Laboratory laboratory waste disinfection treatment should pay attention to what matters?

Laboratory waste disinfection treatment should pay attention to the following matters:

(1) chemical disinfectant treatment of waste generated in the experimental operations, should try to avoid the use of oxidizing and irritating disinfectants, liquid waste should also consider the dilution of liquid on the disinfectant;

(2) the end of the experiments, first of all, infectious wastes into the packaging Sealed, into the solid waste collection containers to ensure biosafety;

(3) the use of rigid containers, leak-proof and high-temperature and high-pressure resistant containers for liquid infectious waste, liquid infectious waste sterilization is not recommended to use the vacuum mode, in order to prevent the sterilization of the liquid is pumped out of the sterilizer chamber;

(4) animal carcasses or organs sterilization, it is not appropriate to use the vacuum mode, should be used slow inlet and exhaust mode. Slow inlet and exhaust mode.