Myopic surgery includes conventional excimer surgery, femtosecond laser surgery, and lens implantation surgery:
1, the traditional excimer surgery: the use of corneal laminar knife in the cornea to make a corneal flap, and then use the wavelength of the excimer laser of 193 nm in the cornea of the stromal layer for laser cutting.
2, femtosecond laser surgery: completely in the "no knife" situation, through the computer control, the laser in the cornea to make a corneal flap, and then laser cutting.
3, ICL crystal implantation surgery. A more suitable surgery for highly myopic people. Highly myopic people have thinner cornea than normal myopia. ICL has no requirement for corneal thickness and can correct a wider range of myopia than laser myopia surgery. The implanted ICL crystal can also be removed or replaced, and the visual effect is better than that of ordinary frame glasses.
To learn more about myopia surgery, we recommend consulting Guangzhou Yinghua Eye Clinic. Yinghua Ophthalmology Clinic is a modern ophthalmology medical institution that mainly carries out excimer mere light correction of myopia, and carries out ophthalmology diagnostic and treatment projects mainly including full femtosecond, half femtosecond, excimer, ICL simulation crystal implantation and other international advanced treatment programs. The hospital is equipped with various kinds of advanced ophthalmic examination and surgical treatment equipments, such as German Zeiss, German Amax, etc.; it has a modernized 100-level laminar flow clean operation room; and it has brought together a medical team with excellent technology and rich clinical experience.