Does anyone know what MR is?

There is no semantic context in which it is used to determine the meaning of MR.

The MR acronym has many meanings, as follows:

Mr = mister, sir.

mR = milliroentgen, milliroentgen.

MR = magnetic resonance, magnetic **** vibration (a large

magazine MR

device for medical examinations).

MR = Mineralocorticoid receptor Salt corticosteroid receptor

MR = Monitoring ReportMonitoring report in a CDM project[1]

MR = Market ResearchAn abbreviation for Market Research

MR = Match Record Match Record

MR = Math. Review American Mathematical Review

MR = Medical Representatives.

MR = MILK RUN Circular Pickup

MR = Mental Retardation Mental retardation, intellectual disability.

MR = Magneto-Resistive.

MR = Personnel or Administrative.

MR = memory read, memory readout.

MR = marginal revenue, marginal revenue.

MR = modification request, modification request, IT industry.

MR = Mid Engine Rear Drive, a layout where the engine is placed between the front and rear axles. The biggest advantage is obviously the even axle loads and very neutral handling characteristics. The disadvantage is that the engine takes up space in the cabin, reducing space utilization and practicality. As a result most of those who use MR are sports cars that are looking for handling performance.

Mr = relative molecular mass.

MR = (MeasurementReport) is a message that sends data every 480ms on the service channel (470ms on the signaling channel) that can be used for network evaluation and optimization.

MR = asynchronous zero-ended.

MR = Installed in metallic raceway, metallic raceway laying (Building Electrical Design: Wiring Laying Method Labeling).

MR = magnetorheological magnetorheological

MR = Material requisition Material requisition document

MR = Measurement Result Measurement Result

MR = Music Radio.

MR = M receptor M receptor

MR=Memory Register Memory Register[2]

MR=Medium-Range Medium-Range

MR=mitral reflux Medical terminology for mitral regurgitation.

MR=ModulatedLightReflectionat820nm 820nm light reflection technique, a method of measuring the redox state of the photosystem I reaction center P700.

Pinyin abbreviation

MR = ming ruo, Ming Ruo, short for the official website of Ming Xiaoxi, and short for Ming Xiaoxi's novel Ming Ruo Xiaoxi.

MR = ming ren, Naruto, full name Whirlpool Naruto, protagonist of Naruto