1, laser spot effect
Sun spots, receive a 755 wavelength picoseconds laser treatment, after 2 weeks, the treatment site sun spots disappeared to improve. The doctor pointed out that the traditional laser spot treatment requires a recovery period, easy to anti-black; and 755 wavelength picosecond lasers have a shorter recovery period, the average treatment of about 3 to 6 months, black spots, pits, wrinkles, pores, and other skin problems, will be able to get improvement.
One of the reasons for the formation of black spots is that women are prone to spotting
Huang Huipeng, president of the Clinic of Open Dermatology, said that the cause of black spots may be an increase in melanin or melanocyte hyperplasia, and some of the spots are accompanied by the hyperplasia of the epidermal cells or other skin collateral tissues, which are more common in women. In terms of depth, freckles, epidermal dark spots, age spots, sun spots, and coffee milk spots are light spots; dermal and mixed dark spots, ovalbumin spots, acquired type of ovalbumin spots, and _ bone spots are deep spots.
Two, skin laser thermal damage is slight, the recovery period is shorter
There is no way to end the spots? Dean Huang Hui Peng explained that the traditional laser to remove the spot is a selective photothermal decomposition, "photothermal effect" caused by thermal trauma to the tissue as a common side effect, the need for multiple and frequent treatments, or treatment of the soup produced after the recovery period. The 755-wavelength picosecond laser is an ultra-short pulse output mode, and the rapid "photomechanical shock wave" can effectively break the target into tiny particles, which can be metabolized and removed by the body under the reduction of damage to the surrounding skin tissues, which can reduce the number of treatments, shorten the repair period, and reduce the chances of anti-blackness and other side-effects, so as to make the removal of spots, tattoos and other more relaxing and free of burdens.
Three, honeycomb lens conditioning skin quality leap forward
Director Huang Huipeng emphasized that the 755 wavelength picosecond lasers also have a special "honeycomb lens" design, which can highly concentrated laser beams, convergence of 70% of the high-energy to the center of the 130 honeycomb lens point, each central point to release the energy can be increased to 20 times more than the central point. The energy released from each center point can be increased by a factor of 20 or more. After the honeycomb lens focused energy irradiation, the epidermis produces a vacuolization effect, coupled with the laser shockwave transmission to the dermis area, initiating repair factors and proliferation of collagen and elastin fibers, making the skin more healthy and elastic, and achieving the effect of skin conditioning.
2, spot remedies
A, angelica spot mask
White aconite, Angelica dahurica, and white and have to promote melanin metabolism, whitening the role of spotting; honey, fresh milk moisturizing glossy nutritious skin; peach kernel, angelica sinensis, rhizoma ligustici Chuanxiong can activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis and spotting. So prepare the right amount of chuanxiong, dahurica, angelica, white aconite, peach kernel, white and powder, as well as honey, fresh milk. Prepare 65 grams of each of Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix et Rhizoma Polygoni Multiflori, Radix et Rhizoma Polygoni Multiflori, and put them into a bottle. Then take out 1 tsp of the mixed herbal powder, put it into a bowl, add honey and fresh milk to make a paste. It is a good way to lighten the spots and will make the skin fairer.
Second, red cochineal plum tea
Women with chloasma on the face can drink red cochineal plum tea to get rid of chloasma on the face. This is because the red plum blossom tea can effectively regulate the body's endocrine, once the body's endocrine after the endocrine normalization, the body's endocrine adjustment to normal, chloasma on the face will also be faded, a long time to drink red plum blossom tea can be effective in getting rid of spots. The red plum tea can be combined with jade beauty, lover grass and lemon slices to achieve a good effect of removing melasma, the ratio of 2:5:2:1 ratio, and the remaining dregs of the tea can be used to rub the face of the Minister of chloasma position, to remove chloasma to play a supporting effect.
Three, eggplant skin spot
Eggplant against freckles is very good, think a lot of people do not know that eggplant can go freckles it. Its use is actually super simple, choose a fresh eggplant, use a knife to cut the eggplant into small slices, rub the face with freckles location, until rubbed red. Then wash off the residual vegetable juice with water. Adhere to a period of time, the cheeks of the freckles will slowly fade.
Four, calendula freckles
Calendula leaves mashed, take the juice and rub the face, not only can get rid of freckles, but also refreshing and white skin.
Five, egg spot art
1, take a fresh egg, wash, soak in a pound of high-quality rice vinegar, and so on almost a month, the eggshell dissolved in the vinegar, so that every day to take a tablespoon of vinegar and egg solution into the warm water and drink, so adhere to the effect of a very good, you can clear all the spots on the face.
2, the egg soaked in vinegar, soak for a few days, and so the eggshell softened, take out to break, take the egg white coated in the spot, 15 minutes to wash off, and insist on using every day, the effect is remarkable.
