Integrated wastewater treatment equipment how to clean it

Integrated wastewater treatment equipment for our daily life provides a lot of convenience, we also need to use the process of integrated wastewater treatment equipment in a timely manner to carry out certain maintenance, the following I will introduce you to the integrated wastewater treatment equipment how to clean up?

1, integrated wastewater treatment equipment cleaning: integrated wastewater treatment equipment inside and outside the clean, the sliding surface and the screw, gears, racks, etc., no oil, no bruises, all parts of the oil leakage, no leakage of water, no leakage, no leakage of gas, no leakage of electricity, chips and garbage clean sweep.

2, integrated wastewater treatment equipment neat: tools, workpieces, accessories placed neatly, complete safety protection devices, line piping integrity.

3, integrated wastewater treatment equipment lubrication: refueling oil on time, oil quality meets the requirements, oil pots, oil guns, oil cups, oil felt, oil line clean and complete, bright oil markers, oil line smooth.

4, integrated wastewater treatment equipment, safety: the implementation of the fixed machine and shift system, familiar with the structure of the equipment and comply with the operating procedures, the rational use of equipment, equipment, careful maintenance, to prevent accidents.

The above is about integrated sewage treatment equipment how to clean up the introduction, I hope to help you. Users need to understand the integrated wastewater treatment equipment common failures and solutions to help you solve the problems in the use of equipment in a timely manner.

Integrated wastewater treatment equipment has a strong impact load capacity, making integrated wastewater treatment equipment, various reactions within the contact oxidation time to far exceed the ordinary method, we must know that the integrated wastewater treatment equipment is an important core process is the contact oxidation method, the contact oxidation time effectively extend the sewage can be purified more thoroughly.

Integrated wastewater treatment equipment, most of the internal filler material is a combination of multiple properties of the filler. Add a large number of soft filler inside the equipment can be used after the physical and chemical properties, enhance the adsorption capacity of the biofilm to effectively enhance the equipment inside the rate of various purification reaction process.

Integrated wastewater treatment equipment-Jiangsu Mu Miao Environmental Protection Technology Co.