baseball leather
basketball leather basketball leather
bellow leather bellows leather
belt leather; belting leather; wheel belt
book-binding leather
bottom leather bottom leather
boxing-glove leather
buck leather
buckle leather belt leather
buffed leather rubbed leather
butt leather bottom leather
card leather comb leather
case leather box leather
charred leather leather charcoal
chamois leather chamois leather
chrome leather
chrome tanned leather chrome tanned leather
clothing leather clothing leather
combination tanned leather combination tanned leather<
combing leather
cow leather
crown leather
crup leather
crust leather
crust leather
cup leather brake cylinder leather bowl
diaphragm leather
dogskin leather
dressing leather
drum leather
drycleanable leatherdrycleanable
easy-care leather
embossed leatherembossed leather
enamel leatherenameled leather
enamelled leatherenameled leather
fair leatherfair leather leather
fancy leather, decorative leather
finished leather; finished leather
football leather
football-helmet leather
garment leather
Russia(n) leather
saddle leather
saffian leather; Moroccan leather
scrap leather
semi-aniline leather
semi-chrome leather
sheep leather
shrink leather
skirt leathervegetable tanned cowhide leatherslick-surfaced leather
soccerballleatherfootball leather
soleleathersole leather
strop leather knife grinding leather
suede leather hairy leather
sweat band leather
synthetic leather synthetic leather belt
textile machinery leather textile machinery leather
tie and dye leather
two-tone leather
upholstery leather
upper leather
valve leather
vegetable tanned sole leather
vegetable tanned sole leather
velvet leather positive suede
zirconium tanned leather
volleyball leather volleyball leather
wash leather
washable chamois leather
welting leather; edging leather
white leather
Aniline leather
aniline finish
Grease stain
Sulfate stain
Sulfate stain
Sulfate stain
Sulfate stain
Sulfate stain <
Sulfited oil
Antique finish
Imitation leather
Clothing (Garment) leather
Irregular pattern
Irregular pattern
Grease stain
Toggling. Irregular pattern
Color matching
Fixine of dye
Shaving shaved and thinned
Splitting sliced leather
Wool grease
Wool skin
Imitation leather Artificial leather
Clothing(Garment) leather
Irregular pattern Wool skin Sheep skin
Emulsion Emulsion
Ellagtannin Water-soluble tannin
Elastin Elastin
Salt soluble protein
Dry salted hide
Basic chromium salt
Basic dye (dyestuff)
Setting out
Wet salted hide(skin) Salt rawhide
< p>Curling PreservingSalt cured hide(skin)
Salt stain
Saw dusting
Saw dusting
Surface active agent
Cow hide
Fumiture leather
Tip (Top cap) Tip (top cap) upholstery leather
Fatliquoring oiling
Casual shose Lightweight shoes
Hydrolysis hydrolysis
Hydrolysable tannin
Cascin finish Casein finish
Cationic dye Cationic dye
Calf skin Calf skin
Beam Scraper
Soluble collagen Soluble collagen
Color index Color index
Milling Dry rollers
Hydrolysis Water-dissolving
Hydrolysable tannin Water-dissolving tannin
Hydrolysable tannin Milling dry rolling
Pasted drying(Pasting)
Pasted leather (Corrected pasteboard drying leather
Grease stain)
Hang drying Hang drying
Crust leather Hang drying
Color matching
Leather wear Leather clothing
Kangaroo leather
Metal complex dye(dyestuff)
Reduction Reduction
Metal complex dye(dyestuff)
Reducing Reduction Reduction
Drying oil Drying oil
Country hide Country hide
Pigment pigment paste
Pigment finish Pigment paste finish
Kid skin Small goat skin
Kip skin Medium cow skin
Grain pattern
Cattle hide
Neats-foot oil
Tallow tallow
Globular protein
Water absorption Water absorption
Killing Degreasing
Loose grain Loose surface
Levelling agent Equalizing agent
Grain Positive
Grain crcking test Surface crcking test
Shoe cream Shoe polish
Grub cow hooligan larvae
Glyceride glycerin
Glycerin (Glycerol) glycerine propanetriol
Cleaner cleaner (leather shoes)
Green hide fresh leather
Glutaraldehyde glutaraldehyde
Glace kid calf leather
Crop front shoulder back leather shearling half-sheet bottom leather
Clove glove leather
Clove leather glove leather
Deer skin
Buck skin deer leather
Color difference
Curing preservation
Automobile leather
sheet leather
Domestic leather
Clove gloves
Clove leather gloves
Clove leather gloves
Deer skin Deer skin Deer skin
Domestic hide and skin Domestic leather
Flexibility Flexibility
Vegetable tannage
Break Inside folds
Automobile leather (Car car leather
sheet leather)
Automobile leather (Car car leather
sheet leather) Fat
Oxalic acid Oxalic acid Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate Baking soda
Softness Softness
