Shanghai university of science and technology medical device college enrollment specialties

The school is currently enrolled in more than 3,600 students in the specialty, in 2006 for the national plan to enroll 1,200 people, **** 15 majors and professional direction. Among them, the Department of Medical Devices Engineering enrollment specialties: medical equipment manufacturing and maintenance, testing technology and application (medical device testing technology), clinical engineering technology, pharmacy equipment manufacturing and maintenance, rehabilitation engineering technology, biopharmaceutical technology (direction of biopharmaceutical equipment) specialties; Department of Medical Electronics and Information Engineering enrollment specialties: medical electronic equipment and maintenance, medical treatment Medical electronics and information engineering department enrollment specialties are: medical electronic equipment and maintenance, medical treatment equipment application technology, medical testing equipment management and maintenance, computer network technology (telemedicine), software technology (medical equipment software) technology, health information management (digital medical information technology), clinical engineering technology (medical electronic engineering); medical imaging engineering department enrollment specialties are: medical imaging technology, medical imaging equipment management and maintenance, radiation therapy technology and equipment; management department enrollment specialties are: medical imaging technology, medical imaging equipment management and maintenance, radiation therapy technology The Department of Medical Imaging Engineering enrollment specialties: medical imaging technology, medical imaging equipment management and maintenance, radiation therapy technology and equipment; Department of Management enrollment specialties: medical equipment marketing, food supervision and management of the profession, trade and commerce English, medical equipment logistics, medical equipment supervision and management of the profession.