Turned intestines is actually canine microvirus infection, the initial stage of the main vomiting, vomit appeared some undigested food, continue to develop into vomit for white, gray-yellow secretion, sometimes with some blood. After that, the dog starts to have weakness in the limbs, the body temperature may rise, there is fatigue, loss of appetite, often vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. In later stages, hemorrhagic diarrhea may occur, which manifests itself in typical tomato-like foul-smelling feces. In this case, the first thing to do is to fast and abstain from food and water to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines, and take fluids or injections to maintain body fluids as well as medication.
At the beginning of the disease, timely injection of monoclonal antibodies to canine microvirus or immune serum containing antibodies to canine microvirus is required. According to the severity of clinical symptoms, suitable antiemetic drugs, antidiarrheal drugs and antiemetic drugs to prevent secondary infections, you can also choose pet-specific antibiotics. Earth methods can be boiled millet porridge for the dog to eat, so that the dog can try to replenish energy, replenish the middle, when the owner found that the puppy is not normal, it is recommended to send the first time to the animal hospital for treatment.