Astringency Astringency
Condensed tannin
Resin tannage Resin tannage
Shrink leather
Beamhouse process Preparation
Beamhouse work Preparation
Slaked leather
Slaked leather
Beamhouse process Preparation
Beamhouse work Preparation
Beamhouse work Preparation
Slaked lime
Epithelial tissue
Vegetable tannage
Short pickling
Neck and shoulders
Shoulder Silicone resin paint Silicone resin paint
Zirconium tannage Chromium tannage
Vacumm durying Vacuum drying
Pickling Pickling Acid immersion
Dip dyeing Dip dyeing
Syntan Synthetic vegetable tanning agent
Osmotic pressure Immersion pressure
Thinner Diluent
Water buffalo hide Water buffalo hide
Calcium hydroxide Calcium hydroxide
Soium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide
Hydrogen ion concentration
Hydrogen bond
Suede Forward and reverse suede
Skiver Skiver
Shaving Splitting Splitting Split
Scouring. Scouring
Steer bull
Steer hide
Spew (Spue)
Shaving Splitting
Shaving Splitting
Shaving Skiver
Skin Splitting spray gun
Spray dyeing
Spray coating
Smooth Ironing and buffing
Slunk Sedimentation
Sulfonated oil Dead tire skin
Cattle hide Sulphonated oil
Slip, sloughing
Slip, sloughing
Slurry, sloughing
Slip, sloughing <
Upper upper stitching
Lime pit
Liming soaking
Painting (Paint liming)
Lime stains (Lime-blast)
Lime plte Gray leather
Soaked leather
Soaked oil
Sulfonated oil Dead tire skin
Cattle hide
Adhesive (Glue)
Setting out Stretching Pushing out
Semi aniline finish
Color fastness
Dyeing auxiliary
Lime stains (Lime-blast)
Lime plte
Lime plte
Lime plte
Lime stains (Lime-blast)
Dyeing auxiliary
Flieshing knife
Shering shearing
Dye (Dyestuff)
Sole leather
Sloft leather
Drum turnover
Light fastness (Light resistance
resistance , Light stability)
Weather resistance
Dye (Dyestuff)
Sloft leather
Sole leather
Weathering , Weatherproof)
Water resistance(Water proof)
Heat resisting property
Abrasion resistance
Sodium carbonate Sodium carbonate
Carbohydrate Carbohydrate
Elastic fiber Elastic fiber
Tanner Tanner
Tannin Tannin
Vegetable tanned leather
Vegetable tannage
Chrome leataer
Chromium complex
Chromium complex
Chromium complexes
Chrome splits
Chrome splits
Chrome splits
Tannin Chrome splits Orchid leather
Chrome tanning (Chrome tannage)
Hair Hair
Follicle mouth Pores
Fur Hair Skin
Quebracho Nutwood
Keratin keratin
Gel gel
Raw hide and skin raw hide
Raw stock raw hide
Bating softening
Synthetic fatliquoring agen Synthetic fatliquoring agents
Hard water Hard water Hard water 硬水
Synthetic tanning agent 合成鞣劑
Composition sole 合成皮革
Synthetic tanning 合成植物鞣劑
Synthetic leather 合成底
Enzyme enzyme
Enzyme unhairing Enzyme unhairing
Scleroprotein(Albuminoid) Hard protein
Firmness Hardness
Mineral tannage Metallic tanning
Bristle Pig sideburns Sideburns
Coating Coating
Edge Wrap Bottom Edge Wrap
Corium Genuine Leather
Bacteria Bacteria
Retannage Retanning
Side Half Sheet
Side Half Sheet
Retannage Retanning
Side Half Sheet
Side Half Sheet Side half sheet
Side leather half cowhide piece
Circulator Vegetable tannage circulator
Guard hair Real hair Protective hair
Suspender Suspension
Chromic oxide
Chromium oxide
Bacteria oxide chromic oxide
Oxidation dye
Oxidative unhairing oxidative hair removal
Titanium oxide titanium dioxide
Industrial waste production waste
Acid dye( dyestuff) acid dye
Acidity acidity
Sandwitch dyeing sandwich dyeing
Buffing paper(Sand paper)
Goat or kid skin goat skin
Finishing finishing
Shaved paper
Shaved paper
Shaved paper
Shaved paper
Shaved weight
Sodium thiosulfate
Sodium thiosulfate baking soda
Cheeking slice of scalp
Veininess blood vessel scar blood tendon
Green hide
Direct dye (dyestuff)
Air permeability
Measuring machine
Cheeking machine
Veininess Measuring machine
Glazing Ironning
Lasting (Pulling over) Lasting lasted
Touch hand feeling
Iron stains
Glove leather Glove leather
Swaber Brush Brush
Natural dye Natural dye
Isoelectric point
Kerosene Kerosene
Split two-ply leather
Suede split two-ply suede
Pigment finish
Slaughter house Slaughterhouse
Topping Top coating
Top coating
Top coating
Wrinkle Wrinkle
Drycleaning Dry cleaning
Drum turning
Drum dyeing Drum dyeing
Drum liming Drum removal
Trypsin Trypsin
Trimming Trimming
Slaughter house Slaughter house
Slaughter house Slaughter house Trimming (skin, ears, hooves, tail)
Tunnel dryer
Sock lining pads Heel pads
Nappa (leather sole)
Sock lining pads
Sock lining pads
The heel pads
The heel pads
Nap finish] soft leather finish
Raw oil natural vegetable oil
Tanning (Tannage)
Ssoft water water
Flesh side Flesh side
Nitrocellulose (Nitrocellulose), a natural leather, is a natural leather that has a natural color.
