiation source safety basic standards" stipulates that the public is subjected to artificial radiation dose a year can not exceed 1 mSv. According to calculations, a person standing in the security machine entrance and exit of about 10cm at 52 days without moving to reach this amount. As for the professional staff, the national regulations stipulate that the average annual dose should not exceed 20mSv, and the staff has to stay continuously for 2.85 years to reach this amount. It can be said that the radiation value of the security machine is actually very low, not enough to cause radiation damage to the human body, pregnant women passing through the security machine will not have an impact on the baby in the abdomen, there is no need to worry and panic. Medical X-rays do not have to be excessive panic
Since the medical X-ray equipment X dose is much higher than the security machine, so do medical checkups are at risk of radiation? In fact, whether the radiation has an effect on the human body depends on the amount of radiation received at one time, the total amount of radiation received, the time of exposure to radiation, and the body's ability to regulate this radiation.
The average person is most exposed to medical radiation, and that's because of the need for diagnosis and treatment. Medical radiation exposure has a basic principle of use: justification, optimization and personal dose limits. That is, the patient needs to be out of the examination and treatment needs to take irradiation examination and treatment, radiation therapy is the choice of the most superior technology and equipment, hospital radiologists are "ray" professionals, to ensure that the patient in a certain limit of the safety of the scope of accepting a small amount of radiation, so the patient does not need to have this psychological burden.