1, responsible for the technical management of electric energy metering.
2, the development of 10KV meter weekly inspection plan, and supervise the implementation.
3, is responsible for the whole bureau off the measurement of reading, calibration and inspection.
4, is responsible for monthly 35KV, 10KV bus power balance analysis under the jurisdiction of the Bureau, and timely feedback.
5, is responsible for receiving the power supply offices to reflect the metering device failure and customer reflection of metering failures and other processing.
6, responsible for the acceptance of metering devices.
7, held a special meeting on metering, supervision and promotion of metering work.
8, the measurement of the work of the various issues arising from the investigation and analysis, timely treatment or provide advice for leadership decision-making.
9, to grasp the whole bureau of electrical energy measurement of personnel training, and further improve the technical level of measurement personnel.
10, to complete other tasks assigned by the leadership.