Nitrocellulose finish Digestive cotton finish
Emulsion Emulsification
Fatliquoring Emulsification fatliquoring
Papillary layer
Nubuck Nubuck
Case leather Case leather
Thermoplastic resin Thermoplastic resin
Thermosetting resin Thermosetting resin
Shrinkage temperature Shrinkage temperature
Elongation at break
Hidroxyproline Hydroxyproline
Vibration staking machine Vibration staking machine
Flaying (Skinning ,Take off) Peeling
Peel adhesive
Shrinkage temperature Shrinkage temperature p>
Peel adhesion strength
Peel bond strength
Table dyeing (Brush dyeing)
Water repellency
Patent leather Patent leather
Paddle Paddle liming
Paddle liming Paddle liming
Buffing Grinding leather Pilling
Buffing dust Grinding leather Gray
Parlised leather Pearl white finish
Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Chipping
Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test Bursting strength test
Side half-sheet
Hand buff repair leather
Nonionic surfactant
Subcutaneous tissue Subcutaneous tissue
Tear strength
Buffing dust Grinding leather dust
Pearl white finish
Parlised leather strength Tear strength
Specific gravity Specific gravity
Pit pool, trough
Tensile sttength Tensile strength
Beamhouse Preparation workshop
Epidermis Epithelium
Primer (Priming agent)
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full grain
Full chunks
Full chrome leather Pure chrome tanned
Hair slip
Base coat Base coat
Belly Belly Belly leather
Pelt Naked leather
Sodium sulfate property Thermal insulation
Leather oil
Box finish
Formalsehyde glutaraldehyde
Masking agent
Pre-tanning agent
Masking agent
Matt finish
Whole hide
Wetting-back (Soaking)
Mineral oil
Mimosa Thorn
Alum tannage (Alum dressing)
Mineral tannage agent Inorganic tannage agent
Hair root Hair root
Reticular layer Reticular layer
Hair follicle
Wool grease wool grease
Preliminary fatliquoring
Lime splitting Lime splitting
Lacquer finish
Lacquer finish
Sodium sulfide sodium sulfide
Sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide
Sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide sodium sulfide p>Sodium sulfide
Sulfuric acid
Ammonium sulfate
Sulfated oil
Sodium sulfate
Phosphated oil
Sodium sulfate
Sodium sulfate
This is a phosphated oil. Phosphated oil
Leather board Recycled leather
Retannage Retanning
Rolling Polishing Rolling
Wax finish Wax finish
Wattle Thorns Thorns
Toluene Toluene
Pull -up Discoloration effect
Pull -up Discoloration effect
Pull - up Discoloration effect
Phosphate oil
Sulfated oil Sulphuric acid
Toluene Toluene
Pull -up Discoloration effect
Formodehyde Formaldehyde
Polishing Polishing
Matt Matting
Roll coater Roll coater
Sanple Sample
Sand Sand
Oxalic acid Oxalic acid
Acetone Propionate
Wax finish
Acetone Propanol
aluminum Aluminum
assembling assembling; molding
backing coating
back stitch Back stitch
bating fermentation softening
bias slanting
binding binding
bottom bottom
braided braided
break stitch breaking
buffing buffing
calendered calendering
calendered p>calendered calendered
carving carving
cementing gluing; gluing; gluing
cleaning cleansing; washing
coated; coating coating; baking
coloration coloring
counter lasting
coated; coating
coating; coating
coloring p>
design sketch
discharge print
dry operation drying
drying drying
electroplating electroplating
embroidery embroider; embroidery
exposed uncovered
extruded extruded; pressed
fabric fabric; cloth
fast colours fast colours
finishing trimming; finishing; buffing
fixing tidying up
flat flat
fleshing ( Fleshing
folding folding, folding, folding; trimming
forepart lasting waistband
friction friction; friction
galvanization galvanizing
gluing fitting; gluing
grading grading
grind edge of sole grinding edge
handsewn handsewn
hard hard
hardness hardness
heary heavy
heat transfer
height high
inner box
insert insert
insole staple on last
insole staple on last
hardness hard
hardness hardness
heary heavy
interior/outer interior/exterior
jacquard jacquard
jel print
last slipping off the last
lasting on the last
length length
loose thread
match color
mold prevention
non-crushable non-crushable
oval oval
patch piece
perforation perforation
punching picking dipping in acid
pipping cord lining
plaid lattice
polishing grinding, abrasive
portion a part of
pounding shaping
printing; printing
pull-out last
put-on last
put-on last
rear back
repair cementing
retanning, coloring
right right
round round
rubberized. rubberized
rubber patch drip-molded
rubber label drip-marked