Six, apple and lemon mask spot art
1, apple peeled and cut into pieces, pounded into a puree, 1 drop of lemon oil (or 3 drops of lemon juice), such as the Department of dry allergic skin, can be added to the amount of fresh milk or sweet almonds and other vegetable oils, oily skin, it is appropriate to add some egg white.
2, 15-20 minutes with a hot towel can be washed clean.
3, every other day, a course of treatment for 20 days, with the role of making the skin smooth, moisturizing, white and greasy, but also eliminate skin acne, freckles, dark spots and other symptoms
seven, potato mask spot removal
Potato is rich in vitamins, can promote the growth of skin cells, to maintain the luster of the skin, bleaching subcutaneous melanin, not only whitening skin, but also can reduce summer sun spots.
1, potatoes washed and peeled and cut into pieces, put into the juicer juice.
2, in the container poured into one-third cup of fresh milk, and mixed into the flour, made into a paste, can be used as a mask.
3. Apply to face and wash off after 20 minutes.
3, medical methods to remove spots
a, laser, photorejuvenation cosmetic spot
the main equipment is a laser therapy device, laser can produce a high-intensity instantaneous energy of visible light, laser therapy device is able to emit a specific wavelength, a specific energy of light machine. Different wavelengths of laser light are absorbed by particular colors or pigments in the skin, for example, freckles tend to absorb green light. Since lasers with various wavelengths of energy also have different functions, there are as many as seven or eight types of lasers currently used to treat skin problems. The ruby laser, which is often heard of, uses the principle of laser light, with ruby as the medium, and mainly targets black and coffee-colored pigments and pigmentation spots, combining the light with the pigment and causing it to be broken down. When the pigment is gradually absorbed by the body, the color of the discoloration will then fade.
Two, liquid ammonia spray cryotherapy
It is suitable for people with sparse freckles and larger patches. Generally, after freezing treatment or ionization treatment, the freckle spots will form a layer of purple thin scab within 48 hours, and the thin scab will fall off by itself in 7-14 days, and the freckle spots will disappear.
Three, grinding cosmetic surgery
For people with lighter skin color, dense freckles and large area, it is most suitable. As the freckles are shallow, grinding can destroy the melanin cells in the basal layer of the epidermis as long as the epidermis is gently abraded, thus playing an ideal therapeutic role.
Four, fruit acid peeling to remove freckles
Selected fruit acid is extracted from the fruit of the natural acid, generally less than 10% of the low concentration of fruit acid formulations have the role of moisturizing the skin fine elasticity; higher than 20% of the fruit acid will make the outer layer of the skin easy to fall off the aging cells, and at the same time, promote the dermis collagen fibers, mucopolysaccharides proliferation, to achieve the bleaching, scarring, and removal of freckles. The effect.
Using a certain concentration of fruit acids applied to the face for 2 - 7 minutes, then neutralized with a neutralizing solution, and finally coated with antibiotic ointment. As the outer layer of skin cells will be shed under the action of fruit acid, the pigment particles deposited in the epidermal layer of the skin will be shed in the process of shedding, and the purpose of removing the spots will be achieved.
Fruit acid peeling can remove the spots located in the superficial layer of the skin epidermis, but fruit acid can not help the pigment spots located in the deep layer of the skin epidermis (basal layer) or dermis.
4, how to prevent sun spots
Sunscreen + high vitamin C fruits and vegetables to prevent spots
Huang Huipeng, Dean pointed out that to prevent freckles, liver spots, age spots and sun spots, should do a good job of sunscreen; liver spots in addition to the most important sunscreen, such as the need for contraception, it is not appropriate to use oral contraceptives containing female hormones. President Huang Huipeng suggests that, avoiding the hot and stuffy environment, eating less cilantro, parsley, lemon peel, mint, carrot, figs and other light-sensitive foods, so as not to deteriorate the dark spots, it is best to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, and to maintain a normal routine and not to stay up all night is a good way of preventing the spots.
5, men spot causes
In fact, for men face spot what is the reason, first of all, is not love sports caused by. To know, the skin is the body's largest organ, the skin surface cells have a very good breathing and excretion function, can be timely discharge of toxins in the body. For example, urine and feces and sweat are actually an optimal body detoxification process. If the movement is less, it will lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body, and in the long run, there will be symptoms such as spots. Excessive sun exposure can also lead to spots on a man's face, and this is one of the more common reasons to ask what causes spots on a man's face. Generally speaking, wrinkles and spots on the skin are many times caused by photoaging. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation will activate the melanin mother cells of the body, so that the formation of the enzyme complex, and in the long term will lead to the precipitation of pigmentation, and ultimately the appearance of spots.