same same
sanforized pre-shrunk
screen screen
self fabric pipping
setting shaping
setting out opening
shrink Shrinking
siping Cutting a groove
skiving Peeling
slugging cutting
small small
snaps buttons
sock laying stuffing insoles
soft soft
sole laying fitting
sole press pressing
splitting and shaving
sponge foam
squared square
staking soft
stamp stamping
stitched; stitching sewing
stripe stripe stripe striped
taffeta plain
thick thick
thickness thickness
thin thin
tissue paper thin paper; tucked paper
toe lasting climbing
toe skiving sharpening
trimming and sorting chipping and sorting
turn turning
twill twill
unhairing hair removal
wash care information washing instructions
weight weight
wet operation
wet operation width width
wrapping climbing
wringing squeezing
zigzag zigzag
artificial leather artificial leather
baseball leather
basketball leatherbasketball leather
bellow leatherbottom leather
belt leatherbelt leather
belting leatherbelt
book-binding leatherbook leather
bottom leathersole leather
boxing-glove leather
buck leather
buckle leather
buffed leather
butt leather
card leather
card leather
card leather card leather
case leather
charred leather charcoal
chamois leather suede
chrome leather
chrome tanned leather
clothing leather
combination tanned leather
combing leather
cow leather
crown leather
crup leather马臀革
crust leather坯革;半硝革
cup leather制制缸皮碗
diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]
dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革
dressing leather
drum leather
drycleanable leather
easy-care leather
embossed leather
enamel leather
enamelled leather
fair leather
fancy leather fine leather, decorative leather
finished leather
finished leather football leather football-helmet leather
football-helmet leather
furniture leather furniture leather
garment leather clothing leather
gas meter leather
glace leather
gas meter leather
gas meter leather
glaze leather
glaze leather
glace leather white tanned leather
glove leather glove leather
hair-on leather with hair
half leather half leather binding, half leather binding
harness leather harness leather
hat leather hat leather
hat sweatband leather hat ring leather
heavy leather thick leather
heel leather (shoes) heel leather
hunting leather coarse suede
hydraulic leatherhydraulic leather (sealing leather)
imitation leatherCowhide binding, patent cloth binding, artificial leather binding
industrial leatherIndustrial leather
iron tanned leatherIron tanned leather
japanned leather leather patent leather
kangaroo leather kangaroo leather
kaspine leather kaspine leather
levant leather crinkled leather; Moroccan leather
light leather
line leather harness leather
lining leather <
lining leather
luggage leather
mountain leather asbestos
napped leather nubuck leather
oar leather
oil seal oil seal leather
oiled leather
oil-tanned leather
organ-pipe leather
packing leather bowl
paper based artificial leather paper based artificial leather
patent leather lacquered leather
patent leather lacquered leather
piano leather
piston packing leather
piston packing leather
plated leather ironing leather
piston packing leather
portmanteau leather travel bag leather
rein leather harness leather
rock leather a kind of asbestos
rolled leather rolled leather
roller leather axle leather
rough-tanned leather rough-tanned leather
rubbing leathers spun rubbing leathers
Russia(n) leather Russia(n) leather
saddle leather
saffian leather; moroccan leather
scrap leather; scrap leather
semi-aniline leather
semi-chrome leather
sheep leather
sheep leather(sheep)
shrink leather crinkle leather
skirt leather vegetable tanned cowhide blank leather
slick-surfaced leather glossy leather
soccerballleather soccer leather
softleather soft leather
soleleather sole leather
stirrup leather
strop leather
suede leather
sweat band leather
sweat band leather
synthetic leather synthetic leather synthetic belt
textile machinery leather textile machine leather
tie and dye leather tie and dye leather
two-tone leather two-toned leather
upholstery leather leather upholstery leather
upper leather top leather
valve leather
vegetable tanned sole leather
velvet leather positive suede
zirconium tanned leather
tie and dye leather
two-tone leather
two-tone leather two-tone
upholstery leather
upholstery leather zirconium tanned leather
volleyball leather
wash leather
washable chamois leather
welting leather
welting leather leather; trimmed leather
white leather; alum tanned leather